Automated lab environments with ease - Linux and Windows, Hyper-V and Azure
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
Package Details
- Raimund Andree Per Pedersen Jan-Hendrik Peters
Lab LabAutomation HyperV Azure
Install-LabScvmm Install-LabRdsCertificate Install-LabAzureRequiredModule Uninstall-LabRdsCertificate New-LabSourcesFolder Add-LabAzureSubscription Add-LabCertificate Add-LabVMUserRight Add-LabVMWareSettings Checkpoint-LabVM Clear-Lab Clear-LabCache Connect-Lab Connect-LabVM Copy-LabALCommon Disable-LabVMFirewallGroup Disconnect-Lab Dismount-LabIsoImage Enable-LabCertificateAutoenrollment Enable-LabHostRemoting Enable-LabVMFirewallGroup Enable-LabVMRemoting Enter-LabPSSession Export-Lab Get-Lab Get-LabAvailableOperatingSystem Get-LabAzureAppServicePlan Get-LabAzureCertificate Get-LabAzureDefaultLocation Get-LabAzureDefaultResourceGroup Get-LabAzureLabSourcesContent Get-LabAzureLabSourcesStorage Get-LabAzureLocation Get-LabAzureResourceGroup Get-LabAzureSubscription Get-LabAzureWebApp Get-LabAzureWebAppStatus Get-LabCertificate Get-LabHyperVAvailableMemory Get-LabInternetFile Get-LabIssuingCA Get-LabVMUacStatus Get-LabPSSession Get-LabSoftwarePackage Get-LabSourcesLocation Get-LabSourcesLocationInternal Get-LabVariable Get-LabVHDX Get-LabVM Get-LabVMDotNetFrameworkVersion Get-LabVMRdpFile Get-LabVMStatus Get-LabVMUptime Get-LabWindowsFeature Get-LabAzureAvailableSku Get-LabAzureAvailableRoleSize Get-LabTfsUri Import-Lab Import-LabAzureCertificate Install-Lab Install-LabADDSTrust Install-LabAdfs Install-LabAdfsProxy Install-LabAzureServices Install-LabBuildWorker Install-LabDcs Install-LabDnsForwarder Install-LabDscClient Install-LabDscPullServer Install-LabFailoverCluster Install-LabFirstChildDcs Install-LabOffice2013 Install-LabOffice2016 Install-LabRootDcs Install-LabRouting Install-LabSoftwarePackage Install-LabSoftwarePackages Install-LabSqlSampleDatabases Install-LabSqlServers Install-LabWindowsFeature Install-LabTeamFoundationEnvironment Install-LabHyperV Install-LabWindowsAdminCenter Install-LabScom Install-LabDynamics Install-LabRemoteDesktopServices Install-LabConfigurationManager Add-LabWacManagedNode Invoke-LabCommand Invoke-LabDscConfiguration Join-LabVMDomain Mount-LabIsoImage New-LabADSubnet New-LabAzureLabSourcesStorage New-LabAzureAppServicePlan New-LabAzureWebApp New-LabAzureRmResourceGroup New-LabCATemplate New-LabPSSession New-LabVHDX New-LabVM Remove-LabDeploymentFiles Remove-Lab Remove-LabAzureLabSourcesStorage Remove-LabAzureResourceGroup Remove-LabDscLocalConfigurationManagerConfiguration Remove-LabPSSession Remove-LabVariable Remove-LabVM Remove-LabVMSnapshot Request-LabCertificate Reset-AutomatedLab Restart-LabVM Restart-ServiceResilient Restore-LabConnection Restore-LabVMSnapshot Save-Hashes Save-LabVM Enable-LabAutoLogon Disable-LabAutoLogon Set-LabAzureDefaultLocation Set-LabAzureWebAppContent Set-LabDefaultOperatingSystem Set-LabDefaultVirtualizationEngine Set-LabDscLocalConfigurationManagerConfiguration Set-LabGlobalNamePrefix Set-LabInstallationCredential Set-LabVMUacStatus Show-LabDeploymentSummary Start-LabAzureWebApp Start-LabVM Stop-LabAzureWebApp Stop-LabVM Sync-LabActiveDirectory Sync-LabAzureLabSources Test-FileHashes Test-FileList Test-FolderExist Test-FolderNotExist Test-LabADReady Test-LabAutoLogon Test-LabAzureLabSourcesStorage Test-LabCATemplate Test-LabMachineInternetConnectivity Test-LabHostRemoting Test-LabPathIsOnLabAzureLabSourcesStorage Test-LabTfsEnvironment Unblock-LabSources Undo-LabHostRemoting Uninstall-LabWindowsFeature Update-LabAzureSettings Update-LabIsoImage Update-LabBaseImage Update-LabSysinternalsTools Wait-LabADReady Wait-LabVM Wait-LabVMRestart Wait-LabVMShutdown Get-LabBuildStep Get-LabReleaseStep Get-LabCache New-LabReleasePipeline Get-LabTfsParameter Open-LabTfsSite Enable-LabTelemetry Disable-LabTelemetry Get-LabConfigurationItem Register-LabArgumentCompleters Get-LabVmSnapshot Test-LabHostConnected Test-LabAzureModuleAvailability Get-LabMachineAutoShutdown Enable-LabMachineAutoShutdown Disable-LabMAchineAutoShutdown Get-LabTfsFeed New-LabTfsFeed New-LabCimSession Get-LabCimSession Remove-LabCimSession Enable-LabInternalRouting Request-LabAzureJitAccess Enable-LabAzureJitAccess Install-LabSshKnownHost UnInstall-LabSshKnownHost Get-LabSshKnownHost
