Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Api Management service cmdlets for Azure Resource Manager in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core.
For more information Api Management, please visit the following:
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Microsoft Corporation
Azure ResourceManager ARM ApiManagement
Add-AzApiManagementApiToProduct Add-AzApiManagementProductToGroup Add-AzApiManagementRegion Add-AzApiManagementUserToGroup Backup-AzApiManagement Export-AzApiManagementApi Get-AzApiManagement Get-AzApiManagementApi Get-AzApiManagementApiRelease Get-AzApiManagementApiRevision Get-AzApiManagementApiSchema Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer Get-AzApiManagementBackend Get-AzApiManagementCache Get-AzApiManagementCertificate Get-AzApiManagementDiagnostic Get-AzApiManagementGroup Get-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider Get-AzApiManagementLogger Get-AzApiManagementNetworkStatus Get-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProvider Get-AzApiManagementOperation Get-AzApiManagementPolicy Get-AzApiManagementProduct Get-AzApiManagementProperty Get-AzApiManagementSsoToken Get-AzApiManagementSubscription Get-AzApiManagementTenantAccess Get-AzApiManagementTenantGitAccess Get-AzApiManagementTenantSyncState Get-AzApiManagementUser Get-AzApiManagementUserSsoUrl Import-AzApiManagementApi New-AzApiManagement New-AzApiManagementApi New-AzApiManagementApiRelease New-AzApiManagementApiRevision New-AzApiManagementApiSchema New-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet New-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer New-AzApiManagementBackend New-AzApiManagementBackendCredential New-AzApiManagementBackendProxy New-AzApiManagementBackendServiceFabric New-AzApiManagementCache New-AzApiManagementCertificate New-AzApiManagementContext New-AzApiManagementCustomHostnameConfiguration New-AzApiManagementDiagnostic New-AzApiManagementGroup New-AzApiManagementHttpMessageDiagnostic New-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider New-AzApiManagementLogger New-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProvider New-AzApiManagementOperation New-AzApiManagementPipelineDiagnosticSetting New-AzApiManagementProduct New-AzApiManagementProperty New-AzApiManagementRegion New-AzApiManagementSamplingSetting New-AzApiManagementSslSetting New-AzApiManagementSubscription New-AzApiManagementSystemCertificate New-AzApiManagementUser New-AzApiManagementUserToken New-AzApiManagementVirtualNetwork Publish-AzApiManagementTenantGitConfiguration Remove-AzApiManagement Remove-AzApiManagementApi Remove-AzApiManagementApiFromProduct Remove-AzApiManagementApiRelease Remove-AzApiManagementApiRevision Remove-AzApiManagementApiSchema Remove-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet Remove-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer Remove-AzApiManagementBackend Remove-AzApiManagementCache Remove-AzApiManagementCertificate Remove-AzApiManagementDiagnostic Remove-AzApiManagementGroup Remove-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider Remove-AzApiManagementLogger Remove-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProvider Remove-AzApiManagementOperation Remove-AzApiManagementPolicy Remove-AzApiManagementProduct Remove-AzApiManagementProductFromGroup Remove-AzApiManagementProperty Remove-AzApiManagementRegion Remove-AzApiManagementSubscription Remove-AzApiManagementUser Remove-AzApiManagementUserFromGroup Restore-AzApiManagement Save-AzApiManagementTenantGitConfiguration Set-AzApiManagement Set-AzApiManagementApi Set-AzApiManagementApiRevision Set-AzApiManagementApiSchema Set-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet Set-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer Set-AzApiManagementBackend Set-AzApiManagementCertificate Set-AzApiManagementDiagnostic Set-AzApiManagementGroup Set-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider Set-AzApiManagementLogger Set-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProvider Set-AzApiManagementOperation Set-AzApiManagementPolicy Set-AzApiManagementProduct Set-AzApiManagementProperty Set-AzApiManagementSubscription Set-AzApiManagementTenantAccess Set-AzApiManagementUser Update-AzApiManagementApiRelease Update-AzApiManagementCache Update-AzApiManagementRegion
- Az.Accounts (>= 1.5.2)
Release Notes
* Created new Cmdlets for managing diagnostics at the global and API Scope
- **Get-AzApiManagementDiagnostic** - Get the diagnostics configured a global or api Scope
- **New-AzApiManagementDiagnostic** - Create new diagnostics at the global scope or api Scope
- **New-AzApiManagementHttpMessageDiagnostic** - Create diagnostic setting for which Headers to log and the size of Body Bytes
- **New-AzApiManagementPipelineDiagnosticSetting** - Create Diagnostic settings for incoming/outgoing HTTP messages to the Gateway.
