

Testing DSC Resources against HQRM guidelines

Minimum PowerShell version


This is a prerelease version of DscResource.Test.
There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name DscResource.Test -RequiredVersion 0.15.0-preview0002 -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name DscResource.Test -Version 0.15.0-preview0002 -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) dsccommunity. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • DSC Community


DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource


Clear-DscLcmConfiguration Get-DscResourceTestContainer Get-InvalidOperationRecord Get-InvalidResultRecord Initialize-TestEnvironment Invoke-DscResourceTest New-DscSelfSignedCertificate Restore-TestEnvironment Task.Fail_Build_If_HQRM_Tests_Failed Task.Invoke_HQRM_Tests_Stop_On_Fail Task.Invoke_HQRM_Tests Wait-ForIdleLcm


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## [0.15.0-preview0002] - 2021-02-08

### Added

- Added test helper functions `Get-InvalidResultRecord` and `Get-InvalidOperationRecord`.
- Added alias `Get-ObjectNotFoundRecord` that points to `Get-InvalidResultRecord`.
- Added build task `Invoke_HQRM_Tests` and `Fail_Build_If_HQRM_Tests_Failed`.
- Added meta build task `Invoke_HQRM_Tests_Stop_On_Fail` that runs both
 build tasks `Invoke_HQRM_Tests` and `Fail_Build_If_HQRM_Tests_Failed`
 in correct order.
- New QA (HQRM) tests for Pester 5 was added that will only run if Pester 5.1
 is used by the test pipeline.
- Added (converted) HQRM test for Pester 5
 - Added `Changelog.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
 - Added `ExampleFiles.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
 - Added `FileFormatting.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
   - The individual test for checking BOM on markdown files was remove
     and replaced by a test that checks for BOM on all text files (code,
     configuration, and markdown). That also replaced the Pester 4 tests
     `ModuleFiles.common.v4.Tests.ps1` (that only checked for BOM on
     `.psm1`files), and `ScriptFiles.common.v4.Tests.ps1` (that only
     checked for BOM on `.ps1` files). No changes were made to the
     Pester 4 tests, just the Pester 5 tests.
 - Added `MarkdownLinks.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
 - Added `ModuleManifest.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
 - Added `ModuleScriptFiles.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
   - Contain the converted Pester 4 tests from `Psm1Parsing.common.v4.Tests.ps1`.
 - Added `PSSAResource.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
   - Any test that is excluded by using Pester `ExcludeTag` under the key
     `DscTest:` will now be silently excluded due to how Pester does _Discovery_.
 - Added `PublishExampleFiles.v5.Tests.ps1`
 - Added `ResourceSchema.common.v5.Tests.ps1`
- Added public function `Get-DscResourceTestContainer` which returns a Pester
 container for each available Pester 5 HQRM test.

### Changed

- Renamed all existing QA (HQRM) tests to `*.v4.Tests.ps1*` and made
 them not run if test pipeline is using Pester 5.
- The function `Get-TextFilesList` can now take an optional parameter
 `FileExtension` to only return those files, e.g. `@('.psm1')`. This
 makes the function `Get-Psm1FileList` obsolete.
- `Get-DscResourceTestContainer`
 - Changed to support the new Pester 5 HQRM tests, and code for an older
   Pester 5 Beta iteration was removed.
- Added a `build.yaml` task script `Add_Aliases_To_Module_Manifest` that
 update module manifest with a list of aliases that is configured in
 the `build.yaml` file under the key `AliasesToExport:`. This is quick
 fix for the issue [Export alias create with Set-Alias and New-Alias](https://github.com/PoshCode/ModuleBuilder/issues/103).