- AutomatedLab.nuspec
- AutomatedLab.format.ps1xml
- lib\core\ru\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- AutomatedLab.init.ps1
- lib\core\runtimes\freebsd\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- lib\core\runtimes\illumos\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- AutomatedLab.psd1
- lib\core\runtimes\ios\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- AutomatedLab.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\linux\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- AutomatedLabADCS.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\linux\lib\net6.0\System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll
- AutomatedLabADDS.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\linux-arm\native\
- AutomatedLabADFS.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\linux-arm64\native\
- AutomatedLabAzure.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\linux-x64\native\
- AutomatedLabAzureServices.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\osx\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- AutomatedLabConfigurationManager.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\osx\lib\net6.0\System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll
- AutomatedLabDiskImageLinux.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\osx-arm64\native\libSystem.IO.Ports.Native.dylib
- AutomatedLabDiskImageWindows.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\osx-x64\native\libSystem.IO.Ports.Native.dylib
- AutomatedLabDisks.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\solaris\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- AutomatedLabDsc.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\tvos\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- AutomatedLabDynamics.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\unix\lib\net6.0\System.Drawing.Common.dll
- AutomatedLabFailover.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\unix\lib\net6.0\System.IO.Ports.dll
- AutomatedLabHybrid.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\unix\lib\netcoreapp2.1\System.Data.SqlClient.dll
- AutomatedLabHyperV.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.dll
- AutomatedLabInternals.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll
- AutomatedLabNetwork.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- AutomatedLabOffice.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Data.OleDb.dll
- AutomatedLabRds.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Diagnostics.EventLog.dll
- AutomatedLabRemoting.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Diagnostics.EventLog.Messages.dll
- AutomatedLabRouting.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.dll
- AutomatedLabScom.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll
- AutomatedLabScvmm.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.DirectoryServices.dll
- AutomatedLabSharePoint.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll
- AutomatedLabSQL.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Drawing.Common.dll
- AutomatedLabTfs.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.IO.Ports.dll
- AutomatedLabVirtualMachines.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Management.dll
- AutomatedLabVMWare.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Runtime.Caching.dll
- AutomatedLabWac.psm1
