
    Generates a password based on a known wordlist
    This function generates one or more passwords based on a known word list.
    Included is the wordlist from Firefox brittish english dict by Marco A.G.Pinto
    How many words will a password contain
    Add random characters between each word
.PARAMETER Capitalize
    Add random capitalization to the password
    Convert words to l33t sp3ak
.PARAMETER Dictionary
    Use custom dictionary file (probably a bad idea as it has to be in the correct format...)
.PARAMETER Passwords
    How many passwords to generate
    I do not take any responsibility for cracked, leaked, or easily broken passwords...
    PS> New-YapgPassword
    Will output four random words. Examples;
    PS> New-YapgPassword -Leet
    Will output four random words and convert random characters to numbers (l33t sp3ak). Examples;
    PS> New-YapgPassword -Leet -WordCount 2 -AddChars -Capitalize -Passwords 5
    Will output five passwords consisting of
        - two random words
        - convert random characters to numbers
        - Add random charactrers between each words
        - Random capitalization of characters

function New-YapgPassword {
    param (
        [int]$WordCount = 4,




        [string]$Dictionary = "$PSScriptRoot\en-GB.dic",

        [int]$Passwords = 1

    begin {
        function RandomizeLeet {
            $LeetChars = @(
                    c = 'a'
                    r = '4'
                    c = 'b'
                    r = '8'
                    c = 'e'
                    r = '3'
                    c = 'g'
                    r = '6'
                    c = 'i'
                    r = '1'
                    c = 'l'
                    r = '1'
                    c = 'o'
                    r = '0'
                    c = 's'
                    r = '5'
                    c = 't'
                    r = '7'
                    c = 'z'
                    r = '2'
            $r = $str.ToCharArray()
            0..($r.Count - 1) | ForEach-Object {
                if (($r[$_]-in $LeetChars.c) -and (((Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 3) % 2) -eq 1)) {
                    $c = $r[$_]
                    $r[$_] = $LeetChars.Where({$_.c -eq $c}).r
            -join $r
        $AllWords = ([System.IO.StreamReader]::new($Dictionary).ReadToEnd()).Split("`n").Where({$_ -match '^[a-zA-Z]'})

    process {
        1.. $Passwords | ForEach-Object { 
            [array]$Words = 1..$WordCount | ForEach-Object {
                $CurrWord = ($AllWords | Get-Random).split('/')[0].Trim()
                If ($Capitalize) {
                    $CurrWord = $CurrWord.ToCharArray()
                    $i = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $CurrWord.Count
                    $CurrWord[$i] = $CurrWord[$i].ToString().ToUpper()
                    $CurrWord = -join $CurrWord

            if ($AddChars) {
                function GenerateChar {
                    [char][int](Get-Random -Minimum 33 -Maximum 48)
                0..($Words.Count - 2) | ForEach-Object {
                    $Words[$_] = "$($Words[$_])$(GenerateChar)" 
            if ($Leet) {
                -join ($Words | ForEach-Object {RandomizeLeet -str $_})
            else { 
                -join $Words