- **New-AzApiManagementSamplingSetting** - Create Sampling Setting for the requests/response for a diagnostic
- **Remove-AzApiManagementDiagnostic** - Remove a diagnostic entity at global or api scope
- **Set-AzApiManagementDiagnostic** - Update a diagnostic Entity at global or api scope
* Created new Cmdlets for managing Cache in ApiManagement service
- **Get-AzApiManagementCache** - Get the details of the Cache specified by identifier or all caches
- **New-AzApiManagementCache** - Create a new 'default' Cache or Cache in a particular azure 'region'
- **Remove-AzApiManagementCache** - Remove a cache
- **Update-AzApiManagementCache** - Update a cache
* Created new Cmdlets for managing API Schema
- **New-AzApiManagementSchema** - Create a new Schema for an API
- **Get-AzApiManagementSchema** - Get the schemas configured in the API
- **Remove-AzApiManagementSchema** - Remove the schema configured in the API
- **Set-AzApiManagementSchema** - Update the schema configured in the API
* Created new Cmdlet for generating a User Token.
- **New-AzApiManagementUserToken** - Generate a new User Token valid for 8 hours by default.Token for the 'GIT' user can be generated using this cmdlet./
* Created a new cmdlet to retrieving the Network Status
- **Get-AzApiManagementNetworkStatus** - Get the Network status connectivity of resources on which API Management service depends on. This is useful when deploying ApiManagement service into a Virtual Network and validing whether any of the dependencies are broken.
* Updated cmdlet **New-AzApiManagement** to manage ApiManagement service
- Added support for the new 'Consumption' SKU
- Added support to turn the 'EnableClientCertificate' flag on for 'Consumption' SKU
- The new cmdlet **New-AzApiManagementSslSetting** allows configuring 'TLS/SSL' setting on the 'Backend' and 'Frontend'. This can also be used to configure 'Ciphers' like '3DES' and 'ServerProtocols' like 'Http2' on the 'Frontend' of an ApiManagement service.
- Added support for configuring the 'DeveloperPortal' hostname on ApiManagement service.
* Updated cmdlets **Get-AzApiManagementSsoToken** to take 'PsApiManagement' object as input
* Updated the cmdlet to display Error Messages inline
> PS D:\github\azure-powershell> Set-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context -PolicyFilePath C:\wrongpolicy.xml -ApiId httpbin
> Set-AzApiManagementPolicy :
Error Code: ValidationError
Error Message: One or more fields contain incorrect values:
Error Details:
[Code=ValidationError, Message=Error in element 'log-to-eventhub' on line 3, column 10: Logger not found, Target=log-to-eventhub]
* Updated cmdlet **Export-AzApiManagementApi** to export APIs in 'OpenApi 3.0' format
* Updated cmdlet **Import-AzApiManagementApi**
- To import Api from 'OpenApi 3.0' document specification
- To override the 'PsApiManagementSchema' property specified in any ('Swagger', 'Wadl', 'Wsdl', 'OpenApi') document.
- To override the 'ServiceUrl' property specified in any document.
* Updated cmdlet **Get-AzApiManagementPolicy** to return policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml'
* Updated cmdlet **Set-AzApiManagementPolicy** to accept policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml' and Xml escaped using 'xml'
* Updated cmdlet **New-AzApiManagementApi**
- To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
- To create an API in an 'ApiVersionSet'
- To clone an API using 'SourceApiId' and 'SourceApiRevision'.
- Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
* Updated cmdlet **Set-AzApiManagementApi**
- To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
- To updated an API into an 'ApiVersionSet'
- Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
* Updated cmdlet **New-AzApiManagementRevision**
- To clone (copy tags, products, operations and policies) an existing revision using 'SourceApiRevision'. The new Revision assumes the 'ApiId' of the parent.
- To provide an 'ApiRevisionDescription'
- To override the 'ServiceUrl' when cloning an API.
* Updated cmdlet **New-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider**
- To configure 'AAD' or 'AADB2C' with an 'Authority'
- To setup 'SignupPolicy', 'SigninPolicy', 'ProfileEditingPolicy' and 'PasswordResetPolicy'
* Updated cmdlet **New-AzApiManagementSubscription**
- To account for the new SubscriptonModel using 'Scope' and 'UserId'
- To account for the old subscription model using 'ProductId' and 'UserId'
- Add support to enable 'AllowTracing' at the subscription level.
* Updated cmdlet **Set-AzApiManagementSubscription**
- To account for the new SubscriptonModel using 'Scope' and 'UserId'
- To account for the old subscription model using 'ProductId' and 'UserId'
- Add support to enable 'AllowTracing' at the subscription level.
* Updated following cmdlets to accept 'ResourceId' as input
- 'New-AzApiManagementContext'
> New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso
- 'Get-AzApiManagementApiRelease'
> Get-AzApiManagementApiRelease -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso/apis/echo-api/releases/releaseId
- 'Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet'
> Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/constoso/apiversionsets/pathversionset
- 'Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer'
- 'Get-AzApiManagementBackend'
> Get-AzApiManagementBackend -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso/backends/servicefabric
- 'Get-AzApiManagementCertificate'
- 'Remove-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet'
- 'Remove-AzApiManagementSubscription'
- Az.ApiManagement.nuspec
- AutoMapper.dll
- Az.ApiManagement.psd1
- Az.ApiManagement.psm1
- Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.deps.json
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.dll-Help.xml
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.generated.format.ps1xml
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.deps.json
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.dll
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.dll-Help.xml
- Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement.generated.format.ps1xml
- Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
4.0.5 | 1,110,589 | 11/11/2024 |
4.0.4 | 6,304,826 | 9/3/2024 |
4.0.3 | 8,392,916 | 5/21/2024 |
4.0.2 | 28,613,000 | 1/10/2023 |
4.0.1 | 2,097,695 | 11/17/2022 |
4.0.0 | 1,708,585 | 10/17/2022 |
3.0.1 | 2,172,554 | 9/6/2022 |
3.0.0 | 5,934,685 | 5/24/2022 |
2.3.2 | 4,057,423 | 4/26/2022 |
2.3.1 | 5,208,311 | 11/2/2021 |
2.3.0 | 1,395,638 | 9/7/2021 |
2.2.0 | 12,691,442 | 12/8/2020 |
2.1.0 | 9,693,756 | 8/4/2020 |
2.0.1 | 1,248,615 | 6/2/2020 |
2.0.0 | 360,852 | 5/19/2020 |
1.4.1 | 2,049,628 | 4/21/2020 |
1.4.0 | 872,977 | 3/10/2020 |
1.3.4 | 1,053,713 | 2/4/2020 |
1.3.3 | 727,567 | 12/17/2019 |
1.3.2 | 2,439,278 | 10/15/2019 |
1.3.1 | 193,651 | 9/24/2019 |
1.3.0 | 340,391 | 8/27/2019 |
1.2.0 | 719,643 | 7/2/2019 |
1.1.0 (current version) | 345,673 | 5/21/2019 |
1.0.0 | 939,289 | 12/18/2018 |
0.7.0 | 12,583 | 12/4/2018 |
0.6.1 | 9,403 | 11/21/2018 |
0.5.0 | 10,034 | 11/6/2018 |
0.4.0 | 11,325 | 10/23/2018 |
0.3.0 | 11,378 | 10/9/2018 |
0.2.2 | 4,970 | 9/24/2018 |
0.1.0 | 414 | 8/28/2018 |