$defaultTentacleDownloadUrl = "https://octopus.com/downloads/latest/OctopusTentacle" $defaultTentacleDownloadUrl64 = "https://octopus.com/downloads/latest/OctopusTentacle64" # dot-source the helper file (cannot load as a module due to scope considerations) . (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -ChildPath 'OctopusDSCHelpers.ps1') function Get-APIResult { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $ServerUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $API, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $APIKey ) # Check to see if the server url ends with a / if (!$ServerUrl.EndsWith("/")) { # Add trailing slash $ServerUrl = "$ServerUrl/" } # form the api endpoint $apiEndpoint = "{0}api{1}" -f $ServerUrl, $API # Call API and capture results $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiEndpoint -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey"="$APIKey"} -UseBasicParsing # return the result return ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $results } function Get-MachineFromOctopusServer { # Define parameters param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $ServerUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $APIKey, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Instance ) # Get all the machines form Octopus $machines = Get-APIResult -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -APIKey $APIKey -API "/machines/all" # Get this machine's thumbprint $thumbprint = Get-TentacleThumbprint -Instance $Instance # Attempt to find this machine by machine name $machine = $machines | Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint -eq $thumbprint} # return the machine reference return $machine } function Get-TentacleThumbprint { param ( $Instance ) $tentaclepath = "${env:ProgramFiles}\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle" # Get the thumbprint of this tentacle. original version added non-printing chars $thumbprint = & $tentaclepath\tentacle.exe show-thumbprint --instance=$Instance --console --thumbprint-only return $thumbprint } function Get-WorkerPoolMembership { # Declare parameters param ( $ServerUrl, $Thumbprint, $ApiKey ) # Get all worker pool refereces $octoWorkerPools = Get-APIResult -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -ApiKey $ApiKey -API "/workerpools/all" # Declare working variables $workerPoolMembership = @() # Loop through the worker pools foreach ($octoWorkerPool in $octoWorkerPools) { # Get reference to the workers in this pool $workersall = Get-APIResult -ServerUrl $ServerUrl -ApiKey $ApiKey -API "/workers/all" $workers = $workersall | Where-Object { $_.WorkerPoolIds -contains $($octoWorkerPool.Id) } # Check to see if the thumbprint is listed $workerWithThumbprint = ($workers | Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumbprint}) if ($null -ne $workerWithThumbprint) { # Add the workerpool to the array $workerPoolMembership += $octoWorkerPool } } # Return the pools that this thumbprint is in return $workerPoolMembership } Function Test-ParameterSet { param( [string]$publicHostNameConfiguration, [string]$CustomPublicHostName ) if($publicHostNameConfiguration -eq "Custom" -and [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CustomPublicHostName)) { throw "PublicHostNameConfiguration was set to 'Custom' but an invalid or null CustomPublicHostName was specified" } } function Get-TargetResource { [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string]$Ensure = "Present", [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [ValidateSet("Started", "Stopped")] [string]$State = "Started", [ValidateSet("Listen", "Poll")] [string]$CommunicationMode = "Listen", [string]$ApiKey, [string]$DisplayName = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)_$Name", [string]$OctopusServerUrl, [string[]]$Environments = "", [string[]]$Roles = "", [string]$Policy, [string[]]$Tenants = "", [string[]]$TenantTags = "", [string]$DefaultApplicationDirectory, [int]$ListenPort = 10933, [int]$TentacleCommsPort = 0, [int]$ServerPort = 10943, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl = $defaultTentacleDownloadUrl, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl64 = $defaultTentacleDownloadUrl64, [ValidateSet("PublicIp", "FQDN", "ComputerName", "Custom")] [string]$PublicHostNameConfiguration = "PublicIp", [string]$CustomPublicHostName, [string]$TentacleHomeDirectory = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus", [bool]$RegisterWithServer = $true, [string]$OctopusServerThumbprint, [PSCredential]$TentacleServiceCredential, [string[]]$WorkerPools, [ValidateSet("Untenanted","TenantedOrUntenanted","Tenanted")] [string]$TenantedDeploymentParticipation ) Test-ParameterSet -publicHostNameConfiguration $PublicHostNameConfiguration ` -customPublicHostName $CustomPublicHostName Write-Verbose "Checking if Tentacle is installed" $installLocation = (Get-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\Software\Octopus\Tentacle" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).InstallLocation $present = ($null -ne $installLocation) Write-Verbose "Tentacle present: $present" $currentEnsure = if ($present) { "Present" } else { "Absent" } $serviceName = (Get-TentacleServiceName $Name) Write-Verbose "Checking for Windows Service: $serviceName" $serviceInstance = Get-Service -Name $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $currentState = "Stopped" if ($null -ne $serviceInstance) { Write-Verbose "Windows service: $($serviceInstance.Status)" if ($serviceInstance.Status -eq "Running") { $currentState = "Started" } if ($currentEnsure -eq "Absent") { Write-Verbose "Since the Windows Service is still installed, the service is present" $currentEnsure = "Present" } } else { Write-Verbose "Windows service: Not installed" $currentEnsure = "Absent" } $originalDownloadUrl = $null if (Test-Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\Octopus.DSC.installstate") { $originalDownloadUrl = (Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\Octopus.DSC.installstate" | ConvertFrom-Json).TentacleDownloadUrl } return @{ Name = $Name; Ensure = $currentEnsure; State = $currentState; TentacleDownloadUrl = $originalDownloadUrl; }; } # test a variable has a value (whether its an array or string) function Test-Value($value) { if ($null -eq $value) { return $false } if ($value -eq "") { return $false } if ($value.length -eq 0) { return $false } if ($value.length -eq 1 -and $value[0].length -eq 0) { return $false } return $true } function Confirm-RegistrationParameter { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string] $Ensure, [bool]$RegisterWithServer, [string[]]$Environments, [string[]]$Roles, [string]$Policy, [string[]]$Tenants, [string[]]$TenantTags, [string]$OctopusServerUrl, [string]$ApiKey ) if ($Ensure -eq "Absent") { if ((-not (Test-Value($ApiKey))) -and (($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle to be de-registered from the server, but not provided the 'ApiKey' configuration argument. " + ` "Please specify the 'ApiKey' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$False'." } } elseif ((Test-Value($Roles)) -and (-not ($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle not to be registered with the server, but still provided a the 'Roles' configuration argument. " + ` "Please remove the 'Roles' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$True'." } elseif ((Test-Value($Environments)) -and (-not ($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle not to be registered with the server, but still provided a the 'Environments' configuration argument. " + ` "Please remove the 'Environments' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$True'." } elseif ((Test-Value($Tenants)) -and (-not ($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle not to be registered with the server, but still provided a the 'Tenants' configuration argument. " + ` "Please remove the 'Tenants' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$True'." } elseif ((Test-Value($TenantTags)) -and (-not ($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle not to be registered with the server, but still provided a the 'TenantTags' configuration argument. " + ` "Please remove the 'TenantTags' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$True'." } elseif ((Test-Value($Policy)) -and (-not ($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle not to be registered with the server, but still provided a the 'Policy' configuration argument. " + ` "Please remove the 'Policy' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$True'." } elseif ((-not (Test-Value($OctopusServerUrl))) -and (($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle to be registered with the server, but not provided the 'OctopusServerUrl' configuration argument. " + ` "Please specify the 'OctopusServerUrl' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$False'." } elseif ((-not (Test-Value($ApiKey))) -and (($RegisterWithServer))) { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the Tentacle to be registered with the server, but not provided the 'ApiKey' configuration argument. " + ` "Please specify the 'ApiKey' configuration argument or set 'RegisterWithServer = `$False'." } } function