Create evergreen Windows image builds with the latest versions of applications. Evergreen is a simple PowerShell module that retrieves the latest version numbers and download URLs for various software products directly from the vendor source.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) 2022 stealthpuppy. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Aaron Parker
Evergreen Packer Automation MDT ConfigMgr DevOps AzureVirtualDesktop Endpoint-Manager Windows
Export-EvergreenApp Export-EvergreenManifest Find-EvergreenApp Get-EvergreenApp Get-EvergreenLibrary Invoke-EvergreenApp Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate New-EvergreenLibrary Save-EvergreenApp Test-EvergreenApp
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
- Evergreen.nuspec
- Evergreen.json
- Manifests\AdoptiumTemurin18.json
- Manifests\AdoptiumTemurin8.json
- Evergreen.psd1
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDK11.json
- Evergreen.psm1
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDK16.json
- EvergreenLibraryTemplate.json
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDK8.json
- Apps\Get-1Password.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDKIcedTeaWeb.json
- Apps\Get-1Password7.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDKSemuru11.json
- Apps\Get-7zip.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDKSemuru17.json
- Apps\Get-7ZipZS.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDKSemuru18.json
- Apps\Get-AdobeAcrobat.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptOpenJDKSemuru8.json
- Apps\Get-AdobeAcrobatDC.ps1
- Manifests\AirtameApp.json
- Apps\Get-AdobeAcrobatProStdDC.ps1
- Manifests\AkeoRufus.json
- Apps\Get-AdobeAcrobatReaderDC.ps1
- Manifests\AmazonCorretto.json
- Apps\Get-AdobeBrackets.ps1
- Manifests\Anaconda.json
- Apps\Get-AdobeConnect.ps1
- Manifests\Anki.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptiumTemurin11.ps1
- Manifests\AppVentix.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptiumTemurin16.ps1
- Manifests\ArtifexGhostscript.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptiumTemurin17.ps1
- Manifests\AtlassianSourcetree.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptiumTemurin18.ps1
- Manifests\Audacity.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptiumTemurin8.ps1
- Manifests\AutoDarkMode.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDK11.ps1
- Manifests\AWSCLI.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDK16.ps1
- Manifests\AWSSAMCLI.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDK8.ps1
- Manifests\BeekeeperStudio.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDKIcedTeaWeb.ps1
- Manifests\BISF.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDKSemuru11.ps1
- Manifests\BitwardenDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDKSemuru17.ps1
- Manifests\BlenderLauncher.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDKSemuru18.ps1
- Manifests\BlueJ.json
- Apps\Get-AdoptOpenJDKSemuru8.ps1
- Manifests\CendioThinLinc.json
- Apps\Get-AirtameApp.ps1
- Manifests\ChromiumChromeDriver.json
- Apps\Get-AkeoRufus.ps1
- Manifests\CitrixVMTools.json
- Apps\Get-AmazonCorretto.ps1
