A Windows PowerShell module that allows you to run scripts against your casual desktop webbrowser-tab
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
Copyright 2021-2025 GenXdev
Package Details
- genXdev
Approve-FirefoxDebugging Clear-WebbrowserTabSiteApplicationData Close-PlaywrightDriver Close-Webbrowser Close-WebbrowserTab Connect-PlaywrightViaDebuggingPort Export-BrowserBookmarks Find-BrowserBookmark Get-BrowserBookmark Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort Get-ChromiumRemoteDebuggingPort Get-ChromiumSessionReference Get-DefaultWebbrowser Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort Get-PlaywrightDriver Get-PlaywrightProfileDirectory Get-Webbrowser Get-WebbrowserTabDomNodes Import-BrowserBookmarks Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation Open-BrowserBookmarks Open-Webbrowser Resume-WebbrowserTabVideo Select-WebbrowserTab Set-BrowserVideoFullscreen Set-RemoteDebuggerPortInBrowserShortcuts Set-WebbrowserTabLocation Show-WebsiteInAllBrowsers Stop-WebbrowserVideos Unprotect-WebbrowserTab Update-PlaywrightDriverCache Write-Bookmarks
- GenXdev.Windows (>= 1.162.2025)
- GenXdev.Webbrowser.nuspec
- GenXdev.Webbrowser.psd1
- powershell.jpg
- Tests\TestResults.xml
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Clear-WebbrowserTabSiteApplicationData.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Close-WebbrowserTab.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Find-BrowserBookmark.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-ChromiumSessionReference.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-WebbrowserTabDomNodes.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Open-Webbrowser.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Set-BrowserVideoFullscreen.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Set-WebbrowserTabLocation.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\AssureTypes.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Connect-PlaywrightViaDebuggingPort.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Get-PlaywrightProfileDirectory.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Stop-WebbrowserVideos.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Update-PlaywrightDriverCache.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Clear-WebbrowserTabSiteApplicationData.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Close-WebbrowserTab.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Find-BrowserBookmark.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-ChromeRemoteDebuggingPort.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-ChromiumSessionReference.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-DefaultWebbrowser.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-EdgeRemoteDebuggingPort.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-Webbrowser.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-WebbrowserTabDomNodes.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Import-BrowserBookmarks.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Invoke-WebbrowserEvaluation.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Open-BrowserBookmarks.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Open-Webbrowser.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Select-WebbrowserTab.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Set-BrowserVideoFullscreen.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Set-RemoteDebuggerPortInBrowserShortcuts.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Set-WebbrowserTabLocation.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Show-WebsiteInAllBrowsers.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\AssureTypes.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Close-PlaywrightDriver.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Connect-PlaywrightViaDebuggingPort.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Get-PlaywrightDriver.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Get-PlaywrightProfileDirectory.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Resume-WebbrowserTabVideo.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Stop-WebbrowserVideos.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Unprotect-WebbrowserTab.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Update-PlaywrightDriverCache.Tests.ps1
- GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright.psm1
- GenXdev.Webbrowser.psm1
