
function Read-ConfigDefinitions {
        Read definitions from a config file
        Read in either input definitions, variable definitions, or variable scriptblock declerations
        from a youtube-dl configuration file.
        PS C:\> Read-ConfigDefinitions -Path "~/conf.txt" -InputDefinitions
        Reads in and generates a list of all input definition names.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    # Read in the config file as a single string
    $configFilestream = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw
    $definitionList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]]@()
    if ($InputDefinitions -eq $true) {
        # Find all matches to:
        # 1. --some-parameter i@{name} : normal parameter definition
        # 1. -s i@{name} : shorthand parameter definition
        # 2. 'i@{name}' : special case for url, since it doesn't have a flag
        # Also matches even if multiple parameter definitions are on the same line
        $regex1 = [regex]::Matches($configFilestream, "(-(\S+)\s'?i@{(\w+)}'?)\s*")
        $regex2 = [regex]::Matches($configFilestream, "('i@{(\w+)}')")
        # Add the descriptor fields to the list
        foreach ($match in $regex1) {
            # .Group[1] is the whole match
            # .Group[2] is the 'some-parameter' or 's' match
            # .Group[3] is the 'name' match
        foreach ($match in $regex2) {
            # .Group[1] is the whole match
            # .Group[2] is the 'name' match
    }else {
        # Find all matches to:
        # 1. --some-parameter v@{name}{start{scriptblock}end} : normal parameter definition
        # 1. -s v@{name}{start{scritpblock}end} : shorthand parameter definition
        # Also matches even if multiple parameter definitions are on the same line
        $regex = [regex]::Matches($configFilestream, "(-(\S+)\s'?v@{(\w+)}{start{(?s)(.*?)}end}'?)\s+")
        # Add the descriptor fields to the list
        foreach ($match in $regex) {
            # .Group[1] is the whole match
            # .Group[2] is the 'some-parameter' or 's' match
            # .Group[3] is the 'name' match
            # .Group[4] is the 'scriptblock' match
            if ($VariableDefinitions -eq $true) {
            }elseif ($VariableScriptblocks -eq $true) {
    # Return the list as a List object, rather than as an array (by default)
    Write-Output $definitionList -NoEnumerate