- Manifests\CitrixWorkspaceApp.json
- Apps\Get-Anaconda.ps1
- Manifests\CodelerityApacheNetBeans.json
- Apps\Get-Anki.ps1
- Manifests\ConnectionExperienceIndicator.json
- Apps\Get-AppVentiX.ps1
- Manifests\ControlUpAgent.json
- Apps\Get-ArtifexGhostscript.ps1
- Manifests\ControlUpConsole.json
- Apps\Get-AtlassianSourcetree.ps1
- Manifests\Cyberduck.json
- Apps\Get-Audacity.ps1
- Manifests\dbeaver.json
- Apps\Get-AutoDarkMode.ps1
- Manifests\DebaucheeBarrier.json
- Apps\Get-AWSCLI.ps1
- Manifests\deviceTRUST.json
- Apps\Get-AWSSAMCLI.ps1
- Manifests\DevToys.json
- Apps\Get-BeekeeperStudio.ps1
- Manifests\diagrams.net.json
- Apps\Get-BISF.ps1
- Manifests\dnGrep.json
- Apps\Get-BitwardenDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\DockerDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-BlenderLauncher.ps1
- Manifests\DoubleCommander.json
- Apps\Get-BlueJ.ps1
- Manifests\EgnyteDesktopApp.json
- Apps\Get-CendioThinLinc.ps1
- Manifests\ESETEndpointAntivirus.json
- Apps\Get-ChromiumChromeDriver.ps1
- Manifests\ESETEndpointSecurity.json
- Apps\Get-CitrixVMTools.ps1
- Manifests\ESETFullDiskEncryption.json
- Apps\Get-CitrixWorkspaceApp.ps1
- Manifests\ESETInspectConnector.json
- Apps\Get-CodelerityApacheNetBeans.ps1
- Manifests\ESETPROTECTServer.json
- Apps\Get-ConnectionExperienceIndicator.ps1
- Manifests\ESETSecureAuthentication.json
- Apps\Get-ControlUpAgent.ps1
- Manifests\ESETServerSecurity.json
- Apps\Get-ControlUpConsole.ps1
- Manifests\FileZilla.json
- Apps\Get-Cyberduck.ps1
- Manifests\Fork.json
- Apps\Get-dbeaver.ps1
- Manifests\FoxitPDFEditor.json
- Apps\Get-DebaucheeBarrier.ps1
- Manifests\FoxitReader.json
- Apps\Get-deviceTRUST.ps1
- Manifests\FreedomScientificFusion.json
- Apps\Get-DevToys.ps1
- Manifests\FreedomScientificJAWS.json
- Apps\Get-diagrams.net.ps1
- Manifests\FreedomScientificZoomText.json
- Apps\Get-dnGrep.ps1
- Manifests\FreeFem.json
- Apps\Get-DockerDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\GeekSoftwarePDF24Creator.json
- Apps\Get-DoubleCommander.ps1
- Manifests\Gephi.json
- Apps\Get-EgnyteDesktopApp.ps1
- Manifests\GhislerTotalCommander.json
- Apps\Get-ESETEndpointAntivirus.ps1
- Manifests\Gimp.json
- Apps\Get-ESETEndpointSecurity.ps1
- Manifests\GitExtensions.json
- Apps\Get-ESETFullDiskEncryption.ps1
- Manifests\GitForWindows.json
- Apps\Get-ESETInspectConnector.ps1
- Manifests\GitHubAtom.json
- Apps\Get-ESETPROTECTServer.ps1
- Manifests\GitHubDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-ESETSecureAuthentication.ps1
- Manifests\GitHubRelease.json
- Apps\Get-ESETServerSecurity.ps1
- Manifests\GoogleChrome.json
- Apps\Get-FileZilla.ps1
- Manifests\Gpg4win.json
- Apps\Get-Fork.ps1
- Manifests\Greenshot.json
- Apps\Get-FoxitPDFEditor.ps1
- Manifests\gretl.json
- Apps\Get-FoxitReader.ps1
- Manifests\Handbrake.json
- Apps\Get-FreedomScientificFusion.ps1
- Manifests\HashicorpBoundary.json
- Apps\Get-FreedomScientificJAWS.ps1
- Manifests\HashicorpConsul.json
- Apps\Get-FreedomScientificZoomText.ps1
- Manifests\HashicorpNomad.json
- Apps\Get-FreeFem.ps1
- Manifests\HashicorpPacker.json
- Apps\Get-GeekSoftwarePDF24Creator.ps1
- Manifests\HashicorpTerraform.json
- Apps\Get-Gephi.ps1
- Manifests\HashicorpVault.json
