HTML sites in various ways.
## Components packaged with this module:
| Component |Version | Description
| [Markdig]( |
HTML sites in various ways.
## Components packaged with this module:
| Component |Version | Description
| [Markdig]( | 0.25.0 | Fast Markdown processor for .NET
| [highlight.js]( | 9.17.1 | Code syntax highlighter
| [KaTeX]( | 0.13.11| Math typesetting
| [Mermaid]( | 8.10.1 | Diagramming
| [Svgbob]( | 0.5.0 | Text based diagrammimg
# Known Incompatibilities
If you have have conversion projects which use the _mathematics_ extensions and
were created with versions of this module older than 2.0.0 (i.e. 1.* or 0.*).
See [version 2.0.0]( release notes for upgrade instructions.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) 2018-2021 WetHat Lab. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- WetHat
Convert-MarkdownToHTML Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment Convert-SvgbobToSvg ConvertTo-NavigationItem Expand-HtmlTemplate Find-MarkdownFiles New-PageHeadingNavigation New-SiteNavigation New-StaticHTMLSiteProject New-HTMLTemplate Publish-StaticHtmlSite Update-ResourceLinks
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## 2.5.0 {#2.5.0}
* [Markdig]( update to version 0.25.0
* Support for publishing static websites to
[GitHub Pages](
This new feature is backwards compatible with existing static site projects.
However, if you want to use this new feature in existing site projects
following changes must be applied:
`Build.json` project configuration file
: The `site_dir` option needs to be changed and a new option `github_pages`
must be added as shown below:
~~~ json
"site_dir": "docs",
"github_pages": false,
Using the name `docs` for the site directory makes it possible to check-in
the entire conversion project as-is. As soon as _GitHub Pages_ are
enabled and configured to publish the static site from the `docs`
directory, the site is accessible on the web through its canonical
_GitHub Pages_ url.
`Build.ps1` project build file
: Add a statement to disable the GitHub publishing process (jekyll) which
is not necessary for static sites created by this module. Add
following code to the end of the build file:
~~~ PowerShell
if ($config.github_pages) {
# Switch off Jekyll publishing when building for GitHub pages
New-Item -Path $staticSite -Name .nojekyll -ItemType File
* Added a Html fragment post-processing step to the conversion pipeline.
The default post-processing function `Convert-SvgbobToSvg`
converts [Svgbob](
ASCII art diagrams to svg images. See the
[feature showcase](../index.html#svgbob-plain-text-diagrams)
for an example.
This new feature is backwards compatible with existing static site projects.
However, if you want to use `Svgbob` diagrams in existing site projects
following changes must be made:
`Build.json` project configuration file
: A new option `svgbob` option needs to be added to for configuration
of the svg conversion.
~~~ json
"svgbob": {
"background": "white",
"fill_color": "black",
"font_size": 14,
"font_family": "Monospace",
"scale": 1,
"stroke_width": 2
See [Static Site Project Customization](
for more details.
`Build.json` project configuration file
: A postprocessing stage needs to be inserted into to the conversion pipeline by
adding a `-Split` switch to `Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment` and then piping
its output to `Convert-SvgbobToSvg` like so:
~~~ PowerShell
# Conversion pipeline
$SCRIPT:markdown = Join-Path $projectDir $config.markdown_dir
Find-MarkdownFiles $markdown -Exclude $config.Exclude `
| Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -IncludeExtension $config.markdown_extensions -Split `
| Convert-SvgbobToSvg -SiteDirectory $staticSite -Options $SCRIPT:config.svgbob `
| Publish-StaticHTMLSite -Template (Join-Path $projectDir $config.HTML_Template) `
-ContentMap $contentMap `
-MediaDirectory $markdown `
-SiteDirectory $staticSite
## 2.4.0 {#2.4.0}
* Navigation bar improvements (Static HTML site projects):
* scrollbar added to long navbars.
* `md-styles.css` overhauled for static site template to make navbar usable
for overflowing navitems
* HTML fragments with resource links supported in navitem names.
Example from a `Build.json` which displays a navigatable image:
"site_navigation": [
{ "<img width='90%' src='site_logo.png'/>": "" },
{ "Home": "" },
{ "---": "" }
* New commands implemented to remove code duplication and make the `Build.ps1`
file more consistent.