- license.txt
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Approve-FirefoxDebugging.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Close-Webbrowser.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Export-BrowserBookmarks.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-BrowserBookmark.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-ChromiumRemoteDebuggingPort.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-DefaultWebbrowser.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-Webbrowser.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Import-BrowserBookmarks.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Open-BrowserBookmarks.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Select-WebbrowserTab.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Set-RemoteDebuggerPortInBrowserShortcuts.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Show-WebsiteInAllBrowsers.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Close-PlaywrightDriver.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Get-PlaywrightDriver.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Resume-WebbrowserTabVideo.ps1
- Functions\GenXdev.Webbrowser.Playwright\Unprotect-WebbrowserTab.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Approve-FirefoxDebugging.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Close-Webbrowser.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Export-BrowserBookmarks.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-BrowserBookmark.Tests.ps1
- Tests\GenXdev.Webbrowser\Get-ChromiumRemoteDebuggingPort.Tests.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
1.162.2025 (current version) | 8 | 3/29/2025 |
1.160.2025 | 3 | 3/27/2025 |
1.158.2025 | 4 | 3/27/2025 |
1.156.2025 | 5 | 3/27/2025 |
1.154.2025 | 4 | 3/26/2025 |
1.152.2025 | 5 | 3/25/2025 |
1.150.2025 | 4 | 3/24/2025 |
1.148.2025 | 10 | 3/22/2025 |
1.146.2025 | 4 | 3/22/2025 |
1.144.2025 | 4 | 3/22/2025 |
1.142.2025 | 6 | 3/21/2025 |
1.140.2025 | 5 | 3/20/2025 |
1.138.2025 | 5 | 3/19/2025 |
1.136.2025 | 4 | 3/19/2025 |
1.134.2025 | 5 | 3/17/2025 |
1.132.2025 | 4 | 3/17/2025 |
1.130.2025 | 9 | 3/14/2025 |
1.128.2025 | 5 | 3/14/2025 |
1.126.2025 | 9 | 3/11/2025 |
1.124.2025 | 10 | 3/11/2025 |
1.122.2025 | 5 | 3/10/2025 |
1.120.2025 | 10 | 3/10/2025 |
1.118.2025 | 7 | 3/9/2025 |
1.116.2025 | 136 | 2/15/2025 |
1.114.2025 | 9 | 2/15/2025 |
1.112.2025 | 35 | 2/12/2025 |
1.110.2025 | 52 | 2/11/2025 |
1.108.2025 | 9 | 2/11/2025 |
1.106.2025 | 62 | 2/10/2025 |
1.104.2025 | 160 | 2/8/2025 |
1.102.2025 | 592 | 2/2/2025 |
1.100.2025 | 89 | 2/2/2025 |
1.98.2025 | 40 | 2/1/2025 |
1.96.2025 | 8 | 2/1/2025 |
1.94.2025 | 17 | 2/1/2025 |
1.92.2025 | 15 | 2/1/2025 |
1.90.2025 | 1,257 | 1/12/2025 |
1.88.2025 | 86 | 1/11/2025 |
1.86.2025 | 18 | 1/11/2025 |
1.84.2025 | 40 | 1/10/2025 |
1.82.2024 | 11 | 1/10/2025 |
1.80.2024 | 1,395 | 12/8/2024 |
1.78.2024 | 15 | 12/8/2024 |
1.76.2024 | 352 | 11/23/2024 |
1.74.2024 | 8 | 11/23/2024 |
1.72.2024 | 6 | 11/23/2024 |
1.64.2024 | 8 | 11/23/2024 |
1.62.2024 | 11 | 11/23/2024 |
1.60.2024 | 41 | 11/21/2024 |
1.58.2024 | 11 | 11/21/2024 |
1.56.2024 | 8 | 11/21/2024 |
1.54.2024 | 58 | 11/19/2024 |
1.52.2024 | 74 | 11/16/2024 |
1.50.2024 | 18 | 11/15/2024 |
1.49.2024 | 242 | 11/6/2024 |
1.48.2024 | 1,359 | 9/11/2024 |
1.45.2024 | 558 | 8/19/2024 |
1.44.2024 | 559 | 6/7/2024 |
1.42.2024 | 7 | 6/7/2024 |
1.40.2024 | 6 | 6/7/2024 |
1.38.2024 | 6 | 6/7/2024 |
1.35.2022 | 121 | 11/9/2022 |
1.34.2022 | 22 | 11/5/2022 |
1.33.2022 | 66 | 5/28/2022 |
1.32.2021 | 102 | 10/10/2021 |
1.31.2021 | 35 | 9/29/2021 |
1.30.2021 | 31 | 9/28/2021 |
1.29.2021 | 49 | 8/3/2021 |
1.28.2021 | 28 | 8/2/2021 |
1.27.2021 | 31 | 7/28/2021 |
1.26.2021 | 30 | 7/28/2021 |
1.25.2021 | 30 | 7/28/2021 |
1.24.2021 | 31 | 7/28/2021 |
1.23.2021 | 30 | 7/28/2021 |
1.20.0 | 31 | 7/28/2021 |
1.14.0 | 31 | 7/26/2021 |
1.13.0 | 37 | 7/11/2021 |
1.12.0 | 33 | 7/9/2021 |
1.11.0 | 28 | 7/9/2021 |
1.10.0 | 27 | 7/9/2021 |
1.9.0 | 52 | 7/7/2021 |
1.8.0 | 30 | 7/7/2021 |
1.7.0 | 27 | 6/26/2021 |
1.6.0 | 28 | 6/26/2021 |
1.5.0 | 27 | 6/26/2021 |
1.4.0 | 31 | 6/25/2021 |
1.3.0 | 27 | 6/24/2021 |
1.2.0 | 32 | 6/22/2021 |
1.1.2025 | 5 | 1/10/2025 |
1.1.0 | 30 | 6/22/2021 |
1.0.10 | 30 | 6/22/2021 |
1.0.9 | 32 | 6/22/2021 |
1.0.8 | 37 | 6/20/2021 |
1.0.7 | 27 | 6/20/2021 |
1.0.6 | 27 | 6/20/2021 |
1.0.5 | 32 | 6/20/2021 |
1.0.1 | 28 | 6/20/2021 |
1.0.0 | 30 | 6/20/2021 |