- Apps\Get-GhislerTotalCommander.ps1
- Manifests\HashicorpWaypoint.json
- Apps\Get-Gimp.ps1
- Manifests\ImageGlass.json
- Apps\Get-GitExtensions.ps1
- Manifests\ImageMagickStudioImageMagick.json
- Apps\Get-GitForWindows.ps1
- Manifests\JamTreeSizeFree.json
- Apps\Get-GitHubAtom.ps1
- Manifests\JamTreeSizeProfessional.json
- Apps\Get-GitHubDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\JASP.json
- Apps\Get-GitHubRelease.ps1
- Manifests\JeremyMainGPUProfiler.json
- Apps\Get-GoogleChrome.ps1
- Manifests\JetBrainsIntelliJIDEA.json
- Apps\Get-Gpg4win.ps1
- Manifests\JetBrainsPyCharm.json
- Apps\Get-Greenshot.ps1
- Manifests\jq.json
- Apps\Get-gretl.ps1
- Manifests\jrsoftwareInnoSetup.json
- Apps\Get-Handbrake.ps1
- Manifests\KarakunOpenWebStart.json
- Apps\Get-HashicorpBoundary.ps1
- Manifests\KDiff3.json
- Apps\Get-HashicorpConsul.ps1
- Manifests\KeePass.json
- Apps\Get-HashicorpNomad.ps1
- Manifests\KeePassXCTeamKeePassXC.json
- Apps\Get-HashicorpPacker.ps1
- Manifests\KeeWeb.json
- Apps\Get-HashicorpTerraform.ps1
- Manifests\LogMeInGoToMeeting.json
- Apps\Get-HashicorpVault.ps1
- Manifests\LogMeInGoToOpener.json
- Apps\Get-HashicorpWaypoint.ps1
- Manifests\MasterPackager.json
- Apps\Get-ImageGlass.ps1
- Manifests\MattermostDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-ImageMagickStudioImageMagick.ps1
- Manifests\Maximus5ConEmu.json
- Apps\Get-JamTreeSizeFree.ps1
- Manifests\McNeelRhino.json
- Apps\Get-JamTreeSizeProfessional.ps1
- Manifests\MendeleyDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-JASP.ps1
- Manifests\MestrelabMnova.json
- Apps\Get-JeremyMainGPUProfiler.ps1
- Manifests\Microsoft.NET.json
- Apps\Get-JetBrainsIntelliJIDEA.ps1
- Manifests\Microsoft365Apps.json
- Apps\Get-JetBrainsPyCharm.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftAzureDataStudio.json
- Apps\Get-jq.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftAzureFunctionsCoreTools.json
- Apps\Get-jrsoftwareInnoSetup.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftAzureStorageExplorer.json
- Apps\Get-KarakunOpenWebStart.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftAzureWindowsVMAgent.json
- Apps\Get-KDiff3.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftBicep.json
- Apps\Get-KeePass.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftBotFrameworkEmulator.json
- Apps\Get-KeePassXCTeamKeePassXC.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftEdge.json
- Apps\Get-KeeWeb.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftEdgeDriver.json
- Apps\Get-LogMeInGoToMeeting.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftEdgeWebView2Runtime.json
- Apps\Get-LogMeInGoToOpener.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftFSLogixApps.json
- Apps\Get-MasterPackager.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftOneDrive.json
- Apps\Get-MattermostDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftOutlook.json
- Apps\Get-Maximus5ConEmu.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftPowerShell.json
- Apps\Get-McNeelRhino.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftPowerToys.json
- Apps\Get-MendeleyDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftSsms.json
