
This module provides an interface to the Halo API.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name HaloAPI -RequiredVersion 1.14.1

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name HaloAPI -Version 1.14.1

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2021 Mikey O'Toole & Luke Whitelock. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Mikey O'Toole / Luke Whitelock


HaloPSA PSA Halo API HaloServiceSolutions HaloITSM HaloServiceDesk ITSM Service Desk REST MSP Automation


Connect-HaloAPI Get-HaloAction Get-HaloAgent Get-HaloAppointment Get-HaloAsset Get-HaloAssetType Get-HaloAttachment Get-HaloAzureADConnection Get-HaloBillingTemplate Get-HaloCategory Get-HaloClient Get-HaloContract Get-HaloCRMNote Get-HaloCustomButton Get-HaloCustomField Get-HaloCustomTable Get-HaloFAQList Get-HaloField Get-HaloInvoice Get-HaloItem Get-HaloKBArticle Get-HaloLookup Get-HaloObjectTemplate Get-HaloOpportunity Get-HaloProject Get-HaloPurchaseOrder Get-HaloQuote Get-HaloRecurringInvoice Get-HaloRelease Get-HaloReport Get-HaloSalesOrder Get-HaloService Get-HaloSite Get-HaloSoftwareLicence Get-HaloStatus Get-HaloSupplier Get-HaloTeam Get-HaloTicket Get-HaloTicketRules Get-HaloTicketType Get-HaloTimesheet Get-HaloUser Get-HaloWorkday Get-HaloWorkflow Get-HaloWorkflows Invoke-HaloRequest New-HaloAction New-HaloActionBatch New-HaloAgent New-HaloAgentBatch New-HaloAppointment New-HaloAppointmentBatch New-HaloAsset New-HaloAssetBatch New-HaloAssetType New-HaloAttachment New-HaloAttachmentBatch New-HaloBillingTemplate New-HaloCategory New-HaloClient New-HaloClientBatch New-HaloContract New-HaloContractBatch New-HaloCRMNote New-HaloCustomButton New-HaloCustomField New-HaloCustomTable New-HaloCustomFieldBatch New-HaloFAQList New-HaloInvoice New-HaloInvoiceBatch New-HaloItem New-HaloItemBatch New-HaloKBArticle New-HaloKBArticleBatch New-HaloOpportunity New-HaloOpportunityBatch New-HaloProject New-HaloProjectBatch New-HaloQuote New-HaloQuoteBatch New-HaloRecurringInvoice New-HaloRecurringInvoiceBatch New-HaloReport New-HaloReportBatch New-HaloService New-HaloServiceBatch New-HaloSite New-HaloSiteBatch New-HaloSoftwareLicence New-HaloSoftwareLicenseBatch New-HaloStatus New-HaloSupplier New-HaloSupplierBatch New-HaloTeam New-HaloTeamBatch New-HaloTicket New-HaloTicketBatch New-HaloTicketType New-HaloTicketTypeBatch New-HaloUser New-HaloUserBatch New-HaloWorkday New-HaloWorkflow New-HaloWorkflowBatch Remove-HaloAction Remove-HaloActionBatch Remove-HaloAgent Remove-HaloAgentBatch Remove-HaloAssetType Remove-HaloCategory Remove-HaloClient Remove-HaloClientBatch Remove-HaloContract Remove-HaloCRMNote Remove-HaloItem Remove-HaloKBArticle Remove-HaloTicket Remove-HaloTicketBatch Remove-HaloTicketRules Remove-HaloUser Restore-HaloTicket Set-HaloAction Set-HaloAgent Set-HaloAppointment Set-HaloAsset Set-HaloAssetType Set-HaloAttachment Set-HaloBillingTemplate Set-HaloCategory Set-HaloClient Set-HaloContract Set-HaloCRMNote Set-HaloCustomButton Set-HaloFAQList Set-HaloInvoice Set-HaloItem Set-HaloKBArticle Set-HaloOpportunity Set-HaloProject Set-HaloQuote Set-HaloRecurringInvoice Set-HaloRecurringTemplate Set-HaloReport Set-HaloSite Set-HaloSoftwareLicence Set-HaloStatus Set-HaloSupplier Set-HaloTeam Set-HaloTicket Set-HaloTicketType Set-HaloTicketRules Set-HaloUser Set-HaloWorkday New-HaloTab Get-HaloTabs


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Add Custom Table endpoints.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.22.1 120,241 8/1/2024
1.22.0 10,663 7/11/2024
1.21.2 2,845 7/5/2024
1.21.1 508 7/4/2024
1.21.0 39 7/4/2024
1.20.0 85,989 1/12/2024
1.19.0 48 1/12/2024
1.18.0 3,843 1/4/2024
1.17.0 7,263 12/19/2023
1.16.0 15,373 11/17/2023
1.15.0 11,702 10/23/2023
1.14.1 (current version) 84,743 4/4/2023
1.14.0 4,799 3/10/2023
1.13.2 4,956 1/1/2023
1.13.1 567 1/1/2023
1.13.0 3,713 11/18/2022
1.12.0-Beta4 5,901 10/3/2022
1.12.0-Beta3 227 10/2/2022
1.12.0-Beta2 21 10/2/2022
1.11.1 5,357 9/16/2022
1.11.0-Beta2 7,284 8/22/2022
1.11.0-Beta1 2,350 8/16/2022
1.10.1 18,894 7/2/2022
1.10.0 153 7/1/2022
1.10.0-Beta3 306 6/30/2022
1.10.0-Beta2 61 6/30/2022
1.10.0-Beta1 176 6/28/2022
1.9.1 1,072 6/21/2022
1.9.1-Beta7 20 6/21/2022
1.9.1-Beta4 20 6/8/2022
1.9.1-Beta3 16 6/2/2022
1.9.1-Beta2 17 6/2/2022
1.9.1-Beta1 18 3/29/2022
1.9.0 5,359 3/23/2022
1.9.0-Beta4 116 3/23/2022
1.9.0-Beta3 18 3/20/2022
1.9.0-Beta2 15 3/16/2022
1.9.0-beta1 17 3/15/2022
1.8.0 228 3/15/2022
1.7.0 973 2/6/2022
1.7.0-Beta1 24 2/3/2022
1.5.0 532 1/4/2022
1.4 286 11/11/2021
1.3.2 793 10/1/2021
1.3.1 17 10/1/2021
1.3.0-Beta5 21 9/3/2021
1.3.0-Beta4 17 8/25/2021
1.3.0-Beta3 15 8/25/2021
1.3.0-Beta2 15 8/25/2021
1.3.0-Beta1 15 8/25/2021
1.2.3 47 8/24/2021
1.2.2 17 8/24/2021
1.2.1 73 8/23/2021
1.2.0 24 8/22/2021
1.1.0 434 8/12/2021
1.0.2 38 8/11/2021
1.0.1 22 8/10/2021
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