Testing DSC Resources against HQRM guidelines
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
(c) dsccommunity. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- DSC Community
DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource
Clear-DscLcmConfiguration Get-DscResourceTestContainer Get-InvalidOperationRecord Get-InvalidResultRecord Initialize-TestEnvironment Invoke-DscResourceTest New-DscSelfSignedCertificate Restore-TestEnvironment Task.Fail_Build_If_HQRM_Tests_Failed Task.Invoke_HQRM_Tests_Stop_On_Fail Task.Invoke_HQRM_Tests Wait-ForIdleLcm
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## [0.15.0-preview0002] - 2021-02-08
### Added
- Added test helper functions `Get-InvalidResultRecord` and `Get-InvalidOperationRecord`.
- Added alias `Get-ObjectNotFoundRecord` that points to `Get-InvalidResultRecord`.
- Added build task `Invoke_HQRM_Tests` and `Fail_Build_If_HQRM_Tests_Failed`.
- Added meta build task `Invoke_HQRM_Tests_Stop_On_Fail` that runs both
build tasks `Invoke_HQRM_Tests` and `Fail_Build_If_HQRM_Tests_Failed`
in correct order.
- New QA (HQRM) tests for Pester 5 was added that will only run if Pester 5.1
is used by the test pipeline.
- Added (converted) HQRM test for Pester 5
- Added `Changelog.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Added `ExampleFiles.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Added `FileFormatting.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- The individual test for checking BOM on markdown files was remove
and replaced by a test that checks for BOM on all text files (code,
configuration, and markdown). That also replaced the Pester 4 tests
`ModuleFiles.common.v4.Tests.ps1` (that only checked for BOM on
`.psm1`files), and `ScriptFiles.common.v4.Tests.ps1` (that only
checked for BOM on `.ps1` files). No changes were made to the
Pester 4 tests, just the Pester 5 tests.
- Added `MarkdownLinks.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Added `ModuleManifest.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Added `ModuleScriptFiles.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Contain the converted Pester 4 tests from `Psm1Parsing.common.v4.Tests.ps1`.
- Added `PSSAResource.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Any test that is excluded by using Pester `ExcludeTag` under the key
`DscTest:` will now be silently excluded due to how Pester does _Discovery_.
- Added `PublishExampleFiles.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Added `ResourceSchema.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Added public function `Get-DscResourceTestContainer` which returns a Pester
container for each available Pester 5 HQRM test.
### Changed
- Renamed all existing QA (HQRM) tests to `*.v4.Tests.ps1*` and made
them not run if test pipeline is using Pester 5.
- The function `Get-TextFilesList` can now take an optional parameter
`FileExtension` to only return those files, e.g. `@('.psm1')`. This
makes the function `Get-Psm1FileList` obsolete.
- `Get-DscResourceTestContainer`
- Changed to support the new Pester 5 HQRM tests, and code for an older
Pester 5 Beta iteration was removed.
- Added a `build.yaml` task script `Add_Aliases_To_Module_Manifest` that
update module manifest with a list of aliases that is configured in
the `build.yaml` file under the key `AliasesToExport:`. This is quick
fix for the issue [Export alias create with Set-Alias and New-Alias](https://github.com/PoshCode/ModuleBuilder/issues/103).
- DscResource.Test.nuspec
- DscResource.Test.psm1
- DscResource.Test.psd1
- en-US\DscResource.AnalyzerRules.psd1
- en-US\about_DscResource.Test.help.txt
- tasks\Fail_Build_If_HQRM_Tests_Failed.build.ps1
- tasks\Invoke_HQRM_Tests.build.ps1
- tasks\Invoke_HQRM_Tests_Stop_On_Fail.build.ps1
- Config\PSSA_rules_config.json
- Tests\SpellCheck.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ModuleScriptFiles.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ResourceSchema.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ExampleFiles.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\MarkdownLinks.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\PublishExampleFiles.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\Changelog.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ModuleManifest.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\RelativePathLength.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\Localization.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\PSSAResource.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\MarkdownLinks.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\PublishExampleFiles.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\RelativePathLength.