- Apps\Get-MestrelabMnova.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftTeams.json
- Apps\Get-Microsoft.NET.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftTerminal.json
- Apps\Get-Microsoft365Apps.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftVisualStudio.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftAzureDataStudio.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftVisualStudioCode.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftAzureFunctionsCoreTools.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftWindowsPackageManagerClient.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftAzureStorageExplorer.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftWvdBootloader.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftAzureWindowsVMAgent.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftWvdInfraAgent.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftBicep.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftWvdMultimediaRedirection.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftBotFrameworkEmulator.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftEdge.ps1
- Manifests\MicrosoftWvdRtcService.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftEdgeDriver.ps1
- Manifests\Miniconda.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftEdgeWebView2Runtime.ps1
- Manifests\Minitab.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftFSLogixApps.ps1
- Manifests\MiniZincIDE.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftOneDrive.ps1
- Manifests\MirantisLens.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftOutlook.ps1
- Manifests\MozillaFirefox.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftPowerShell.ps1
- Manifests\MozillaGeckoDriver.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftPowerToys.ps1
- Manifests\MozillaThunderbird.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftSsms.ps1
- Manifests\mRemoteNG.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftTeams.ps1
- Manifests\MuseScore.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftTerminal.ps1
- Manifests\Naps2.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftVisualStudio.ps1
- Manifests\NETworkManager.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftVisualStudioCode.ps1
- Manifests\NevcairielLAVFilters.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftWindowsPackageManagerClient.ps1
- Manifests\Nomacs.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftWvdBootloader.ps1
- Manifests\Notable.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftWvdInfraAgent.ps1
- Manifests\NotepadPlusPlus.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftWvdMultimediaRedirection.ps1
- Manifests\Obsidian.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftWvdRemoteDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\OBSStudio.json
- Apps\Get-MicrosoftWvdRtcService.ps1
- Manifests\OctopusDeployServer.json
- Apps\Get-Miniconda.ps1
- Manifests\OctopusTentacle.json
- Apps\Get-Minitab.ps1
- Manifests\OnlyOfficeDesktopEditors.json
- Apps\Get-MiniZincIDE.ps1
- Manifests\OpenJDK.json
- Apps\Get-MirantisLens.ps1
- Manifests\OpenLens.json
- Apps\Get-MozillaFirefox.ps1