Upgrade of the `Build.ps1` file of existing projects is optional. All changes
are backeard compatible. If you want to upgrade anyways change the content
map section of`Build.ps1` file like so:
~~~ PowerShell
$SCRIPT:contentMap = @{
# Add additional mappings here...
'{{footer}}' = $config.Footer # Footer text from configuration
'{{nav}}' = {
param($fragment) # the html fragment created from a markdown file
$navcfg = $config.navigation_bar # navigation bar configuration
# Create the navigation items configured in 'Build.json'
New-SiteNavigation -NavitemSpecs $config.site_navigation `
-RelativePath $fragment.RelativePath `
-NavTemplate $navcfg.templates
# Create navigation items to headings on the local page.
# This requires the `autoidentifiers` extension to be enabled.
New-PageHeadingNavigation -HTMLfragment $fragment.HTMLFragment `
-NavTemplate $navcfg.templates `
-HeadingLevels $navcfg.capture_page_headings
* Module Documentation
* Code and conceptial documentation improved
* Documentation generated with this module and published to
[GitHub Pages](
## 2.3.1 {#2.3.1}
* Navigation bar improvements (Static HTML site projects):
* default navigation menu changed to a static vertical sidebar.
* navigation items pop out dynamically on mouse hover.
* auto-added navigation items for page headings indented according to heading
* navbar formatting made more consistent.
* navbar small screen support
## 2.3.0
* Page navigation bar made customizable. To take advantage of this feature
in existing projects following files need to be updated:
* `Build.ps1`: A `-NavTemplate` parameter needs to be added to the invokation of `ConvertTo-NavigationItem`.
A `-NavTemplate` and a `-HeadingLevels` parameter needs to be added to
the invokation of`ConvertTo-PageHeadingNavigation`.
For example:
~~~ PowerShell
# Set-up the content mapping rules for replacing the templace placeholders
$SCRIPT:contentMap = @{
# Add additional mappings here...
'{{footer}}' = $config.Footer # Footer text from configuration
'{{nav}}' = {
param($fragment) # the html fragment created from a markdown file
$navcfg = $config.navigation_bar # navigation bar configuration
# Create the navigation items configured in 'Build.json'
$config.site_navigation | ConvertTo-NavigationItem -RelativePath $fragment.RelativePath `
-NavTemplate $navcfg.templates
# Create navigation items to headings on the local page.
# This requires the `autoidentifiers` extension to be enabled.
ConvertTo-PageHeadingNavigation $fragment.HTMLFragment -NavTemplate $navcfg.templates `
-HeadingLevels $navcfg.capture_page_headings
* `Build.json`: a navigation bar configuration section needs to be added:
~~~ json
"navigation_bar": {
"capture_page_headings": "123456",
"templates": {
"navitem": "<button class='navitem'><a href='{{navurl}}'>{{navtext}}</a></button>",
"navlabel": "<div class='navitem'>{{navtext}}</div>",
"navseparator": "<hr class='navitem'/>",
"navheading": "<span class='navitem{{level}}'>{{navtext}}</span>"
* Component updates:
* `Markdig` update to version 0.24
* `KateX` update to version 0.13.11
* `Mermaid` update to version 8.10.1
## 2.2.2
* added referenced .net assemblies which may not be guaranteed to be present
## 2.2.1
* Katex Updated to version 0.12.0
* Mermaid updated to version 8.8.2
* Markdig updated to version 0.22.0
* Code signed With long term self signed certificate
## 2.2.0
* Fixed issue with `ConvertTo-NavigationItem` not understanding hyperlinks
with `#` fragments.
* Added `autoidentifiers` to the `Build.json` in the project template so that
headings get `id` attributes.
* Added navigation items for headings on the current page to the navbar.
## 2.1.1
* Bugfix: Site assets not copied in build script
## 2.1.0
#### Enhancements
* `Publish-StaticHtmlSite` now accepts definition of custom placeholder
mappins for expansion of `md-template.html`.
* Default template placeholder delimiters changed to `{{` and `}}`.
* Static HTML site projects added: See `New-StaticHTMLSiteProject`.
* Documentation made more `Get-Help` friendly.