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll
- ProductKeys.xml
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Speech.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Threading.AccessControl.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\net6.0\System.Windows.Extensions.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win\lib\netcoreapp2.1\System.Data.SqlClient.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win-arm64\native\sni.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win-x64\native\sni.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\runtimes\win-x86\native\sni.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\tr\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\tr\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\zh-Hans\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\zh-Hans\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\zh-Hant\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- en-us\
- lib\core\zh-Hant\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- en-us\
- lib\full\AutomatedLab.dll
- en-us\AutomatedLab-help.xml
- lib\full\AutomatedLab.pdb
- lib\core\AutomatedLab.deps.json
- lib\full\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.dll
- lib\core\AutomatedLab.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
- lib\core\AutomatedLab.pdb
- lib\full\Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventLog.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Extensions.Options.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventLog.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.Options.dll
- lib\full\Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll
- lib\full\System.Buffers.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl.dll
- lib\full\System.CodeDom.dll
- lib\core\Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.dll
- lib\full\System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll
- lib\core\System.CodeDom.dll
- lib\full\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- lib\core\System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll
- lib\full\System.Data.OleDb.dll
- lib\core\System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration.dll
- lib\full\System.Data.SqlClient.dll
- lib\core\System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll
- lib\full\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
- lib\core\System.Data.Odbc.dll
- lib\full\System.Diagnostics.EventLog.dll
- lib\core\System.Data.OleDb.dll
- lib\full\System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.dll
- lib\core\System.Data.SqlClient.dll
- lib\full\System.Drawing.Common.dll
- lib\core\System.Diagnostics.EventLog.dll
- lib\full\System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl.dll
- lib\core\System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.dll
- lib\full\System.IO.Packaging.dll
- lib\core\System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll
- lib\full\System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl.dll
- lib\core\System.DirectoryServices.dll
- lib\full\System.IO.Ports.dll
- lib\core\System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll
- lib\full\System.Management.Automation.dll
- lib\core\System.Drawing.Common.dll
- lib\full\System.Memory.dll
- lib\core\System.IO.Packaging.dll
- lib\full\System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
- lib\core\System.IO.Ports.dll
- lib\full\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
- lib\core\System.Management.Automation.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.AccessControl.dll
- lib\core\System.Management.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll
- lib\core\System.Private.ServiceModel.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll
- lib\core\System.Reflection.Context.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll
- lib\core\System.Runtime.Caching.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll
- lib\core\System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll
- lib\core\System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dll
- lib\core\System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Permissions.dll
- lib\core\System.Security.Permissions.dll
- lib\full\System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceModel.dll
- lib\full\System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll
- lib\full\System.ServiceModel.Http.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceModel.Http.dll
- lib\full\System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll
- lib\full\System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll
- lib\full\System.ServiceModel.Security.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceModel.Security.dll
- lib\full\System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceModel.Syndication.dll
- lib\full\System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll
- lib\core\System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll
- lib\full\System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll
- lib\core\System.Speech.dll
- lib\full\System.Threading.AccessControl.dll
- lib\core\System.Threading.AccessControl.dll
- lib\full\System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
- lib\core\System.Web.Services.Description.dll
- lib\full\System.ValueTuple.dll
- lib\core\System.Windows.Extensions.dll
- lib\full\System.Web.Services.Description.dll
- lib\core\cs\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- lib\full\cs\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\cs\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\full\de\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\de\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- lib\full\es\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\de\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\full\fr\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\es\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- lib\full\it\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\es\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\full\ja\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\fr\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- lib\full\ko\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\fr\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\full\pl\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\it\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- lib\full\pt-BR\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\it\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\full\ru\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\ja\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- lib\full\tr\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\ja\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\full\zh-Hans\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\ko\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- lib\full\zh-Hant\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- lib\core\ko\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- psfconfig\scriptblocks.ps1
- lib\core\pl\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- Tools\FluentFTP.dll
- lib\core\pl\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- Tools\HyperV\BGInfo.bgi
- lib\core\pt-BR\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
- Tools\HyperV\Bginfo.exe
- lib\core\pt-BR\System.Web.Services.Description.resources.dll
- Tools\HyperV\nvspbind.exe
- lib\core\ru\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
5.56.3-preview | 5 | 3/14/2025 |
5.56.2-preview | 9 | 2/19/2025 |
5.56.1-preview | 12 | 1/26/2025 |
5.56.0 | 14,676 | 1/26/2025 |