- Manifests\OpenShellMenu.json
- Apps\Get-MozillaGeckoDriver.ps1
- Manifests\OpenWebStart.json
- Apps\Get-MozillaThunderbird.ps1
- Manifests\OperaBrowser.json
- Apps\Get-mRemoteNG.ps1
- Manifests\OperaCryptoBrowser.json
- Apps\Get-MuseScore.ps1
- Manifests\OperaGXBrowser.json
- Apps\Get-Naps2.ps1
- Manifests\OracleJava8.json
- Apps\Get-NETworkManager.ps1
- Manifests\OracleVirtualBox.json
- Apps\Get-NevcairielLAVFilters.ps1
- Manifests\PaintDotNet.json
- Apps\Get-Nomacs.ps1
- Manifests\PaintDotNetOfflineInstaller.json
- Apps\Get-Notable.ps1
- Manifests\Pandoc.json
- Apps\Get-NotepadPlusPlus.ps1
- Manifests\PDFForgePDFCreator.json
- Apps\Get-Obsidian.ps1
- Manifests\PeaZipPeaZip.json
- Apps\Get-OBSStudio.ps1
- Manifests\PiriformCCleanerFree.json
- Apps\Get-OctopusDeployServer.ps1
- Manifests\Postman.json
- Apps\Get-OctopusTentacle.ps1
- Manifests\Praat.json
- Apps\Get-OnlyOfficeDesktopEditors.ps1
- Manifests\ProgressChefInfraClient.json
- Apps\Get-OpenJDK.ps1
- Manifests\ProgressChefInSpec.json
- Apps\Get-OpenLens.ps1
- Manifests\ProgressChefWorkstation.json
- Apps\Get-OpenShellMenu.ps1
- Manifests\ProjectLibre.json
- Apps\Get-OpenWebStart.ps1
- Manifests\Protege.json
- Apps\Get-OperaBrowser.ps1
- Manifests\PSAppDeployToolkit.json
- Apps\Get-OperaCryptoBrowser.ps1
- Manifests\PSFPython.json
- Apps\Get-OperaGXBrowser.ps1
- Manifests\PuTTY.json
- Apps\Get-OracleJava8.ps1
- Manifests\RCoreTeamRforWindows.json
- Apps\Get-OracleVirtualBox.ps1
- Manifests\RDAnalyzer.json
- Apps\Get-PaintDotNet.ps1
- Manifests\RingCentral.json
- Apps\Get-PaintDotNetOfflineInstaller.ps1
- Manifests\RizonesoftNotepad3.json
- Apps\Get-Pandoc.ps1
- Manifests\RStudio.json
- Apps\Get-PDFForgePDFCreator.ps1
- Manifests\SafeExamBrowser.json
- Apps\Get-PeaZipPeaZip.ps1
- Manifests\SafingPortmaster.json
- Apps\Get-PiriformCCleanerFree.ps1
- Manifests\SAGAGIS.json
- Apps\Get-Postman.ps1
- Manifests\ScooterBeyondCompare.json
- Apps\Get-Praat.ps1
- Manifests\Scratch.json
- Apps\Get-ProgressChefInfraClient.ps1
- Manifests\ScreenToGif.json
- Apps\Get-ProgressChefInSpec.ps1
- Manifests\ShareX.json
- Apps\Get-ProgressChefWorkstation.ps1
- Manifests\SignalDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-ProjectLibre.ps1
- Manifests\Slack.json
- Apps\Get-Protege.ps1
- Manifests\SmartBearSoapUI.json
- Apps\Get-PSAppDeployToolkit.ps1
- Manifests\SoberLemurPDFSamBasic.json
- Apps\Get-PSFPython.ps1
- Manifests\stealthpuppyWindowsCustomisedDefaults.json
- Apps\Get-PuTTY.ps1
- Manifests\StefansToolsgregpWin.json
- Apps\Get-RCoreTeamRforWindows.ps1
- Manifests\SumatraPDFReader.json
- Apps\Get-RDAnalyzer.ps1
- Manifests\TableauDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-RingCentral.ps1
- Manifests\TableauPrep.json
- Apps\Get-RizonesoftNotepad3.ps1
- Manifests\TableauReader.json
- Apps\Get-RStudio.ps1
- Manifests\TeamViewer.json
- Apps\Get-SafeExamBrowser.ps1
- Manifests\TechSmithCamtasia.json
- Apps\Get-SafingPortmaster.ps1
- Manifests\TechSmithSnagit.json
- Apps\Get-SAGAGIS.ps1
- Manifests\TelegramDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-ScooterBeyondCompare.ps1
- Manifests\TelerikFiddlerClassic.json
- Apps\Get-Scratch.ps1
- Manifests\TelerikFiddlerEverywhere.json
