

Downloads and installs the latest versions of some scripts, modules and packages (saved in current folder of machine folder) from the PowerShell Gallery and NuGet.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name Install-Dependencies

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2024 Apteco GmbH. All rights reserved.

Package Details




"PSEdition_Desktop" "Windows" "Apteco"




Release Notes

0.1.6 Fixed script and m odule version checking
0.1.5 Fixed script version checking
0.1.4 Fixed temporary module and script path loading
0.1.3 Added common module and script paths
0.1.2 Fixed another check of PackageManagement
0.1.1 Fixed check of PackageManagement. Fixed Scripts check. Fixed version check for scripts and modules
0.1.0 Bumping to new version and checking PowerShellGet and PackageManagement dependencies
0.0.11 Fixed the way to install scripts and modules with names instead of pipeline
0.0.10 Added the flag -ExcludeDependencies
0.0.9 Bumped the copyright year to 2024
0.0.8 Fixed wrong formatted output
0.0.7 Allowed empty arrays for wrapping the script into other modules
Changed internal function prompt-choice to request-choice to only allow approved verbs
0.0.6 Admin privileges are now checked in another way and is not needed for local packages anymore
Fix for installation if package names are strings
Adding status information at the end
0.0.5 Fix of rounded status percentage
0.0.4 Changed the way to temporarily save packages when an error happens in dependency check
0.0.3 Some bigger changes for getting it to run
0.0.2 Ignore already installed global packages because they would need to be loaded first
0.0.1 Initial release of this script


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.1.6 (current version) 7 3/19/2025
0.1.5 4 3/19/2025
0.1.4 3 3/19/2025
0.1.3 5 3/19/2025
0.1.2 4 3/19/2025
0.1.1 4 3/19/2025
0.1.0 7 3/18/2025
0.0.11 9 3/18/2025
0.0.10 105 6/27/2024
0.0.8 106 10/24/2023
0.0.7 26 10/1/2023
0.0.6 9 9/27/2023
0.0.5 19 9/19/2023
0.0.4 9 9/19/2023
0.0.3 10 9/19/2023
0.0.2 13 9/13/2023
0.0.1 44 9/12/2023
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