5.55.8-preview | 3 | 1/26/2025 |
5.55.7-preview | 5 | 1/25/2025 |
5.55.6-preview | 10 | 1/16/2025 |
5.55.5-preview | 14 | 1/3/2025 |
5.55.4-preview | 3 | 1/3/2025 |
5.55.3-preview | 3 | 1/2/2025 |
5.55.2-preview | 3 | 1/2/2025 |
5.55.1-preview | 4 | 12/31/2024 |
5.55.0 | 11,612 | 12/31/2024 |
5.54.7-preview | 17 | 11/21/2024 |
5.54.6-preview | 5 | 11/19/2024 |
5.54.5-preview | 3 | 11/18/2024 |
5.54.3-preview | 3 | 11/18/2024 |
5.54.1-preview | 18 | 8/16/2024 |
5.54.0 | 29,023 | 8/16/2024 |
5.53.7-preview | 7 | 7/26/2024 |
5.53.6-preview | 6 | 7/25/2024 |
5.53.5-preview | 7 | 7/22/2024 |
5.53.4-preview | 6 | 7/22/2024 |
5.53.3-preview | 12 | 6/25/2024 |
5.53.2-preview | 11 | 6/10/2024 |
5.53.1-preview | 7 | 6/8/2024 |
5.53.0 | 8,167 | 6/8/2024 |
5.51.10-preview | 7 | 5/27/2024 |
5.51.9-preview | 6 | 5/27/2024 |
5.51.8-preview | 10 | 4/25/2024 |
5.51.7-preview | 6 | 4/25/2024 |
5.51.6-preview | 6 | 4/22/2024 |
5.51.5-preview | 6 | 4/22/2024 |
5.51.4-preview | 10 | 4/3/2024 |
5.51.3-preview | 6 | 3/30/2024 |
5.51.2-preview | 6 | 3/29/2024 |
5.51.1-preview | 10 | 3/18/2024 |
5.51.0 | 10,047 | 3/18/2024 |
5.50.9-preview | 25 | 2/20/2024 |
5.50.8-preview | 8 | 2/16/2024 |
5.50.7-preview | 8 | 2/13/2024 |
5.50.6-preview | 8 | 2/13/2024 |
5.50.5-preview | 9 | 1/2/2024 |
5.50.4-preview | 14 | 12/13/2023 |
5.50.3-preview | 9 | 12/4/2023 |
5.50.2-preview | 9 | 11/11/2023 |
5.50.1-preview | 8 | 11/10/2023 |
5.50.0 | 11,719 | 11/10/2023 |
5.49.14-preview | 8 | 11/10/2023 |
5.49.13-preview | 8 | 11/10/2023 |
5.49.12-preview | 8 | 11/10/2023 |
5.49.11-preview | 8 | 11/10/2023 |
5.49.10-preview | 8 | 11/9/2023 |
5.49.9-preview | 8 | 11/4/2023 |
5.49.8-preview | 12 | 10/10/2023 |
5.49.7-preview | 8 | 10/10/2023 |
5.49.6-preview | 8 | 10/10/2023 |
5.49.5-preview | 8 | 10/10/2023 |
5.49.4-preview | 8 | 10/10/2023 |
5.49.3-preview | 9 | 9/29/2023 |
5.49.2-preview | 16 | 8/25/2023 |
5.49.1-preview | 12 | 8/1/2023 |
5.49.0 | 864 | 8/1/2023 |
5.48.20-preview | 8 | 8/1/2023 |
5.48.19-preview | 8 | 7/31/2023 |
5.48.18-preview | 8 | 7/24/2023 |
5.48.17-preview | 8 | 7/18/2023 |
5.48.16-preview | 8 | 6/27/2023 |
5.48.4-preview | 23 | 4/10/2023 |
5.48.3-preview | 8 | 4/10/2023 |
5.48.2-preview | 8 | 4/6/2023 |
5.48.1-preview | 8 | 4/5/2023 |
5.48.0 | 1,038 | 4/5/2023 |
5.47.11-preview | 8 | 4/5/2023 |
5.47.10-preview | 8 | 4/4/2023 |
5.47.9-preview | 9 | 3/31/2023 |
5.47.8-preview | 9 | 3/30/2023 |
5.47.7-preview | 9 | 3/21/2023 |
5.47.6-preview | 12 | 3/15/2023 |
5.47.5-preview | 12 | 2/24/2023 |
5.47.4-preview | 8 | 2/23/2023 |
5.47.3-preview | 8 | 2/22/2023 |
5.47.2-preview | 9 | 2/21/2023 |
5.47.1-preview | 8 | 2/20/2023 |
5.47.0 | 487 | 2/20/2023 |
5.46.30-preview | 8 | 2/20/2023 |
5.46.29-preview | 9 | 2/20/2023 |
5.46.28-preview | 9 | 2/19/2023 |
5.46.27-preview | 9 | 2/8/2023 |
5.46.26-preview | 11 | 2/2/2023 |
5.46.25-preview | 8 | 2/2/2023 |
5.46.24-preview | 10 | 1/31/2023 |
5.46.23-preview | 18 | 1/16/2023 |
5.46.22-preview | 8 | 1/13/2023 |
5.46.21-preview | 10 | 1/5/2023 |
5.46.20-preview | 8 | 1/4/2023 |
5.46.19-preview | 10 | 1/3/2023 |
5.46.18-preview | 8 | 1/3/2023 |
5.46.17-preview | 8 | 1/3/2023 |
5.46.15-preview | 9 | 1/3/2023 |
5.46.14-preview | 10 | 1/3/2023 |
5.46.13-preview | 8 | 12/20/2022 |
5.46.12-preview | 9 | 12/20/2022 |
5.46.11-preview | 8 | 12/14/2022 |
5.46.10-preview | 8 | 12/14/2022 |
5.46.9-preview | 11 | 12/11/2022 |
5.46.8-preview | 8 | 12/11/2022 |
5.46.7-preview | 10 | 12/5/2022 |
5.46.6-preview | 11 | 11/30/2022 |
5.46.5-preview | 8 | 11/28/2022 |
5.46.4-preview | 8 | 11/27/2022 |
5.46.3-preview | 8 | 11/27/2022 |
5.46.2-preview | 8 | 11/27/2022 |
5.46.1-preview | 8 | 11/24/2022 |
5.46.0 | 826 | 11/24/2022 |
5.45.13-preview | 31 | 10/21/2022 |
5.45.12-preview | 14 | 10/18/2022 |
5.45.11-preview | 14 | 10/14/2022 |
5.45.10-preview | 16 | 10/6/2022 |
5.45.9-preview | 19 | 9/26/2022 |