- Apps\Get-ScreenToGif.ps1
- Manifests\Terminals.json
- Apps\Get-ShareX.ps1
- Manifests\TeXstudio.json
- Apps\Get-SignalDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\TogglDesktop.json
- Apps\Get-Slack.ps1
- Manifests\TorProjectTorBrowser.json
- Apps\Get-SmartBearSoapUI.ps1
- Manifests\Tower.json
- Apps\Get-SoberLemurPDFSamBasic.ps1
- Manifests\TrackerSoftwarePDFXChangeEditor.json
- Apps\Get-stealthpuppyWindowsCustomisedDefaults.ps1
- Manifests\USBPcap.json
- Apps\Get-StefansToolsgregpWin.ps1
- Manifests\VastLimitsUberAgent.json
- Apps\Get-SumatraPDFReader.ps1
- Manifests\VeraCrypt.json
- Apps\Get-TableauDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\VercelHyper.json
- Apps\Get-TableauPrep.ps1
- Manifests\VideoLanVlcPlayer.json
- Apps\Get-TableauReader.ps1
- Manifests\VisualCppRedistAIO.json
- Apps\Get-TeamViewer.ps1
- Manifests\VMPlexWorkstation.json
- Apps\Get-TechSmithCamtasia.ps1
- Manifests\VMwareHorizonClient.json
- Apps\Get-TechSmithSnagit.ps1
- Manifests\VMwareHorizonClientAlt.json
- Apps\Get-TelegramDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\VMwareOSOptimizationTool.json
- Apps\Get-TelerikFiddlerClassic.ps1
- Manifests\VMwareTools.json
- Apps\Get-TelerikFiddlerEverywhere.ps1
- Manifests\VMwareWorkstationPlayer.json
- Apps\Get-Terminals.ps1
- Manifests\VMwareWorkstationPro.json
- Apps\Get-TeXstudio.ps1
- Manifests\voidtoolsEverything.json
- Apps\Get-TogglDesktop.ps1
- Manifests\Win32OpenSSH.json
- Apps\Get-TorProjectTorBrowser.ps1
- Manifests\WinMerge.json
- Apps\Get-Tower.ps1
- Manifests\WinSCP.json
- Apps\Get-TrackerSoftwarePDFXChangeEditor.ps1
- Manifests\Wireshark.json
- Apps\Get-USBPcap.ps1
- Manifests\WixToolset.json
- Apps\Get-VastLimitsUberAgent.ps1
- Manifests\XnSoftXnConvert.json
- Apps\Get-VeraCrypt.ps1
- Manifests\XnSoftXnViewMP.json
- Apps\Get-VercelHyper.ps1
- Manifests\YubicoAuthenticator.json
- Apps\Get-VideoLanVlcPlayer.ps1
- Manifests\Zoom.json
- Apps\Get-VisualCppRedistAIO.ps1
- Manifests\ZorgmailVeiligVerzendenAddin.json
- Apps\Get-VMPlexWorkstation.ps1
- Manifests\Zotero.json
- Apps\Get-VMwareHorizonClient.ps1
- Private\ConvertFrom-IniFile.ps1
- Apps\Get-VMwareHorizonClientAlt.ps1
- Private\ConvertTo-DateTime.ps1
- Apps\Get-VMwareOSOptimizationTool.ps1
- Private\ConvertTo-Hashtable.ps1
- Apps\Get-VMwareTools.ps1
- Private\Expand-GzipArchive.ps1
- Apps\Get-VMwareWorkstationPlayer.ps1
- Private\Get-Architecture.ps1
- Apps\Get-VMwareWorkstationPro.ps1
- Private\Get-FileType.ps1
- Apps\Get-voidtoolsEverything.ps1
- Private\Get-FunctionResource.ps1
- Apps\Get-Win32OpenSSH.ps1
- Private\Get-GitHubRepoRelease.ps1
- Apps\Get-WinMerge.ps1
- Private\Get-ModuleResource.ps1
- Apps\Get-WinSCP.ps1
- Private\Get-Platform.ps1
- Apps\Get-Wireshark.ps1
- Private\Get-SourceForgeRepoRelease.ps1
- Apps\Get-WixToolset.ps1
- Private\Invoke-RestMethodWrapper.ps1
- Apps\Get-XnSoftXnConvert.ps1
- Private\Invoke-SystemNetRequest.ps1
- Apps\Get-XnSoftXnViewMP.ps1
- Private\Invoke-WebRequestWrapper.ps1
- Apps\Get-YubicoAuthenticator.ps1
- Private\New-EvergreenPath.ps1
- Apps\Get-Zoom.ps1
- Private\Remove-ProxyEnv.ps1
- Apps\Get-ZorgmailVeiligVerzendenAddin.ps1
- Private\Resolve-DnsNameWrapper.ps1
- Apps\Get-Zotero.ps1