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.17.2 10,805 2/28/2025
0.17.2-previ... 3 2/28/2025
0.17.1 9,602 2/2/2025
0.17.1-previ... 3 2/2/2025
0.17.0 3,206 1/25/2025
0.17.0-previ... 3 1/25/2025
0.17.0-previ... 3,716 11/25/2024
0.17.0-previ... 55 11/24/2024
0.17.0-previ... 1,935 10/10/2024
0.17.0-previ... 25 10/9/2024
0.17.0-previ... 2 10/9/2024
0.17.0-previ... 468 9/29/2024
0.16.3 52,221 8/29/2024
0.16.3-previ... 832 8/14/2024
0.16.3-previ... 5 8/13/2024
0.16.2 234,900 5/18/2023
0.16.2-previ... 75 5/17/2023
0.16.2-previ... 6,010 8/1/2022
0.16.1 168,784 4/20/2022
0.16.1-previ... 16 4/20/2022
0.16.1-previ... 35 4/18/2022
0.16.0 129,752 9/11/2021
0.16.0-previ... 16 9/11/2021
0.15.2 2,057 9/8/2021
0.15.2-previ... 16 9/8/2021
0.15.2-previ... 34 6/9/2021
0.15.1 63,105 3/29/2021
0.15.1-previ... 17 3/29/2021
0.15.1-previ... 23 2/14/2021
0.15.0 18,665 2/9/2021
0.15.0-previ... 21 2/9/2021
0.15.0-previ... (current version) 21 2/8/2021
0.15.0-previ... 20 2/5/2021
0.14.3 9,528 1/13/2021
0.14.3-previ... 19 1/13/2021
0.14.2 2,431 1/5/2021
0.14.2-previ... 18 1/5/2021
0.14.1 29,424 11/12/2020
0.14.1-previ... 23 10/21/2020
0.14.1-previ... 23 8/16/2020
0.14.0 144,195 8/8/2020
0.14.0-previ... 17 8/8/2020
0.13.3 109,979 6/1/2020
0.13.3-previ... 17 6/1/2020
0.13.2 845 5/30/2020
0.13.2-previ... 17 5/30/2020
0.13.1 26,350 5/15/2020
0.13.1-previ... 17 5/15/2020
0.13.0 69,633 3/28/2020
0.13.0-previ... 19 3/26/2020
0.13.0-previ... 20 1/24/2020
0.12.1 253,736 1/16/2020
0.12.1-previ... 19 1/16/2020
0.12.0 1,393 1/16/2020
0.12.0-previ... 19 1/16/2020
0.12.0-previ... 19 1/16/2020
0.11.1 69,892 1/6/2020
0.11.1-previ... 20 1/6/2020
0.11.1-previ... 20 1/6/2020
0.11.0 57,852 12/29/2019
0.11.0-previ... 22 12/29/2019
0.11.0-previ... 20 12/29/2019
0.11.0-previ... 20 12/28/2019
0.11.0-previ... 20 12/28/2019
0.10.1-previ... 20 12/28/2019
0.10.0 8,887 12/28/2019
0.10.0-previ... 21 12/28/2019
0.9.1-previe... 21 12/28/2019
0.9.0 3,160 12/27/2019
0.9.0-previe... 20 12/27/2019
0.8.1-previe... 19 12/27/2019
0.8.1-previe... 19 12/23/2019
0.8.1-previe... 19 12/23/2019
0.8.1-previe... 19 12/22/2019
0.8.0 124 12/21/2019
0.8.0-previe... 19 12/21/2019
0.8.0-previe... 19 12/21/2019
0.8.0-previe... 19 12/21/2019
0.7.0 77 12/19/2019
0.7.0-previe... 19 12/19/2019
0.6.0-previe... 19 12/18/2019
0.5.4-previe... 19 12/17/2019
0.5.3 94 12/16/2019
0.5.3-previe... 20 12/16/2019
0.5.2 53 12/13/2019
0.5.2-previe... 19 12/13/2019
0.5.1 26 12/13/2019
0.5.1-previe... 19 12/13/2019
0.5.0 29 12/12/2019
0.5.0-previe... 20 12/12/2019
0.4.3 84 12/4/2019
0.4.3-previe... 19 12/4/2019
0.4.2 26 12/4/2019
0.4.2-previe... 20 12/4/2019
0.4.1 26 12/4/2019
0.4.1-previe... 19 12/4/2019
0.4.1-previe... 19 12/4/2019
0.4.0 25 12/4/2019
0.4.0-previe... 20 12/3/2019
0.3.1-previe... 19 12/3/2019
0.3.0 26 12/2/2019
0.3.0-previe... 20 12/2/2019
0.2.1-previe... 19 12/2/2019
0.2.0 24 11/27/2019
0.2.0-previe... 18 11/27/2019
0.2.0-previe... 19 11/26/2019
0.2.0-previe... 19 11/26/2019
0.2.0-previe... 19 11/26/2019
0.2.0-previe... 19 11/26/2019
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