.Description This script defines the functions that are integrated in the usage of zxsh. Declared functions: 1. Set-Title 2. Prompt #> <# .SYNOPSIS Set-Title .DESCRIPTION Set title of console Window .PARAMETER $args Set title of console Window to $args .EXAMPLE # Set title of console Window to 'ps7' Title ps7 #> Function Set-Title { (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $args } <# .SYNOPSIS Prompt .DESCRIPTION Defines the prompt in zxsh; Used internally. #> Function Prompt { $current_path = (Get-Location).Path $last_command = (Get-History -Count 1) if ((($null -ne $last_command) -And ($last_command.CommandLine.Trim().ToLowerInvariant() -match "git\s+checkout\s+.+")) -Or ($Script:PrevPwd -ne $current_path)) { $Script:BranchName = $(git branch --show-current) $Script:GitBranchExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE $Script:PrevPwd = $current_path } "`e[32m$env:USERDOMAIN>$env:USERNAME`e[39m $PWD $(if ($Script:GitBranchExitCode -eq 0) { "`e[36m($Script:BranchName)`e[39m" })`nPS> " } |