- Private\Resolve-InvokeWebRequest.ps1
- en-US\about_Evergreen.help.txt
- Private\Resolve-SystemNetWebRequest.ps1
- en-US\Evergreen-help.xml
- Private\Save-File.ps1
- Manifests\1Password.json
- Private\Set-ProxyEnv.ps1
- Manifests\1Password7.json
- Private\Test-ProxyEnv.ps1
- Manifests\7zip.json
- Private\Test-PSCore.ps1
- Manifests\7ZipZS.json
- Public\Export-EvergreenApp.ps1
- Manifests\AdobeAcrobat.json
- Public\Export-EvergreenManifest.ps1
- Manifests\AdobeAcrobatDC.json
- Public\Find-EvergreenApp.ps1
- Manifests\AdobeAcrobatProStdDC.json
- Public\Get-EvergreenApp.ps1
- Manifests\AdobeAcrobatReaderDC.json
- Public\Get-EvergreenLibrary.ps1
- Manifests\AdobeBrackets.json
- Public\Invoke-EvergreenApp.ps1
- Manifests\AdobeConnect.json
- Public\Invoke-EvergreenLibraryUpdate.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptiumTemurin11.json
- Public\New-EvergreenLibrary.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptiumTemurin16.json
- Public\Save-EvergreenApp.ps1
- Manifests\AdoptiumTemurin17.json
- Public\Test-EvergreenApp.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
2412.1770 | 1,165,095 | 12/15/2024 |
2412.1727 | 42,133 | 12/13/2024 |
2412.1685 | 147,486 | 12/4/2024 |
2411.1644 | 147,143 | 11/23/2024 |
2411.1604 | 237,060 | 11/8/2024 |
2410.1565 | 160,969 | 10/30/2024 |
2410.1527 | 88,812 | 10/24/2024 |
2410.1490 | 192,560 | 10/14/2024 |
2410.1454 | 15,734 | 10/13/2024 |
2409.1419 | 262,974 | 9/26/2024 |
2409.1385 | 74,233 | 9/22/2024 |
2409.1352 | 128,042 | 9/15/2024 |
2409.1320 | 218,149 | 9/1/2024 |
2407.1289 | 525,447 | 7/30/2024 |
2407.1259 | 27,594 | 7/30/2024 |
2407.1230 | 229,154 | 7/16/2024 |
2407.1202 | 159,874 | 7/8/2024 |
2407.1175 | 10,871 | 7/7/2024 |
2407.1149 | 63,719 | 7/3/2024 |
2406.1124 | 168,836 | 6/24/2024 |
2406.1100 | 330,153 | 6/15/2024 |
2405.1076 | 223,355 | 5/30/2024 |
2405.1054 | 94,995 | 5/22/2024 |
2405.1033 | 4,601 | 5/21/2024 |
2405.1013 | 76,366 | 5/15/2024 |
2405.994 | 74,975 | 5/5/2024 |
2405.976 | 6,714 | 5/4/2024 |
2405.959 | 27,555 | 5/2/2024 |
2405.943 | 12,697 | 5/2/2024 |
2404.928 | 82,994 | 4/14/2024 |
2404.914 | 4,204 | 4/14/2024 |
2404.901 | 34,848 | 4/9/2024 |
2403.889 | 89,983 | 3/22/2024 |
2312.878 | 496,646 | 12/2/2023 |
2310.868 | 255,287 | 10/1/2023 |
2309.859 | 12,198 | 9/29/2023 |
2309.850 | 50,598 | 9/17/2023 |
2309.840 | 51,266 | 9/3/2023 |
2308.831 | 28,406 | 8/30/2023 |
2308.823 | 23,756 | 8/26/2023 |
2307.816 | 76,945 | 7/29/2023 |
2307.810 | 24,407 | 7/23/2023 |
2305.801 | 57,150 | 7/1/2023 |
2305.798 | 89,364 | 5/30/2023 |
2305.795 | 49,674 | 5/13/2023 |
2305.792 | 43,130 | 5/2/2023 |
2304.791 | 24,712 | 4/28/2023 |
2304.790 | 3,095 | 4/28/2023 |
2303.789 | 108,236 | 3/19/2023 |
2303.788 | 57,736 | 3/2/2023 |
2301.787 | 74,356 | 1/27/2023 |
2301.786 | 2,153 | 1/26/2023 |
2301.769 | 23,812 | 1/19/2023 |
2301.767 | 10,806 | 1/17/2023 |
2301.717 | 36,523 | 1/1/2023 |
2212.715 | 3,002 | 12/30/2022 |
2212.709 | 6,863 | 12/29/2022 |
2212.704 (current version) | 22,856 | 12/18/2022 |
2211.697 | 41,275 | 11/28/2022 |
2211.694 | 3,900 | 11/27/2022 |
2211.686 | 32,772 | 11/9/2022 |
2210.676 | 15,685 | 10/31/2022 |
2210.674 | 4,311 | 10/29/2022 |
2210.661 | 37,533 | 10/19/2022 |
