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By: | 2,263 downloads | Last Updated: 6/13/2016 | Latest Version: 2.1.7

Eases finding and opening PowerShell module files from the console. Given a Module Name, the Edit-Module function can find and open the Manifest (.psd1), RootModule (.psm1), or open all files included within the module, in the PowerShell ISE for viewing and editing. This started as a copy of Scripting Guy Ed WIlsons Edit-Module function, from his P... More info

By: | 377 downloads | Last Updated: 2/20/2019 | Latest Version: 4.1

The edit command lets you open a folder, a file, or even a script function from your session in your favorite text editor. It opens the specified function in the editor that you specify, and when you finish editing the function and close the editor, the script updates the function in your session with the new function code. Functions are tricky t... More info

By: | 141 downloads | Last Updated: 12/30/2023 | Latest Version: 0.2.14

An experimental cross-platform library for enumerating the user's installed text viewers & editors, with capability filtering & execution argument configuration all baked in.