Confirm-RequestedState() { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Hashtable]$parameters ) if ($parameters['Ensure'] -eq "Absent" -and $parameters['State'] -eq "Started") { throw "Invalid configuration requested. " + ` "You have asked for the service to not exist, but also be running at the same time. " + ` "You probably want 'State = `"Stopped`"'." } } function Set-TargetResource { param ( [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string]$Ensure = "Present", [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [ValidateSet("Started", "Stopped")] [string]$State = "Started", [ValidateSet("Listen", "Poll")] [string]$CommunicationMode = "Listen", [string]$ApiKey, [string]$OctopusServerUrl, [string]$DisplayName = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)_$Name", [string[]]$Environments = "", [string[]]$Roles = "", [string]$Policy, [string[]]$Tenants = "", [string[]]$TenantTags = "", [string]$DefaultApplicationDirectory = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Applications", [int]$ListenPort = 10933, [int]$TentacleCommsPort = 0, [int]$ServerPort = 10943, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl = $defaultTentacleDownloadUrl, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl64 = $defaultTentacleDownloadUrl64, [ValidateSet("PublicIp", "FQDN", "ComputerName", "Custom")] [string]$PublicHostNameConfiguration = "PublicIp", [string]$CustomPublicHostName, [string]$TentacleHomeDirectory = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus", [bool]$RegisterWithServer = $true, [string]$OctopusServerThumbprint, [PSCredential]$TentacleServiceCredential, [string[]]$WorkerPools, [ValidateSet("Untenanted","TenantedOrUntenanted","Tenanted")] [string]$TenantedDeploymentParticipation ) Confirm-RequestedState $PSBoundParameters Confirm-RegistrationParameter ` -Ensure $Ensure ` -RegisterWithServer $RegisterWithServer ` -Environments $Environments ` -Roles $Roles ` -Policy $Policy ` -Tenants $Tenants ` -TenantTags $TenantTags ` -OctopusServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl ` -ApiKey $ApiKey $currentResource = (Get-TargetResource -Name $Name -Ensure $Ensure) Write-Verbose "Configuring Tentacle..." if ($State -eq "Stopped" -and $currentResource["State"] -eq "Started") { $serviceName = (Get-TentacleServiceName $Name) Write-Verbose "Stopping $serviceName" Stop-Service -Name $serviceName -Force } if ($Ensure -eq "Absent" -and $currentResource["Ensure"] -eq "Present") { if ($RegisterWithServer) { Remove-TentacleRegistration -name $Name -apiKey $ApiKey -octopusServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl } $serviceName = (Get-TentacleServiceName $Name) Write-Verbose "Deleting service $serviceName..." Invoke-AndAssert { & sc.exe delete $serviceName } $otherServices = @(Get-CimInstance win32_service | Where-Object {$_.PathName -like "`"$($env:ProgramFiles)\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe*"}) if ($otherServices.length -eq 0) { # Uninstall msi Invoke-MsiUninstall } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping uninstall, as other tentacles still exist:" foreach ($otherService in $otherServices) { Write-Verbose " - $($otherService.Name)" } } } elseif ($Ensure -eq "Present" -and $currentResource["Ensure"] -eq "Absent") { Write-Verbose "Installing Tentacle..." New-Tentacle -name $Name ` -apiKey $ApiKey ` -octopusServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl ` -port $ListenPort ` -tentacleCommsPort $TentacleCommsPort ` -displayName $DisplayName ` -environments $Environments ` -roles $Roles ` -policy $Policy ` -tenants $Tenants ` -tenantTags $TenantTags ` -defaultApplicationDirectory $DefaultApplicationDirectory ` -tentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl ` -tentacleDownloadUrl64 $tentacleDownloadUrl64 ` -communicationMode $CommunicationMode ` -serverPort $ServerPort ` -publicHostNameConfiguration $PublicHostNameConfiguration ` -customPublicHostName $CustomPublicHostName ` -tentacleHomeDirectory $TentacleHomeDirectory ` -registerWithServer $RegisterWithServer ` -octopusServerThumbprint $OctopusServerThumbprint ` -TentacleServiceCredential $TentacleServiceCredential ` -WorkerPools $WorkerPools ` -TenantedDeploymentParticipation $TenantedDeploymentParticipation Write-Verbose "Tentacle installed!" } elseif ($Ensure -eq "Present" -and $currentResource["TentacleDownloadUrl"] -ne (Get-TentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl64)) { Write-Verbose "Upgrading Tentacle..." $serviceName = (Get-TentacleServiceName $Name) Stop-Service -Name $serviceName Install-Tentacle -name $name ` -tentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl ` -tentacleDownloadUrl64 $tentacleDownloadUrl64 ` -tentacleHomeDirectory $TentacleHomeDirectory if ($State -eq "Started") { Start-Service $serviceName } Write-Verbose "Tentacle upgraded!" } elseif ($Ensure -eq "Present" -and $currentResource["Ensure"] -eq "Present") { # Check to see if roles and environments have something if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Environments) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Roles)) { # Re-register tentacle Register-Tentacle -name $Name ` -apiKey $ApiKey ` -octopusServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl ` -environments $Environments ` -roles $Roles ` -tenants $Tenants ` -tenantTags $TenantTags ` -policy $Policy ` -communicationMode $CommunicationMode ` -displayName $DisplayName ` -publicHostNameConfiguration $PublicHostNameConfiguration ` -customPublicHostName $CustomPublicHostName ` -port $ListenPort ` -serverPort $ServerPort ` -tentacleCommsPort $TentacleCommsPort ` -TenantedDeploymentParticipation $TenantedDeploymentParticipation } # Check worker pools if (($null -ne $WorkerPools) -and ($WorkerPools.Count -gt 0)) { # Add worker pools Write-Verbose "Adding $Name to worker pools $($workerPools -join ", ")." # Add the tentacle to specified worker pools Add-TentacleToWorkerPool -name $Name -octopusServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl -apiKey $ApiKey -workerPools $WorkerPools } } if ($State -eq "Started" -and $currentResource["State"] -eq "Stopped") { $serviceName = (Get-TentacleServiceName $Name) Write-Verbose "Starting $serviceName" Start-Service -Name $serviceName } Write-Verbose "Finished" } function Test-TargetResource { param ( [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string]$Ensure = "Present", [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [ValidateSet("Started", "Stopped")] [string]$State = "Started", [ValidateSet("Listen", "Poll")] [string]$CommunicationMode = "Listen", [string]$ApiKey, [string]$OctopusServerUrl, [string]$DisplayName = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)_$Name", [string[]]$Environments = "", [string[]]$Roles = "", [string]$Policy, [string[]]$Tenants = "", [string[]]$TenantTags = "", [string]$DefaultApplicationDirectory, [int]$ListenPort = 10933, [int]$TentacleCommsPort = 0, [int]$ServerPort = 10943, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl = $defaultTentacleDownloadUrl, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl64 = $defaultTentacleDownloadUrl64, [ValidateSet("PublicIp", "FQDN", "ComputerName", "Custom")] [string]$PublicHostNameConfiguration = "PublicIp", [string]$CustomPublicHostName, [string]$TentacleHomeDirectory = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus", [bool]$RegisterWithServer = $true, [string]$OctopusServerThumbprint, [PSCredential]$TentacleServiceCredential, [string[]]$WorkerPools, [ValidateSet("Untenanted","TenantedOrUntenanted","Tenanted")] [string]$TenantedDeploymentParticipation ) $currentResource = (Get-TargetResource -Name $Name) $ensureMatch = $currentResource["Ensure"] -eq $Ensure Write-Verbose "Ensure: $($currentResource["Ensure"]) vs. $Ensure = $ensureMatch" if (!$ensureMatch) { return $false } $stateMatch = $currentResource["State"] -eq $State Write-Verbose "State: $($currentResource["State"]) vs. $State = $stateMatch" if (!$stateMatch) { return $false } if ($null -ne $currentResource["TentacleDownloadUrl"]) { $requestedDownloadUrl = Get-TentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl64 $downloadUrlsMatch = $requestedDownloadUrl -eq $currentResource["TentacleDownloadUrl"] Write-Verbose "Download Url: $($currentResource["TentacleDownloadUrl"]) vs. $requestedDownloadUrl = $downloadUrlsMatch" if (!$downloadUrlsMatch) { return $false } } # Check Ensure value if ($Ensure -eq "Present" -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OctopusServerUrl)) { # Get reference to machine $machine = Get-MachineFromOctopusServer -ServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl -APIKey $ApiKey -Instance $Name # Check to see if machine returned anything if ($null -ne $machine) { # Compare environment counts if ($Environments.Count -ne $machine.EnvironmentIds.Count) { # Display message Write-Verbose "Environment counts do not match, not in desired state." # Not in desired state return $false } else { # Compare environment names foreach ($environmentId in $machine.EnvironmentIds) { # Get environment reference $environment = Get-APIResult -ServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl -ApiKey $ApiKey -API "/environments/$environmentId" # Verify