2210.645 | 40,287 | 10/7/2022 |
2209.641 | 50,414 | 9/24/2022 |
2209.629 | 70,716 | 9/7/2022 |
2209.622 | 34,077 | 9/1/2022 |
2208.618 | 73,009 | 8/6/2022 |
2207.609 | 32,267 | 7/23/2022 |
2207.596 | 15,859 | 7/17/2022 |
2207.592 | 24,156 | 7/6/2022 |
2206.583 | 31,799 | 6/22/2022 |
2206.581 | 16,368 | 6/19/2022 |
2206.574 | 29,307 | 6/9/2022 |
2205.567 | 16,791 | 5/28/2022 |
2205.561 | 12,639 | 5/19/2022 |
2205.555 | 12,487 | 5/15/2022 |
2205.549 | 23,842 | 5/7/2022 |
2205.546 | 7,981 | 5/5/2022 |
2205.541 | 11,605 | 5/3/2022 |
2205.537 | 8,578 | 5/1/2022 |
2204.534 | 3,146 | 4/30/2022 |
2202.525 | 153,730 | 2/11/2022 |
2202.521 | 7,628 | 2/7/2022 |
2201.519 | 15,151 | 1/30/2022 |
2112.512 | 45,757 | 12/19/2021 |
2112.504 | 15,993 | 12/4/2021 |
2111.488 | 14,137 | 11/21/2021 |
2110.467 | 24,499 | 10/11/2021 |
2108.458 | 30,669 | 8/20/2021 |
2108.450 | 15,863 | 8/3/2021 |
2107.441 | 6,482 | 7/24/2021 |
2107.431 | 5,431 | 7/19/2021 |
2107.425 | 3,957 | 7/14/2021 |
2107.418 | 3,546 | 7/10/2021 |
2106.407 | 7,232 | 6/26/2021 |
2106.402 | 6,244 | 6/16/2021 |
2106.395 | 9,671 | 6/2/2021 |
2105.388 | 10,676 | 5/25/2021 |
2105.383 | 4,190 | 5/20/2021 |
2105.371 | 4,798 | 5/12/2021 |
2105.366 | 1,650 | 5/8/2021 |
2105.363 | 538 | 5/7/2021 |
2104.355 | 17,885 | 4/22/2021 |
2104.348 | 12,084 | 4/15/2021 |
2104.337 | 3,028 | 4/6/2021 |
2103.311 | 2,509 | 3/26/2021 |
2103.305 | 918 | 3/23/2021 |
2103.303 | 228 | 3/22/2021 |
2103.298 | 4,229 | 3/5/2021 |
2102.291 | 7,468 | 2/13/2021 |
2102.288 | 553 | 2/10/2021 |
2102.286 | 515 | 2/8/2021 |
2101.281 | 2,782 | 1/26/2021 |
2101.275 | 575 | 1/22/2021 |
2101.263 | 1,332 | 1/13/2021 |
2101.256 | 1,123 | 1/5/2021 |
2101.249 | 344 | 1/3/2021 |
2012.242 | 461 | 12/30/2020 |
2012.225 | 2,836 | 12/9/2020 |
2010.219 | 7,736 | 10/3/2020 |
2009.218 | 83 | 9/28/2020 |
2006.212 | 27,780 | 6/27/2020 |
2006.207 | 5,925 | 6/4/2020 |
2006.203 | 222 | 6/3/2020 |
2005.190 | 359 | 5/31/2020 |
2005.187 | 149 | 5/30/2020 |
2005.183 | 383 | 5/26/2020 |
2005.176 | 1,851 | 5/5/2020 |
2005.172 | 113 | 5/4/2020 |
2004.161 | 308 | 4/30/2020 |
2004.157 | 310 | 4/28/2020 |
2004.147 | 259 | 4/26/2020 |
2004.141 | 412 | 4/23/2020 |
2004.139 | 479 | 4/19/2020 |
2004.134 | 448 | 4/16/2020 |
2004.133 | 140 | 4/15/2020 |
2004.126 | 271 | 4/13/2020 |
2004.125 | 132 | 4/13/2020 |
2002.120 | 3,566 | 2/16/2020 |
2001.117 | 936 | 1/29/2020 |
2001.110 | 833 | 1/19/2020 |
2001.104 | 89 | 1/19/2020 |
1911.101 | 852 | 11/17/2019 |
1911.97 | 174 | 11/10/2019 |
1911.95 | 185 | 11/6/2019 |
1911.93 | 138 | 11/5/2019 |
1911.91 | 127 | 11/4/2019 |
1911.87 | 96 | 11/3/2019 |
1911.84 | 103 | 11/2/2019 |
1911.75 | 110 | 11/1/2019 |
1910.62 | 141 | 10/30/2019 |
1910.53 | 144 | 10/25/2019 |
1910.50 | 102 | 10/25/2019 |
1910.49 | 102 | 10/24/2019 |
1910.48 | 89 | 10/24/2019 |
1910.47 | 168 | 10/20/2019 |
1910.39 | 92 | 10/19/2019 |
1910.28 | 91 | 10/19/2019 |
1910.18.26 | 111 | 10/17/2019 |
19.10.25 | 132 | 10/16/2019 |
19.10.24 | 89 | 10/16/2019 |
19.10.21 | 124 | 10/14/2019 |
19.10.20 | 88 | 10/12/2019 |
19.10.19 | 89 | 10/12/2019 |
19.10.13 | 93 | 10/12/2019 |
19.10.11 | 111 | 10/12/2019 |
19.10.9 | 89 | 10/12/2019 |
19.10.3 | 104 | 10/11/2019 |