

Several general purpose cmdlets and functions.

Invoke-RestMethodDemo Demonstrates REST with several public URLs.
Start-MOCLab Start required VMs for a particular lab from a MOC training (Microsoft Official Curriculum).
Get-Ticker Retrieves ticker info from Alpha Vantage.
Get-EventLogInterestingEvents Displays popular events from the eventlog. For example:

Several general purpose cmdlets and functions.

Invoke-RestMethodDemo Demonstrates REST with several public URLs.
Start-MOCLab Start required VMs for a particular lab from a MOC training (Microsoft Official Curriculum).
Get-Ticker Retrieves ticker info from Alpha Vantage.
Get-EventLogInterestingEvents Displays popular events from the eventlog. For example: unexpected shutdown, failed logon, account locked out.
Get-DuplicateFiles is a function that scans for duplicate files based on contents.
Send-WakeOnLan sends a magic packet to the specified MAC address on this subnet to wake up the host.
Send-Tweet send a Tweet through the Twitter API.
Get-ServiceMemoryUsage Get memory usage by service.
Get-MessageOfTheDay displays a random message, mostly PowerShell-related.  ;)
Invoke-Speak converts the specified string to audio.
Enable-RDPThroughWmi can enable Remote Desktop on a remote host when only WMI connectivity is provided.
Enable-PSRemotingThroughWmi can enable PS Remoting on a remote host when only WMI connectivity is provided.
Get-FolderSpaceReport displays a rudimentary space report on subfolders.
Measure-HashSpeed Measures the hash speed of several algorithms on a specified file

Also contains several monitoring functions:
MultiPing sends a ping to one or more specified hosts to verify connectivity. It will display colored output and by default repeats.
NetworkMonitor pings the entire subnet and logs any hosts responding or stopped responding.
ProcessMonitor monitors for start and stop events in the process listing.
ServiceMonitor monitors for new or changed services.
EventLogMonitor writes events to the screen as they occur.
FolderMonitor scans for changes in one or more folders. Perfect for SCCM Distribution Points.
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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Dimmo -RequiredVersion 1.14

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Dimmo -Version 1.14

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2015-2018 Dimitri Koens. All rights reserved.

Package Details


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.31 903 5/15/2022
1.30 174 11/30/2021
1.29 228 11/19/2020
1.28 34 11/15/2020
1.27 207 11/6/2019
1.26 140 5/10/2019
1.25 43 5/8/2019
1.24 79 3/11/2019
1.23 82 2/2/2019
1.22 33 2/2/2019
1.21 30 2/2/2019
1.20 37 1/31/2019
1.19 50 1/16/2019
1.17 31 1/16/2019
1.16 42 1/10/2019
1.15 48 12/24/2018
1.14 (current version) 30 12/24/2018
1.12 30 12/23/2018
1.11 41 12/15/2018
1.10 32 12/15/2018
1.9 33 12/15/2018
1.8 131 5/31/2018
1.7 42 5/30/2018
1.6 952 11/3/2015
1.5 46 10/29/2015
1.4 55 10/16/2015
1.3 45 10/14/2015
1.2 36 10/12/2015
1.0 40 10/7/2015
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