

Various Intune related functions. Some of them are explained at

Some of the interesting functions:
- Get-IntuneRemediationScriptLocally - gets Intune Remediation scripts information from client`s log files and registry (including scripts content)
- Get-IntuneScriptLocally - gets Intune (non-remediation) scripts inform
Various Intune related functions. Some of them are explained at

Some of the interesting functions:
- Get-IntuneRemediationScriptLocally - gets Intune Remediation scripts information from client`s log files and registry (including scripts content)
- Get-IntuneScriptLocally - gets Intune (non-remediation) scripts information from client`s registry and captured script files (including scripts content)
- Get-IntuneWin32AppLocally - gets Win32Apps information from client`s log files and registry (including install/uninstall commands and detection/requirements scripts)
- Get-ClientIntunePolicyResult - RSOP/gpresult for Intune (also available as HTML report)
- Get-IntuneAuditEvent - get Intune Audit events
- Get-IntuneLog - opens Intune logs (files & system logs)
- Get-IntunePolicy - gets ALL Intune (assignable) policies (from Apps to Windows Update Rings)
- Get-UserSIDForUserAzureID - translates user AzureID to local SID
- Invoke-IntuneCommand - "Invoke-Command" alternative for Intune managed Windows clients :)
- Invoke-MDMReenrollment - resets device Intune management connection
- Invoke-IntuneScriptRedeploy - redeploy script deployed from Intune
- Invoke-IntuneWin32AppRedeploy - redeploy application deployed from Intune
- Invoke-IntuneWin32AppAssignment - assign selected Win32 apps
- Remove-IntuneWin32AppAssignment - deassign selected Win32 apps
- Reset-HybridADJoin - reset Hybrid AzureAD join connection
- Reset-IntuneEnrollment - reset device Intune management enrollment
- Search-IntuneAccountPolicyAssignment - search user/device/group assigned Intune policies
- Set-AADDeviceExtensionAttribute - set/reset device extension attribute
- Upload-IntuneAutopilotHash - upload given autopilot hash (owner and hostname) into Intune
- ...
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name IntuneStuff -RequiredVersion 1.4.8

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name IntuneStuff -Version 1.4.8

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2022 @AndrewZtrhgf. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • @AndrewZtrhgf


MEMCM PowerShell Intune MDM IntuneStuff


Connect-MSGraph2 ConvertFrom-MDMDiagReport ConvertFrom-MDMDiagReportXML Get-BitlockerEscrowStatusForAzureADDevices Get-ClientIntunePolicyResult Get-HybridADJoinStatus Get-IntuneAuditEvent Get-IntuneDeviceComplianceStatus Get-IntuneEnrollmentStatus Get-IntuneLog Get-IntuneLogRemediationScriptData Get-IntuneLogWin32AppData Get-IntuneLogWin32AppReportingResultData Get-IntuneOverallComplianceStatus Get-IntunePolicy Get-IntuneRemediationScriptLocally Get-IntuneReport Get-IntuneScriptContentLocally Get-IntuneScriptLocally Get-IntuneWin32AppLocally Get-MDMClientData Get-UserSIDForUserAzureID Invoke-IntuneCommand Invoke-IntuneRemediationOnDemand Invoke-IntuneScriptRedeploy Invoke-IntuneWin32AppAssignment Invoke-IntuneWin32AppRedeploy Invoke-MDMReenrollment Invoke-ReRegisterDeviceToIntune New-IntuneRemediation Remove-IntuneRemediation Remove-IntuneWin32AppAssignment Reset-HybridADJoin Reset-IntuneEnrollment Search-IntuneAccountPolicyAssignment Upload-IntuneAutopilotHash


Release Notes

                   Get-IntunePolicy returns assignments when basicOverview is used
                   Invoke-IntuneScriptRedeploy redeploy when getDataFromIntune is used
                   Get-IntuneReport filter check for app report
                   Invoke-IntuneScriptRedeploy - noDetails switch
                   Invoke-IntuneWin32AppRedeploy - noDetails switch
                   Get-IntuneRemediationScript (duplicity with Get-IntuneRemediationScriptLocally)
                   Invoke-IntuneCommand - added parameters scriptBlock, remediationSuffix
                                        - added support for converting compressed strings back


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.6.1 44,064 12/2/2024
1.6.0 39,814 5/19/2024
1.5.0 1,844 5/3/2024
1.4.9 5,156 3/26/2024
1.4.8 (current version) 255 3/25/2024
1.4.7 965 3/20/2024
1.4.6 13,367 1/12/2024
1.4.5 130 1/12/2024
1.4.4 4,782 10/19/2023
1.4.3 806 9/20/2023
1.4.2 1,642 7/11/2023
1.4.1 359 6/27/2023
1.4.0 725 6/9/2023
1.3.1 56 6/8/2023
1.3.0 1,452 5/15/2023
1.2.10 500 5/10/2023
1.2.9 9 5/10/2023
1.2.8 6,121 10/14/2022
1.2.7 93 10/12/2022
1.2.6 14 10/12/2022
1.2.5 13 10/12/2022
1.2.4 37 10/11/2022
1.2.3 15 10/10/2022
1.2.2 212 10/4/2022
1.2.1 102 9/29/2022
1.2.0 32 9/28/2022
1.1.7 56 9/27/2022
1.1.6 21 9/27/2022
1.1.5 37 9/26/2022
1.1.4 39 9/22/2022
1.1.3 52 9/20/2022
1.1.2 84 9/12/2022
1.1.1 21 9/9/2022
1.1.0 18 9/8/2022
1.0.18 35 9/4/2022
1.0.17 44 8/29/2022
1.0.16 16 8/28/2022
1.0.15 13 8/26/2022
1.0.14 27 8/24/2022
1.0.13 20 8/23/2022
1.0.12 31 8/18/2022
1.0.11 15 8/18/2022
1.0.10 14 8/18/2022
1.0.9 40 8/14/2022
1.0.8 41 8/5/2022
1.0.7 16 8/4/2022
1.0.6 13 8/4/2022
1.0.5 62 7/26/2022
1.0.4 199 6/23/2022
1.0.3 86 5/25/2022
1.0.2 121 5/18/2022
1.0.1 26 5/18/2022
1.0.0 28 5/17/2022
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