Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName @('yarn', 'yarn.cmd') -ScriptBlock { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition) . $PSScriptRoot\lib.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\utils.ps1 $searchBlock = { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } $completions = @() # Main command $command = if ($commandAst.CommandElements[1]) { $commandAst.CommandElements[1].Value } else { $null } # Command's value or sub-command or command's options $commandSubPart = if ($commandAst.CommandElements[2]) { $commandAst.CommandElements[2].Value } else { $null } # Sub-command's option or option's value of main command $command2ndSubPart = if ($commandAst.CommandElements[3]) { $commandAst.CommandElements[3].Value } else { $null } # If word to complete is equal to command part, suggest all commands & options of `install` command if (Compare-CommandElement $command $wordToComplete) { $completions += Get-1stCompletions -WordToComplete $wordToComplete } # If word to complete is equal to command sub-part, suggest command's values and sub-commmands and command's options elseif (Compare-CommandElement $commandSubPart $wordToComplete) { $completions += Get-2ndCompletions -WordToComplete $wordToComplete -Command $command } # If word to complete is equal to second sub-part, # suggest main command option's values or sub-command's options elseif (Compare-CommandElement $command2ndSubPart $wordToComplete) { $completions += Get-3rdCompletions -WordToComplete $wordToComplete -Command $command -CommandSubPart $commandSubPart } # Always suggest global options $completions += Get-GlobalOptionCompletions | Where-Object $searchBlock | ForEach-Object { [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterName', $_) } return $completions } |