* _Mermaid_ assets updated to version 8.5.0
#### Maintenance
* Minimum required Powershell version now 5.1 (Desktop)
- MarkdownToHtml.nuspec
- ReferenceData\html\KaMaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\copy-tex.min.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Math-Italic.woff2
- ReferenceData\html\KaTex.html
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Bold.woff
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Bold.woff2
- HtmlFragments.psm1
- ReferenceData\html_p1\KaMaid.html
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Italic.ttf
- ReferenceData\html_p1\KaTex.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\mhchem.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Italic.woff
- Markdig.dll
- ReferenceData\html_p1\mermaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\mhchem.min.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Italic.woff2
- Markdown2HTML.png
- ReferenceData\html_p1\SiteContent1\Code.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\mhchem.mjs
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Regular.ttf
- ReferenceData\html_p1\SiteContent2\SubFolder\mermaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\render-a11y-string.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Regular.woff
- MarkdownToHtml.psd1
- ReferenceData\html_p2\KaMaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\render-a11y-string.min.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_SansSerif-Regular.woff2
- MarkdownToHtml.psm1
- ReferenceData\html_p2\KaTex.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\render-a11y-string.mjs
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Script-Regular.ttf
- MarkdownToHtml.pssproj
- ReferenceData\html_p2\mermaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_AMS-Regular.ttf
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Script-Regular.woff
- MarkdownToHtml.tests.ps1
- ReferenceData\html_p2\SiteContent2\SubFolder\mermaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_AMS-Regular.woff
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Script-Regular.woff2
- ReferenceData\html_p3\Code.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_AMS-Regular.woff2
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size1-Regular.ttf
- svgbob.exe
- ReferenceData\html_p3\KaMaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Caligraphic-Bold.ttf
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size1-Regular.woff
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- ReferenceData\html_p3\KaTex.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Caligraphic-Bold.woff
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size1-Regular.woff2
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Caligraphic-Bold.woff2
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size2-Regular.ttf
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
- ReferenceData\html_p3\Svgbob.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Caligraphic-Regular.ttf
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size2-Regular.woff
- .github\workflows\main.yml
- ReferenceData\html_p3\Svgbob1.svg
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Caligraphic-Regular.woff
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size2-Regular.woff2
- Documentation\
- ReferenceData\html_p3\Svgbob2.svg
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Caligraphic-Regular.woff2
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size3-Regular.ttf
- Documentation\
- ReferenceData\html_p3\SiteContent1\Code.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Fraktur-Bold.ttf
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size3-Regular.woff
- Documentation\
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Fraktur-Bold.woff
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size3-Regular.woff2
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Fraktur-Bold.woff2
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size4-Regular.ttf
- Documentation\
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Size4-Regular.woff
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Fraktur-Regular.woff2
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Typewriter-Regular.ttf
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-Bold.ttf
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Typewriter-Regular.woff
- Documentation\
- Template\md-template.html
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-Bold.woff
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Typewriter-Regular.woff2
- Documentation\
- Template\styles\md-styles.css
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-Bold.woff2
- Template.assets\styles\agate.css
- en\
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-BoldItalic.ttf
- Template.assets\styles\far.css
- obj\Debug\MarkdownToHtml.pssproj.AssemblyReference.cache
- Template.assets\js\mermaid.min.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-BoldItalic.woff
- Template.assets\styles\tomorrow-night-blue.css
- obj\Debug\MarkdownToHtml.pssprojAssemblyReference.cache
- Template.assets\js\
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-BoldItalic.woff2
- Template.assets\styles\vs.css
- ProjectTemplate\Build.json
- Template.assets\katex\katex.css
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-Italic.ttf
- Template.assets\styles\vs2015.css
- ProjectTemplate\Build.ps1
- Template.assets\katex\katex.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-Italic.woff
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- Template.assets\katex\katex.min.css
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-Italic.woff2
- TestData\markdown\
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- TestData\markdown\
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- TestData\markdown\
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- Template.assets\katex\
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Main-Regular.woff2
- TestData\markdown\
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Math-BoldItalic.ttf
- TestData\markdown\SiteContent1\
- ReferenceData\KaMaid.html
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- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Math-BoldItalic.woff
- TestData\markdown\SiteContent2\SubFolder\
- ReferenceData\KaTex.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\auto-render.mjs
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Math-BoldItalic.woff2
- TestData\ProjectConfigs\Build1.json
- ReferenceData\mermaid.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\copy-tex.css
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Math-Italic.ttf
- TestData\ProjectConfigs\Build2.json
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\copy-tex.js
- Template.assets\katex\fonts\KaTeX_Math-Italic.woff
- TestData\ProjectConfigs\Build3.json
- ReferenceData\html\Code.html
- Template.assets\katex\contrib\copy-tex.min.css
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
2.8.0 | 12,417 | 4/15/2024 |
2.7.1 | 5,698 | 4/24/2022 |
2.7.0 | 25 | 4/23/2022 |
2.6.1 | 734 | 1/19/2022 |
2.6.0 | 31 | 1/17/2022 |
2.5.0 (current version) | 3,585 | 7/26/2021 |
2.4.0 | 373 | 5/28/2021 |
2.3.1 | 109 | 5/20/2021 |
2.3.0 | 39 | 5/19/2021 |
2.2.2 | 2,087 | 10/12/2020 |
2.2.1 | 28 | 10/12/2020 |
2.2.0 | 1,259 | 5/2/2020 |
2.1.1 | 34 | 4/30/2020 |
2.1.0 | 35 | 4/30/2020 |
2.0.0 | 1,452 | 1/12/2020 |
1.3.0 | 464 | 9/19/2019 |
1.2.8 | 728 | 4/9/2019 |
1.2.7 | 845 | 2/2/2019 |
1.2.6 | 1,921 | 2/27/2018 |