

A collection of Powershell tools to interface with the Jira Insight API.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PSInsight -RequiredVersion 1.16.20210421.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PSInsight -Version 1.16.20210421.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2020 Gary Smith. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Gary Smith


Jira Insight PSInsight API CMDB Asset


Get-InsightObjectSchema New-InsightObjectSchema Remove-InsightObjectSchema Set-InsightObjectSchema Get-InsightStatuses New-InsightStatuses Remove-InsightObjectTypes Set-InsightStatuses Get-InsightObjectTypeAttributes New-InsightObjectTypeAttributes Remove-InsightObjectTypeAttributes Set-InsightObjectTypeAttributes Get-InsightIcons Build-ObjectType Build-Schema Connect-MEMCM Convert-ChassisType Get-MEMCMSQL_ExtendedInfo Get-ZoomRoomsObjects Test-Module Find-InsightObjects Find-InsightObjectsAdvanced Get-InsightObject New-InsightObject New-InsightObjectAttribute Remove-InsightObject Set-InsightObject Get-InsightObjectTypes New-InsightObjectTypes Set-InsightObjectTypes


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

- Find-InsightObjectsAdvanced bug fix for attributesToDisplay (Still seems to be bug at Insight end)
- Find-InsightObjectsAdvanced Added ShowJSON switch that will show json and break out of function. Good for troubleshooting
- ObjectTypes.json updated to include status field.
- Connect-MEMCM cleaned up and removed unwanted code
- New-InsightObjectTypeAttributes updated JSON depth.. descriptions still not working logged ticket to Insight
- New-InsightObjectAttribute Removed whitespace
- Build-ObjectType Removed whitespace and test code.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.25.20210511.0 3,367 5/11/2021
1.24.20210511.0 17 5/11/2021
1.23.20210511.0 17 5/11/2021
1.22.20210507.0 258 5/7/2021
1.21.20210507.0 17 5/7/2021
1.20.20210506.0 76 5/6/2021
1.19.20210430.0 19 4/30/2021
1.18.20210428.0 19 4/28/2021
1.17.20210422.0 18 4/22/2021
1.16.20210421.0 (current version) 13 4/21/2021
1.15.20210414.0 21 4/14/2021
1.14.20210413.0 15 4/13/2021
1.13.20210412.0 14 4/12/2021
1.12.20210409.0 13 4/9/2021
1.11.20210408.0 13 4/8/2021
1.10.20210408.0 14 4/8/2021
1.9.20210408.0 16 4/8/2021
1.8.20210408.0 14 4/8/2021
1.7.20210408.0 15 4/8/2021
1.6.20210407.0 14 4/7/2021
1.5.20201023.0 75 10/23/2020
1.4.20201022.0 13 10/22/2020
1.3.20201021.0 15 10/21/2020
1.2.20201021.0 14 10/21/2020
1.1.20201021.0 13 10/21/2020
1.0.0 14 9/23/2020
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