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\Psm1Parsing.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ExampleFiles.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ModuleFiles.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ResourceSchema.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\FileFormatting.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\PSSAResource.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ScriptFiles.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\Changelog.common.v4.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\Localization.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\FileFormatting.common.v5.Tests.ps1
- Tests\QA\ModuleManifest.common.v5.Tests.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
0.17.2 | 10,805 | 2/28/2025 |
0.17.2-previ... | 3 | 2/28/2025 |
0.17.1 | 9,602 | 2/2/2025 |
0.17.1-previ... | 3 | 2/2/2025 |
0.17.0 | 3,206 | 1/25/2025 |
0.17.0-previ... | 3 | 1/25/2025 |
0.17.0-previ... | 3,716 | 11/25/2024 |
0.17.0-previ... | 55 | 11/24/2024 |
0.17.0-previ... | 1,935 | 10/10/2024 |
0.17.0-previ... | 25 | 10/9/2024 |
0.17.0-previ... | 2 | 10/9/2024 |
0.17.0-previ... | 468 | 9/29/2024 |
0.16.3 | 52,221 | 8/29/2024 |
0.16.3-previ... | 832 | 8/14/2024 |
0.16.3-previ... | 5 | 8/13/2024 |
0.16.2 | 234,900 | 5/18/2023 |
0.16.2-previ... | 75 | 5/17/2023 |
0.16.2-previ... | 6,010 | 8/1/2022 |
0.16.1 | 168,784 | 4/20/2022 |
0.16.1-previ... | 16 | 4/20/2022 |
0.16.1-previ... | 35 | 4/18/2022 |
0.16.0 | 129,752 | 9/11/2021 |
0.16.0-previ... | 16 | 9/11/2021 |
0.15.2 | 2,057 | 9/8/2021 |
0.15.2-previ... | 16 | 9/8/2021 |
0.15.2-previ... | 34 | 6/9/2021 |
0.15.1 | 63,105 | 3/29/2021 |
0.15.1-previ... | 17 | 3/29/2021 |
0.15.1-previ... | 23 | 2/14/2021 |
0.15.0 | 18,665 | 2/9/2021 |
0.15.0-previ... | 21 | 2/9/2021 |
0.15.0-previ... (current version) | 21 | 2/8/2021 |
0.15.0-previ... | 20 | 2/5/2021 |
0.14.3 | 9,528 | 1/13/2021 |
0.14.3-previ... | 19 | 1/13/2021 |
0.14.2 | 2,431 | 1/5/2021 |
0.14.2-previ... | 18 | 1/5/2021 |
0.14.1 | 29,424 | 11/12/2020 |
0.14.1-previ... | 23 | 10/21/2020 |
0.14.1-previ... | 23 | 8/16/2020 |
0.14.0 | 144,195 | 8/8/2020 |
0.14.0-previ... | 17 | 8/8/2020 |
0.13.3 | 109,979 | 6/1/2020 |
0.13.3-previ... | 17 | 6/1/2020 |
0.13.2 | 845 | 5/30/2020 |
0.13.2-previ... | 17 | 5/30/2020 |
0.13.1 | 26,350 | 5/15/2020 |
0.13.1-previ... | 17 | 5/15/2020 |
0.13.0 | 69,633 | 3/28/2020 |
0.13.0-previ... | 19 | 3/26/2020 |
0.13.0-previ... | 20 | 1/24/2020 |
0.12.1 | 253,736 | 1/16/2020 |
0.12.1-previ... | 19 | 1/16/2020 |
0.12.0 | 1,393 | 1/16/2020 |
0.12.0-previ... | 19 | 1/16/2020 |
0.12.0-previ... | 19 | 1/16/2020 |
0.11.1 | 69,892 | 1/6/2020 |
0.11.1-previ... | 20 | 1/6/2020 |
0.11.1-previ... | 20 | 1/6/2020 |
0.11.0 | 57,852 | 12/29/2019 |
0.11.0-previ... | 22 | 12/29/2019 |
0.11.0-previ... | 20 | 12/29/2019 |
0.11.0-previ... | 20 | 12/28/2019 |
0.11.0-previ... | 20 | 12/28/2019 |
0.10.1-previ... | 20 | 12/28/2019 |
0.10.0 | 8,887 | 12/28/2019 |
0.10.0-previ... | 21 | 12/28/2019 |
0.9.1-previe... | 21 | 12/28/2019 |
0.9.0 | 3,160 | 12/27/2019 |
0.9.0-previe... | 20 | 12/27/2019 |
0.8.1-previe... | 19 | 12/27/2019 |
0.8.1-previe... | 19 | 12/23/2019 |
0.8.1-previe... | 19 | 12/23/2019 |
0.8.1-previe... | 19 | 12/22/2019 |
0.8.0 | 124 | 12/21/2019 |
0.8.0-previe... | 19 | 12/21/2019 |
0.8.0-previe... | 19 | 12/21/2019 |
0.8.0-previe... | 19 | 12/21/2019 |
0.7.0 | 77 | 12/19/2019 |
0.7.0-previe... | 19 | 12/19/2019 |
0.6.0-previe... | 19 | 12/18/2019 |
0.5.4-previe... | 19 | 12/17/2019 |
0.5.3 | 94 | 12/16/2019 |
0.5.3-previe... | 20 | 12/16/2019 |
0.5.2 | 53 | 12/13/2019 |
0.5.2-previe... | 19 | 12/13/2019 |
0.5.1 | 26 | 12/13/2019 |
0.5.1-previe... | 19 | 12/13/2019 |
0.5.0 | 29 | 12/12/2019 |
0.5.0-previe... | 20 | 12/12/2019 |
0.4.3 | 84 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.3-previe... | 19 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.2 | 26 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.2-previe... | 20 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.1 | 26 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.1-previe... | 19 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.1-previe... | 19 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.0 | 25 | 12/4/2019 |
0.4.0-previe... | 20 | 12/3/2019 |
0.3.1-previe... | 19 | 12/3/2019 |
0.3.0 | 26 | 12/2/2019 |
0.3.0-previe... | 20 | 12/2/2019 |
0.2.1-previe... | 19 | 12/2/2019 |
0.2.0 | 24 | 11/27/2019 |
0.2.0-previe... | 18 | 11/27/2019 |
0.2.0-previe... | 19 | 11/26/2019 |
0.2.0-previe... | 19 | 11/26/2019 |
0.2.0-previe... | 19 | 11/26/2019 |
0.2.0-previe... | 19 | 11/26/2019 |