
The Hawk module has been designed to ease the burden on O365 administrators who are performing a forensic analysis in their organization.  It accelerates the gathering of data from multiple sources in the service.

It does NOT take the place of a human reviewing the data generated and is simply here to make data gathering easier.

Hawk has moved to GitHub and is a
The Hawk module has been designed to ease the burden on O365 administrators who are performing a forensic analysis in their organization.  It accelerates the gathering of data from multiple sources in the service.

It does NOT take the place of a human reviewing the data generated and is simply here to make data gathering easier.

Hawk has moved to GitHub and is availble for all to contribute.
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name HAWK -RequiredVersion 1.13.6

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name HAWK -Version 1.13.6

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2019 matbyrd@microsoft.com. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • hawk_feedback@microsoft.com


O365 Security Audit Breach Investigation Exchange EXO Compliance Logon


Get-HawkTenantAzureAuthenticationLogs Get-HawkTenantConfiguration Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryConfiguration Get-HawkTenantInboxRules Get-HawkTenantOauthConsentGrants Get-HawkTenantRBACChanges Get-HawkUserAuthHistory Get-HawkUserConfiguration Get-HawkUserEmailForwarding Get-HawkUserInboxRule Get-HawkUserMailboxAuditing Initialize-HawkGlobalObject Search-HawkTenantActivityByIP Search-HawkTenantEXOAuditLog Show-HawkHelp Start-HawkTenantInvestigation Start-HawkUserInvestigation Update-HawkModule Get-HawkUserAdminAudit Get-HawkTenantAuthHistory Get-HawkUserHiddenRule Get-HawkMessageHeader Get-HawkUserPWNCheck Get-HawkUserAutoReply Get-HawkUserMessageTrace Get-HawkUserMobileDevice


Release Notes

       1.13.6 - Fixed null check issue with Search-HawkTenantActivityByIP that was generating an error when no successful logons were found.
       1.13.5 - Update Get IP code to not check Null IP Addresses.  Now puts country as "NULL IP" in those cases. (wiseleaf23)
       1.13.4 - Changed initilization order so that application insights is starting first
       1.13.3 - Fixed a Recursion with the upgrade funcationality.  If 1.13.2 was install a MANUAL update to 1.13.3 will be required. Update-Module Hawk
       1.13.2 - Fixed automatic update logic to properly update when a revision occurs
       1.13.2 - Impoved version reporting to log file
       1.13.1 - Fixed Start-HawkUserInvestigation by removing (s) from a cmdlet name
       1.13.0 - Files output to the user directory now contain _<user> this is to allow excel to open multiple CSV files with the "same" name (Suggestion from Absoblogginlutely)
       1.12.1 - Added Get-HawkUserMobileDevices to Start-HawkUserInvestigation
       1.12.0 - Added Get-HawkUserMobileDevices to gather mobile devices and flag devices to investigate
       1.11.0 - Added Get-HawkUserMessageTrace to Start-HawkUserInvestigation
       1.11.0 - Added Get-HawkUserMessageTrace to pull all email sent by a user in the last 7 days (Suggestion from Absoblogginglutely)
       1.10.2 - Fixed issue with Start-HawkUserInvestigation where there were duplicate parameters (TheSleepingFox)
       1.10.2 - Fixed Issue with Get-HawkUserAdminAudit log where an output parameter was missing (TheSleepingFox)
       1.10.2 - Get-HawkUserPWNCheck is working for now, site is going to move to an API key so updates will need to be made in the future. (Absoblogginlutely)
       1.10.1 - Corrected issue with IP address lookup code that resulted in extensive errors
       1.10.0 - Updated Test-MSOLConnection to automatically connect using Connect-MSOLService
       1.9.0 - Checked in to pull requests
       1.9.0 - Added Get-HawkUserAutoReply to pull autoreply information (thx chrish012)
       1.9.0 - Fix for mailbox audit logs and non us dates (thx imcfarla2003)


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
4.0 3,623 2/23/2025
3.2.4 11,880 1/8/2025
3.2.3 359 1/7/2025
3.1.2 10,643 12/1/2024
3.1.0 39,476 3/30/2023
3.0.0 4,255 4/9/2022 4,687 5/7/2021 28 5/7/2021
2.0.2 31 5/7/2021
2.0.1 514 3/31/2021
2.0.0 1,239 1/5/2021
1.15.1 225 12/19/2020
1.15.0 3,415 12/19/2019
1.14.3 52 12/18/2019
1.14.2 366 11/13/2019
1.14.1 27 11/13/2019
1.14.0 461 9/25/2019
1.13.6 (current version) 308 8/29/2019
1.13.3 61 8/26/2019
1.13.2 76 8/22/2019
1.13.1 54 8/21/2019
1.13.0 58 8/20/2019
1.12.1 30 8/20/2019
1.12.0 27 8/20/2019
1.10.1 412 7/9/2019
1.9.0 27 7/9/2019
1.8.8 29 7/9/2019
1.8.7 366 6/14/2019
1.8.6 342 5/24/2019
1.8.5 34 5/23/2019
1.8.4 59 5/21/2019
1.8.3 70 5/16/2019
1.8.2 29 5/16/2019
1.8.1 47 5/14/2019
1.8.0 30 5/14/2019
1.7.1 364 4/23/2019
1.6.13 177 4/12/2019
1.6.11 75 4/3/2019
1.6.9 535 12/13/2018
1.6.8 25 12/13/2018
1.6.7 33 12/12/2018
1.6.6 29 12/12/2018
1.6.5 30 12/12/2018
1.6.4 27 12/11/2018
1.6.3 84 12/10/2018
1.6.1 198 11/13/2018
1.6.0 29 11/13/2018
1.5.0 72 11/8/2018
1.4.0 82 10/30/2018
1.3.2 160 10/1/2018
1.3.1 31 10/1/2018
1.2.6 52 9/27/2018
1.2.5 29 9/27/2018
1.2.4 103 9/6/2018
1.2.3 203 7/19/2018
1.2.2 108 6/29/2018
1.2.1 46 6/26/2018
1.2.0 32 6/25/2018
1.1.4 344 5/18/2018
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