that the environment is in the list of environments if ($Environments -notcontains $environment.Name) { # Display message Write-Verbose "Machine currently has environment $($environment.Name), which is not listed in the passed in Environment list. Machine is not in desired state." # Not in desired state return $false } } } # Get thumbprint $tentacleThumbprint = Get-TentacleThumbprint -Instance $Name # Get worker pool membership $workerPoolMembership = Get-WorkerPoolMembership -ServerUrl $OctopusServerUrl -ApiKey $ApiKey -Thumbprint $tentacleThumbprint # Compare worker pool counts if ($WorkerPools.Count -ne $workerPoolMembership.Count) { # Worker pool counts do not match Write-Verbose "Worker pool counts do not match, not in desired state." return $false } else { # Loop through the worker pool membership foreach ($workerPool in $workerPoolMembership) { # Check to see if it's in the lsit if ($WorkerPools -notcontains $workerPool.Name) { # Not in desired state Write-Verbose "Worker pool membership is not in desired state." return $false } } } # Check role counts if ($Roles.Count -ne $machine.Roles.Count) { # Display message Write-Verbose "Role counts do not match, not in desired state." # return false return $false } else { # Compare array contents $differences = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Roles -DifferenceObject $machine.Roles # Check to see if $differences is null if ($null -ne $differences) { # Display message Write-Verbose "Tentacle roles do not match specified roles, not in desired state." # return false return $false } } } } return $true } function Get-TentacleServiceName { param ( [string]$instanceName ) if ($instanceName -eq "Tentacle") { return "OctopusDeploy Tentacle" } else { return "OctopusDeploy Tentacle: $instanceName" } } # After the Tentacle is registered with Octopus, Tentacle listens on a TCP port, and Octopus connects to it. The Octopus server # needs to know the public IP address to use to connect to this Tentacle instance. Function Get-MyPublicIPAddress { [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "")] param() Write-Verbose "Getting public IP address" [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = @( [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12, [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 ) $publicIPServices = @('https://api.ipify.org/', 'https://canhazip.com/', 'https://ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com/') $ip = $null $x = 0 while($null -eq $ip -and $x -lt $publicIPServices.Length) { try { $target = $publicIpServices[$x++] $ip = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $target } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to find a public IP via $target. Reason: $_ " } } if($null -eq $ip) { throw "Unable to determine your Public IP address. Please supply a hostname or IP address via the PublicHostName parameter." } try { [Ipaddress]$ip | Out-Null } catch { throw "Detected Public IP address '$ip', but we we couldn't parse it as an IPv4 address." } return $ip } function Install-Tentacle { param ( [string]$name, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl64, [string]$tentacleHomeDirectory ) Write-Verbose "Beginning Tentacle installation" $actualTentacleDownloadUrl = Get-TentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl64 if (-not (Test-Path $tentacleHomeDirectory)) { Write-Verbose "Tentacle Home directory does not exist. Creating..." New-Item -Path "$tentacleHomeDirectory" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $tentaclePath = "$tentacleHomeDirectory\Tentacle.msi" if ((Test-Path $tentaclePath) -eq $true) { Remove-Item $tentaclePath -force } Write-Verbose "Downloading Octopus Tentacle MSI from $actualTentacleDownloadUrl to $tentaclePath" Request-File $actualTentacleDownloadUrl $tentaclePath if (-not (Test-Path $env:TEMP)) { Write-Verbose "Configured temp folder does not currently exist, creating..." New-Item $env:TEMP -ItemType Directory -force | Out-Null # an edge case when the env var exists but the folder does not } $logDirectory = Get-LogDirectory Invoke-MsiExec -name $name -logDirectory $logDirectory -msiPath $tentaclePath if (-not (Test-Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus")) { Write-Verbose "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus not found. Creating..." New-Item -type Directory "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus" -Force | Out-Null } Update-InstallState "TentacleDownloadUrl" $actualTentacleDownloadUrl -global } function Get-LogDirectory { $logDirectory = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\logs" if (-not (Test-Path $logDirectory)) { New-Item -type Directory $logDirectory | out-null } return $logDirectory } function Update-InstallState { param ( [string]$key, [string]$value, [switch]$global = $false ) if ((Test-Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\Octopus.DSC.installstate") -or $global) # do we already have a legacy installstate file, or are we writing global settings? { $installStateFile = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\Octopus.DSC.installstate" } else { $installStateFile = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus\Octopus.DSC.