.SYNOPSIS Generates a password based on a known wordlist .DESCRIPTION This function generates one or more passwords based on a known word list. Included is the wordlist from Firefox brittish english dict by Marco A.G.Pinto https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/british-english-dictionary-2/ .PARAMETER WordCount How many words will a password contain .PARAMETER AddChars Add random characters between each word .PARAMETER Capitalize Add random capitalization to the password .PARAMETER Leet Convert words to l33t sp3ak .PARAMETER Dictionary Use custom dictionary file (probably a bad idea as it has to be in the correct format...) .PARAMETER Passwords How many passwords to generate .NOTES I do not take any responsibility for cracked, leaked, or easily broken passwords... .EXAMPLE PS> New-YapgPassword Will output four random words. Examples; 'LalehamWavertoninfructescenceSjogren' 'enquirepseudo-scienceAlberniHolocene' 'ChestermerewhiskerlightenFerryhill' .EXAMPLE PS> New-YapgPassword -Leet Will output four random words and convert random characters to numbers (l33t sp3ak). Examples; 'More1r460551p3nc3ph4l0graph1impenhoe' 'H13r4p0115pro70n47eFr172f34r1355' '5and83rgge03con0m1c55ter3o3n116h73n' .EXAMPLE PS> New-YapgPassword -Leet -WordCount 2 -AddChars -Capitalize -Passwords 5 Will output five passwords consisting of - two random words - convert random characters to numbers - Add random charactrers between each words - Random capitalization of characters Examples; 'Ab1ngtOn!f4rm1Ng' 'kR4ft%papi114' 'Clerm0nt-F3rR4nd-3m1liaN0' 'QRpedi4'l1n01eniC' '0r64nel1e"1nfomerC1a1' #> function New-YapgPassword { param ( [Parameter()] [int]$WordCount = 4, [Parameter()] [switch]$AddChars, [Parameter()] [switch]$Capitalize, [Parameter()] [switch]$Leet, [Parameter()] [string]$Dictionary = "$PSScriptRoot\en-GB.dic", [Parameter()] [int]$Passwords = 1 ) begin { function RandomizeLeet { param( [string]$str ) $LeetChars = @( @{ c = 'a' r = '4' }, @{ c = 'b' r = '8' }, @{ c = 'e' r = '3' }, @{ c = 'g' r = '6' }, @{ c = 'i' r = '1' }, @{ c = 'l' r = '1' }, @{ c = 'o' r = '0' }, @{ c = 's' r = '5' }, @{ c = 't' r = '7' }, @{ c = 'z' r = '2' } ) $r = $str.ToCharArray() 0..($r.Count - 1) | ForEach-Object { if (($r[$_]-in $LeetChars.c) -and (((Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 3) % 2) -eq 1)) { $c = $r[$_] $r[$_] = $LeetChars.Where({$_.c -eq $c}).r } } -join $r } $AllWords = ([System.IO.StreamReader]::new($Dictionary).ReadToEnd()).Split("`n").Where({$_ -match '^[a-zA-Z]'}) } process { 1.. $Passwords | ForEach-Object { [array]$Words = 1..$WordCount | ForEach-Object { $CurrWord = ($AllWords | Get-Random).split('/')[0].Trim() If ($Capitalize) { $CurrWord = $CurrWord.ToCharArray() $i = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $CurrWord.Count $CurrWord[$i] = $CurrWord[$i].ToString().ToUpper() $CurrWord = -join $CurrWord } $CurrWord } if ($AddChars) { function GenerateChar { [char][int](Get-Random -Minimum 33 -Maximum 48) } 0..($Words.Count - 2) | ForEach-Object { $Words[$_] = "$($Words[$_])$(GenerateChar)" } } if ($Leet) { -join ($Words | ForEach-Object {RandomizeLeet -str $_}) } else { -join $Words } } } } |