

A module to be able to do more with Microsoft Fabric.
   It lets you pause and resume Fabric capacities.
   Adds functionallity previously only available with the REST API as PowerShell functions.
   There are also functions to make it easier to monitor usage metrics and refreshes.
   It also adds Fabric-friendly aliases for PowerBI functions to make it easier
A module to be able to do more with Microsoft Fabric.
   It lets you pause and resume Fabric capacities.
   Adds functionallity previously only available with the REST API as PowerShell functions.
   There are also functions to make it easier to monitor usage metrics and refreshes.
   It also adds Fabric-friendly aliases for PowerBI functions to make it easier to use the module.
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Fabtools -RequiredVersion 0.6.1

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Fabtools -Version 0.6.1

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Ioana Bouariu

Package Details


  • Ioana Bouariu AKA Jojobit


Set-FabricWorkspaceToCapacity Get-AllFabricDatasetRefreshes Get-AllFabricCapacities Get-FabricAPIclusterURI Get-FabricCapacityRefreshables Get-FabricCapacityState Get-FabricCapacityTenantOverrides Get-FabricCapacityWorkload Get-FabricDatasetRefreshes Get-FabricTenantSettings Get-FabricUsagemetricsQuery Get-FabricWorkspaceDatasetRefreshes Get-FabricWorkspaceUsageMetricsData Get-FabricWorkspaceUsers Get-SHA256 New-FabricWorkspaceUsageMetricsReport Resume-FabricCapacity Suspend-FabricCapacity Remove-FabricWorkspace Invoke-FabricDatasetRefresh


Release Notes

Version 0.6.1:
           - added IconUri to the manifest.
           Verision 0.6.0:
           - Added Get-AllFabricCapacities function to get all capacities in a tenant.
           - Added invoke-FabricDatasetRefresh function to refresh a dataset.
           - changed the main functions to be with the Fabric prefix instead of Fab, and added Fab as aliases.



Version History

Version Downloads Last updated 4,368 2/26/2024 1,659 11/25/2023 11 11/25/2023 13 11/24/2023
0.7.0 11 11/23/2023
0.6.11 11 11/17/2023
0.6.1 (current version) 14 11/10/2023
0.6.0 8 11/10/2023
0.5.2 15 11/5/2023
0.5.1 8 11/5/2023
0.5.0 8 11/5/2023
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