$script:instancecontext.installstate" } $currentInstallState = @{} if (Test-Path $installStateFile) { $fileContent = (Get-Content -Raw -Path $installStateFile | ConvertFrom-Json) $fileContent.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object { $currentInstallState[$_.Name] = $_.Value } } $currentInstallState.Set_Item($key, $value) $currentInstallState | ConvertTo-Json | set-content $installStateFile } function Invoke-MsiExec ($name, $logDirectory, $msiPath) { Write-Verbose "Installing MSI..." $msiLog = "$logDirectory\Tentacle.$name.msi.log" write-verbose "Executing 'msiexec.exe /i $msiPath /quiet /l*v $msiLog'" $msiExitCode = (Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList @("/i", "`"$msiPath`"", "/quiet", "/l*v", $msiLog) -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode Write-Verbose "MSI installer returned exit code $msiExitCode" if ($msiExitCode -ne 0) { throw "Installation of the MSI failed; MSIEXEC exited with code: $msiExitCode. View the log at $msiLog" } } function Invoke-MsiUninstall { Write-Verbose "Uninstalling Tentacle..." if (-not (Test-Path "$TentacleHomeDirectory\logs")) { Write-Verbose "Log directory does not exist. Creating..." New-Item -type Directory "$TentacleHomeDirectory\logs" | Out-Null } $tentaclePath = "$TentacleHomeDirectory\Tentacle.msi" $msiLog = "$TentacleHomeDirectory\logs\Tentacle.msi.uninstall.log" if (test-path $tentaclePath) { $msiExitCode = (Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/x `"$tentaclePath`" /quiet /l*v `"$msiLog`"" -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode Write-Verbose "Tentacle MSI installer returned exit code $msiExitCode" if ($msiExitCode -ne 0) { throw "Removal of Tentacle failed, MSIEXEC exited with code: $msiExitCode. View the log at $msiLog" } } else { throw "Tentacle cannot be removed, because the MSI could not be found." } } function New-Tentacle { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$name, [string]$apiKey, [string]$octopusServerUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$environments = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$roles = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$tenants = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$tenantTags = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$policy, [int]$port = 10933, [int]$tentacleCommsPort = 0, [string]$displayName, [string]$defaultApplicationDirectory, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl64, [ValidateSet("Listen", "Poll")] [string]$communicationMode = "Listen", [int]$serverPort = 10943, [ValidateSet("PublicIp", "FQDN", "ComputerName", "Custom")] [string]$publicHostNameConfiguration = "PublicIp", [string]$customPublicHostName, [string]$tentacleHomeDirectory = "$($env:SystemDrive)\Octopus", [bool]$registerWithServer = $true, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$octopusServerThumbprint, [PSCredential]$TentacleServiceCredential, [string[]] $workerPools, [string]$TenantedDeploymentParticipation ) Install-Tentacle -Name $name ` -tentacleDownloadUrl $tentacleDownloadUrl ` -tentacleDownloadUrl64 $tentacleDownloadUrl64 ` -tentacleHomeDirectory $tentacleHomeDirectory if ($communicationMode -eq "Listen") { $windowsFirewall = Get-Service -Name MpsSvc if ($windowsFirewall.Status -eq "Running") { # Check to see if the firewall rule already exists $rules = Invoke-Command {& netsh.exe advfirewall firewall show rule name="Octopus Tentacle: $Name"} | Write-Output if ($rules -eq "No rules match the specified criteria.") { Write-Verbose "Open port $port on Windows Firewall" Invoke-AndAssert { & netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule protocol=TCP dir=in localport=$port action=allow name="Octopus Tentacle: $Name" } } else { Write-Verbose "Tentacle firewall rule already exists, skipping firewall rule addition" } } else { Write-Verbose "Windows Firewall Service is not running... skipping firewall rule addition" } } Write-Verbose "Configuring and registering Tentacle" $tentacleAppDirectory = $DefaultApplicationDirectory $tentacleConfigFile = "$tentacleHomeDirectory\$Name\Tentacle.config" Write-Verbose "Tentacle configuration set as $tentacleConfigFile" Invoke-TentacleCommand @("create-instance", "--instance", "$name", "--config", "$tentacleConfigFile", "--console") Invoke-TentacleCommand @("configure", "--instance", "$name", "--home", "$tentacleHomeDirectory", "--console") Invoke-TentacleCommand @("configure", "--instance", "$name", "--app", "$tentacleAppDirectory", "--console") Invoke-TentacleCommand @("new-certificate", "--instance", "$name", "--console") if (($null -ne $octopusServerThumbprint) -and ($octopusServerThumbprint -ne "")) { Invoke-TentacleCommand @("configure", "--instance", "$name", "--trust", "$octopusServerThumbprint", "--console") } if ($CommunicationMode -eq "Listen") { Invoke-TentacleCommand @("configure", "--instance", "$name", "--port", "$port", "--console") } else { Invoke-TentacleCommand @("configure", "--instance", "$name", "--port", "$port", "--noListen", "True", "--console") } $serviceArgs = @( 'service', '--install', '--instance', $name, '--console', '--reconfigure' ) if ($TentacleServiceCredential) { Write-Verbose "Adding Service identity to installation command" $serviceArgs += @( '--username', $TentacleServiceCredential.UserName '--password', $TentacleServiceCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ) } Invoke-TentacleCommand $serviceArgs Pop-Location if ($registerWithServer) { if (($null -ne $octopusServerThumbprint) -and ($octopusServerThumbprint -ne "")) { Invoke-TentacleCommand @("configure", "--instance", "$name", "--trust", $octopusServerThumbprint, "--console") } # Check to see if roles and environments have something if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Environments) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Roles)) { # Register the tentacle Register-Tentacle -name $name ` -apiKey $apiKey ` -octopusServerUrl $octopusServerUrl ` -environments $environments ` -roles $roles ` -tenants $tenants ` -tenantTags $tenantTags ` -policy $policy ` -communicationMode $communicationMode ` -displayName $displayName ` -publicHostNameConfiguration $publicHostNameConfiguration ` -customPublicHostName $customPublicHostName ` -serverPort $serverPort ` -port $port ` -tentacleCommsPort $tentacleCommsPort ` -TenantedDeploymentParticipation $TenantedDeploymentParticipation } # Check worker pools if (($null -ne $workerPools) -and ($workerPools.Count -gt 0)) { # Add the worker pools Add-TentacleToWorkerPool -name $name -octopusServerUrl $octopusServerUrl -apiKey $apiKey -workerPools $workerPools } } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping registration with server as 'RegisterWithServer' is set to '$registerWithServer'" } Write-Verbose "Tentacle commands complete" } function Get-PublicHostName { param ( [ValidateSet("PublicIp", "FQDN", "ComputerName", "Custom")] [string]$publicHostNameConfiguration = "PublicIp", [string]$customPublicHostName ) if ($publicHostNameConfiguration -eq "Custom") { $publicHostName = $customPublicHostName } elseif ($publicHostNameConfiguration -eq "FQDN") { $publicHostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:computerName).HostName } elseif ($publicHostNameConfiguration -eq "ComputerName") { $publicHostName = $env:COMPUTERNAME } else { $publicHostName = Get-MyPublicIPAddress } $publicHostName = $publicHostName.Trim() return $publicHostName } function Get-TentacleDownloadUrl { param ( [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl, [string]$tentacleDownloadUrl64 ) if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) { return $tentacleDownloadUrl } return $tentacleDownloadUrl64 } function Remove-TentacleRegistration { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$apiKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$octopusServerUrl ) if (Test-TentacleExecutableExists) { Write-Verbose "Beginning Tentacle deregistration" Invoke-TentacleCommand @("deregister-from", "--instance", "$name", "--server", $octopusServerUrl, "--apiKey", $apiKey, "--console") } else { Write-Verbose "Could not find Tentacle.exe" } } function Remove-WorkerPoolRegistration { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$octopusServerUrl, [Parameter()] [string]$apiKey, [Parameter()] [PSCredential]$TentacleServiceCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$name ) $tentacleDir = "${env:ProgramFiles}\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle" if ((Test-Path -Path $tentacleDir) -and (Test-Path -Path "$tentacleDir\tentacle.exe")) { Write-Verbose "Deregistering $($env:ComputerName) from worker