
Commands to Configure Marvell Fastlinq adapters which can be used right from configuring a freshly installed OS to complex test configurations and verifications.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name MarvellFastlinqCmdlets -RequiredVersion

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name MarvellFastlinqCmdlets -Version

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2022 Administrator. All rights reserved.

Package Details




initial-config Dis-SeverManagerOnStartup trustedItem restartexplorer settime hostfile clearEventLog Check_Crash_Events cred corpInfo Dis-InternetExplorerESC Dis-UserAccessControl autologon OsOnPartitions Find-File Set-Startup Dis-AutoReboot En-AutoReboot OpenExplorer Install-NotepadPlusPlus DeviceManagement get-devcon startup MPIO noMPIO nofirewall noAutoUpdates Install-WindowsUpdates OSupdate Get-WindowsUpdates RAMUsage nextBootToSafeMode get-diskspd Get-PeerIp Ping-PeerV6 PeerShare SSH-Switch get-Devices Dis-FcoEMiniport En-FcoEMiniport Dis-iSCSIMiniport En-iSCSIMiniport dvbd-evbd dis-NDIS en-NDIS Dis-IntelAdapter En-IntelAdapter Dis-MLNXAdapter En-MLNXAdapter Dis-ChelsioAdapter En-ChelsioAdapter Dis-E3Adapter En-E3Adapter BB AH devconrescan CorpSwitch noVMSwitch hostshare Connect-Vms cvms Create-VmCheckpoint VMFullScreen Create-VMs IterationCounterForm Install-DriversInVHD Find-VHDs vfCount Dis-Sriov En-Sriov IOvQueuePairs vmqCount dis-vmq en-vmq Get-TrafficStatusOnVms En-Vrss Dis-Vrss vPort vPortCount vPortQpCount MaxQueuePairsL2PerVport nx2sh PriorityAndVLAN RSSQueues dis-ptp en-ptp ptp LinkControl FlowControl SpeedAndDuplex noipv6 noipv4 ipv6 ipv4 setip_dhcp Join-WinEitDomain L2Traffic L2Traffic-toPeerVfs L2Traffic1x1_Old L2Traffic1x1 L2Stats dis-RDMA en-RDMA RDMA smbConnectionState RDMAConnectionState NDMTU Create-RamDisksInVm DiskFreeLetters map mapv6 SmbTrafficMaim-toPeerVFs SmbTrafficMaim-toPeerVFsIpv6 SmbTrafficDiskSpd-toPeerVFs RDMAMaim RDMADiskSpd RDMATraffic-Maim RDMATraffic-diskspd lodctr_MarvellStats unlodctr_MarvellStats get-ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface netusedelete netsharedelete dcbRole noDcbRole dis-qos en-qos policy nopolicy nofc tlv Get-DriverSymbols2 Get-DriverSymbols E3_Drivers noHiddenDevices setParam SymbolsServer corpip getIpv4Addresses getIpv6Addresses Stats MicrosoftDownloadShare MSFTShare DevShare SoftwareShare_EIT SoftwareShare_PQA SoftwareShare_USIrvine usshare DriverShare_EIT PerformanceData processors CPU_Usage get-cpuUsage Dis-GlobalRss En-GlobalRss Get-Verbosity Remove-Verbosity ndiskd_maxResourceCheck kdnet debugView dbgView debugOn debugOff dbgsettings set-dbgsettings debugOnVM replace-sysfiles uninstall-Driver get-CD upgrade-FCOE upgrade-vbd get-DUP PFCConfig_ Load-Profile UnLoad-Profile open-Profile edit-Profile raritan DumpLocationPune QidlCDShare b10kdReleaseLocation qendaReleaseLocation qevbdaReleaseLocation DumpLocation DumpLocationUSVM version ver rebooter


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated 282 7/14/2022 (current version) 94 7/14/2022 91 7/14/2022 94 7/13/2022