

The module collects all helper functions used in but not limited to AutomatedLab

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name AutomatedLab.Common -RequiredVersion 1.1.78

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name AutomatedLab.Common -Version 1.1.78

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More




Package Details


  • Raimund Andree Per Pedersen Jan-Hendrik Peters


LabAutomation AutomatedLab Networking PKI DesiredStateConfiguration DSC


Add-AccountPrivilege Add-CATemplateStandardPermission Add-Certificate2 Add-FunctionToPSSession Add-StringIncrement Add-VariableToPSSession ConvertTo-BinaryIP ConvertTo-DecimalIP ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ConvertTo-Mask ConvertTo-MaskLength Enable-AutoEnrollment Find-CertificateAuthority Get-BroadcastAddress Get-CATemplate Get-Certificate2 Get-ConsoleText Get-DotNetFrameworkVersion Get-DscConfigurationImportedResource Get-FullMesh Get-NetworkAddress Get-NetworkRange Get-NetworkSummary Get-NextOid Get-PerformanceCounterID Get-PerformanceCounterLocalName Get-PerformanceDataCollectorSet Get-PublicIpAddress Get-StringSection Get-TfsAccessTokenString Get-TfsAgentPool Get-TfsAgentQueue Get-TfsBuildDefinition Get-TfsBuildDefinitionTemplate Get-TfsBuildStep Get-TfsGitRepository Get-TfsProcessTemplate Get-TfsProject Get-TfsReleaseDefinition Get-TfsReleaseStep Get-Type Install-SoftwarePackage Invoke-Ternary New-CATemplate New-PerformanceDataCollectorSet New-TfsAgentQueue New-TfsBuildDefinition New-TfsProject New-TfsReleaseDefinition Publish-CATemplate Read-Choice Read-HashTable Remove-PerformanceDataCollectorSet Request-Certificate Send-ModuleToPSSession Set-TfsProject Split-Array Start-PerformanceDataCollectorSet Stop-PerformanceDataCollectorSet Sync-Parameter Test-CATemplate Test-HashtableKeys Test-IsAdministrator Test-Port


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.3.30 79,912 3/30/2024
2.3.25 1,676 3/18/2024
2.3.17 15,099 4/4/2023
2.3.5 1,078 2/19/2023
2.3.0 1,032 12/20/2022
2.2.247 3,703 8/21/2022
2.2.242 1,560 7/28/2022
2.2.234 1,870 6/30/2022
2.1.230 2,343 3/23/2022
2.1.223 3,938 8/20/2021
2.0.216 3,838 3/3/2021
2.0.208 4,484 6/24/2020
2.0.188 4,821 1/3/2020
2.0.184 1,673 11/21/2019
2.0.178 1,715 9/29/2019
2.0.164 2,343 6/26/2019
2.0.160 1,211 6/26/2019
2.0.151 1,577 6/6/2019
2.0.138 1,600 5/13/2019
2.0.135 1,259 5/10/2019
2.0.129 1,227 5/9/2019
1.1.123 1,269 5/2/2019
1.1.113 1,957 2/15/2019
1.1.108 1,834 12/10/2018
1.1.103 1,283 12/2/2018
1.1.100 1,360 11/14/2018
1.1.96 1,612 10/15/2018
1.1.91 1,390 9/27/2018
1.1.87 1,312 9/14/2018
1.1.83 1,379 8/24/2018
1.1.78 (current version) 1,227 8/18/2018
1.1.74 1,612 6/26/2018
1.1.71 1,189 6/25/2018
1.1.68 1,194 6/25/2018
1.1.65 1,441 5/18/2018
1.1.62 1,545 4/17/2018
1.1.59 1,206 4/16/2018
1.1.54 1,349 4/7/2018
1.1.51 1,350 3/20/2018
1.1.47 1,198 3/20/2018
1.1.38 1,214 3/19/2018
1.1.34 1,192 3/19/2018
1.1.27 1,322 3/6/2018
1.1.17 1,827 12/20/2017
1.1.5 1,197 12/14/2017
1.0.6 1,201 12/11/2017
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