pools" $argumentList = @( "deregister-worker", "--instance", $name, "--server", $octopusServerUrl, "--console" ) if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apiKey)) { $argumentList += @( "--apiKey", $apiKey ) } elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TentacleServiceCredential)) { $argumentList += @( "--username", $TentacleServiceCredential.UserName, "--password", $TentacleServiceCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ) } else { throw "Both APIKey and TentacleServiceCredential are null!" } Invoke-TentacleCommand $argumentList } else { throw "Could not find Tentacle.exe" } } function Add-TentacleToWorkerPool { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $octopusServerUrl, [Parameter()] [string] $apiKey, [Parameter()] [PSCredential] $TentacleServiceCredential, [Parameter()] [String[]] $workerPools ) $tentacleDir = "${env:ProgramFiles}\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle" if ((Test-Path -Path $tentacleDir) -and (Test-Path -Path "$tentacleDir\tentacle.exe")) { Write-Verbose "Adding $($env:COMPUTERNAME) to pool(s) $([System.String]::Join(", ", $workerPools))" $argumentList = @( "register-worker", "--instance", $name, "--server", $octopusServerUrl, "--force" ) if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apiKey)) { $argumentList += @( "--apiKey", $apiKey ) } elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TentacleServiceCredential)) { $argumentList += @( "--username", $TentacleServiceCredential.UserName, "--password", $TentacleServiceCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password ) } else { throw "Both APIKey and TentacleServiceCredential are null!" } foreach ($workerPool in $workerPools) { Write-Verbose "Appending worker pool name $WorkerPool" $argumentList += @( "--workerpool", $workerPool ) } Invoke-TentacleCommand $argumentList } } function Register-Tentacle { param ( [string]$name, [string]$apiKey, [string]$octopusServerUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$environments = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$roles = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$tenants = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$tenantTags = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$policy, [ValidateSet("Listen", "Poll")] [string]$communicationMode = "Listen", [string]$displayName, [string]$publicHostNameConfiguration = "PublicIp", [string]$customPublicHostName, [int]$serverPort = 10943, [int]$port = 10933, [int]$tentacleCommsPort = 0, [string]$TenantedDeploymentParticipation ) if ($port -eq 0) { $port = 10933 } if ($tentacleCommsPort -eq 0) { $tentacleCommsPort = $port } # Define working variables $registerArguments = @( "register-with", "--instance", $name, "--server", $octopusServerUrl, "--name", $displayName, "--apiKey", $apiKey, "--force", "--console" ) if (($null -ne $policy) -and ($policy -ne "")) { $registerArguments += @("--policy", $policy) } if ($CommunicationMode -eq "Listen") { $publicHostName = Get-PublicHostName $publicHostNameConfiguration $customPublicHostName Write-Verbose "Public host name: $publicHostName" $registerArguments += @( "--comms-style", "TentaclePassive", "--publicHostName", $publicHostName ) if ($tentacleCommsPort -ne $port) { $registerArguments += @("--tentacle-comms-port", $tentacleCommsPort) } } else { $registerArguments += @( "--comms-style", "TentacleActive", "--server-comms-port", $serverPort ) } if ($environments -ne "" -and $environments.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($environment in $environments) { foreach ($e2 in $environment.Split(',')) { $registerArguments += "--environment" $registerArguments += $e2.Trim() } } } if ($roles -ne "" -and $roles.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($role in $roles) { foreach ($r2 in $role.Split(',')) { $registerArguments += "--role" $registerArguments += $r2.Trim() } } } if ($tenants -ne "" -and $tenants.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($tenant in $tenants) { foreach ($t2 in $tenant.Split(',')) { $registerArguments += "--tenant" $registerArguments += $t2.Trim() } } } if ($tenantTags -ne "" -and $tenantTags.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($tenantTag in $tenantTags) { foreach ($tt2 in $tenantTag.Split(',')) { $registerArguments += "--tenanttag" $registerArguments += $tt2.Trim() } } } if ($TenantedDeploymentParticipation -ne "") { $registerArguments += @("--tenanted-deployment-participation", $TenantedDeploymentParticipation) } Write-Verbose "Registering with arguments: $registerArguments" Invoke-TentacleCommand $registerArguments } |