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Last Updated: 1/23/2016
Latest Version:
FormatPx separates the formatting layer from the data processing layer in PowerShell. By default, PowerShell's native Format-* cmdlets convert data objects into format objects when are then rendered in the console. This reduces the usefulness of the Format-* cmdlets, making it harder to work with formatting in PowerShell. FormatPx fixes this proble... More info |
Last Updated: 9/19/2019
Latest Version: 6.2.1
This Windows-Specific module add the Out-Printer functionality seen in Windows PowerShell 5 and earlier to V6 and later. It also has basic functionality to get and set the default printer. Out_printer takes input from the pipeline or a file and sends it to the default printer or to a specified one. The paper-size, orientation, margins, typefac... More info |