5.45.8-preview | 13 | 9/21/2022 |
5.45.7-preview | 13 | 9/21/2022 |
5.45.6-preview | 13 | 9/21/2022 |
5.45.5-preview | 13 | 9/21/2022 |
5.45.4-preview | 14 | 9/18/2022 |
5.45.3-preview | 13 | 9/18/2022 |
5.45.2-preview | 15 | 9/8/2022 |
5.45.1-preview | 13 | 9/1/2022 |
5.45.0 | 1,086 | 9/1/2022 |
5.44.29-preview | 20 | 8/26/2022 |
5.44.28-preview | 13 | 8/26/2022 |
5.44.27-preview | 18 | 8/25/2022 |
5.44.26-preview | 15 | 8/23/2022 |
5.44.25-preview | 13 | 8/19/2022 |
5.44.24-preview | 17 | 8/11/2022 |
5.44.23-preview | 16 | 8/11/2022 |
5.44.22-preview | 13 | 8/11/2022 |
5.44.21-preview | 14 | 8/11/2022 |
5.44.20-preview | 15 | 8/11/2022 |
5.44.19-preview | 16 | 8/10/2022 |
5.44.18-preview | 18 | 7/22/2022 |
5.44.3-preview | 13 | 8/8/2022 |
5.44.2-preview | 14 | 7/28/2022 |
5.44.1-preview | 12 | 7/28/2022 |
5.44.0 | 761 | 7/22/2022 |
5.43.16-preview | 13 | 7/19/2022 |
5.43.15-preview | 13 | 7/19/2022 |
5.43.14-preview | 13 | 7/19/2022 |
5.43.13-preview | 16 | 7/18/2022 |
5.43.12-preview (current version) | 14 | 7/14/2022 |
5.43.11-preview | 13 | 7/13/2022 |
5.43.10-preview | 14 | 7/13/2022 |
5.43.9-preview | 13 | 7/12/2022 |
5.43.8-preview | 16 | 7/12/2022 |
5.43.7-preview | 14 | 7/12/2022 |
5.43.6-preview | 13 | 7/12/2022 |
5.43.5-preview | 14 | 7/8/2022 |
5.43.4-preview | 13 | 7/5/2022 |
5.43.3-preview | 14 | 7/5/2022 |
5.43.2-preview | 14 | 7/1/2022 |
5.43.1-preview | 13 | 6/30/2022 |
5.43.0 | 492 | 6/30/2022 |
5.42.15-preview | 13 | 6/30/2022 |
5.42.14-preview | 14 | 6/30/2022 |
5.42.13-preview | 20 | 6/22/2022 |
5.42.12-preview | 16 | 5/24/2022 |
5.42.11-preview | 15 | 5/24/2022 |
5.42.10-preview | 15 | 5/24/2022 |
5.42.9-preview | 19 | 5/23/2022 |
5.42.8-preview | 16 | 5/23/2022 |
5.42.7-preview | 16 | 5/23/2022 |
5.42.6-preview | 15 | 5/19/2022 |
5.42.5-preview | 15 | 5/17/2022 |
5.42.4-preview | 16 | 5/17/2022 |
5.42.3-preview | 15 | 5/17/2022 |
5.42.2-preview | 18 | 5/5/2022 |
5.42.1-preview | 17 | 5/5/2022 |
5.42.0 | 601 | 5/5/2022 |
5.41.19-preview | 17 | 5/5/2022 |
5.41.18-preview | 17 | 4/8/2022 |
5.41.17-preview | 16 | 4/7/2022 |
5.41.16-preview | 19 | 3/22/2022 |
5.41.15-preview | 16 | 3/17/2022 |
5.41.14-preview | 17 | 3/17/2022 |
5.41.13-preview | 25 | 2/25/2022 |
5.41.12-preview | 17 | 2/25/2022 |
5.41.11-preview | 17 | 2/24/2022 |
5.41.10-preview | 18 | 2/20/2022 |
5.41.9-preview | 16 | 2/18/2022 |
5.41.8-preview | 18 | 2/16/2022 |
5.41.6-preview | 17 | 2/16/2022 |
5.41.5-preview | 17 | 2/5/2022 |
5.41.4-preview | 17 | 2/5/2022 |
5.41.0 | 1,013 | 1/31/2022 |
5.40.0 | 1,301 | 10/13/2021 |
5.39.0 | 887 | 8/20/2021 |
5.38.0 | 541 | 7/14/2021 |
5.37.0 | 627 | 5/31/2021 |
5.36.0 | 383 | 4/27/2021 |
5.35.0 | 104 | 4/23/2021 |
5.34.0 | 377 | 3/30/2021 |
5.33.0 | 462 | 3/3/2021 |
5.32.0 | 758 | 12/31/2020 |
5.31.0 | 249 | 12/15/2020 |
5.30.0 | 35 | 12/15/2020 |
5.22.0 | 1,326 | 7/10/2020 |
5.21.0 | 876 | 5/26/2020 |
5.20.0 | 736 | 4/20/2020 |
5.19.0 | 323 | 4/3/2020 |
5.17.0 | 1,052 | 1/8/2020 |
5.16.0 | 888 | 9/29/2019 |
5.15.0 | 153 | 9/20/2019 |
5.14.0 | 829 | 6/27/2019 |
5.13.0 | 40 | 6/27/2019 |
5.12.0 | 80 | 6/26/2019 |
5.10.0 | 538 | 5/15/2019 |
5.9.0 | 616 | 3/25/2019 |
5.8.0 | 38 | 3/25/2019 |
5.7.0 | 416 | 2/16/2019 |
5.6.0 | 111 | 2/8/2019 |
5.5.275 | 67 | 2/6/2019 |
5.5.268 | 129 | 1/30/2019 | | 150 | 1/15/2019 | | 461 | 11/26/2018 | | 290 | 10/23/2018 | | 138 | 10/10/2018 | | 151 | 9/28/2018 | | 426 | 8/3/2018 | | 26 | 9/27/2018 | | 250 | 7/10/2018 | | 122 | 6/23/2018 | | 171 | 5/24/2018 | | 231 | 4/28/2018 | | 210 | 4/18/2018 | | 52 | 4/18/2018 | | 72 | 4/13/2018 | | 69 | 4/11/2018 | | 29 | 4/11/2018 | | 67 | 4/9/2018 | | 72 | 4/5/2018 | | 36 | 4/4/2018 | | 691 | 1/18/2018 | | 30 | 1/18/2018 | | 30 | 1/18/2018 | | 32 | 1/18/2018 | | 36 | 1/18/2018 | | 84 | 1/6/2018 | | 70 | 12/29/2017 |
4.5.6 | 66 | 12/20/2017 | | 547 | 2/3/2017 | | 42 | 2/2/2017 |