<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.3 .GUID efddd9c5-72e8-4eab-b5d7-abd9e968ca44 .AUTHOR jyf .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI https://github.com/jyfzh/PSYadm/blob/main/LICENSE .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Yet Another Dotfiles Manager Write In Powershell #> Param() $GlobalArgs = $args $gitDir = "$HOME/.local/share/yadm/repo.git" $workTree = "$HOME" $bootstrapFile = "$HOME/.config/yadm/bootstrap.ps1" $encryptFile = "$HOME/.config/yadm/encrypt" $archiveFile = "$HOME/.local/share/yadm/archive" function help { $help = " Usage: yadm <command> [options...] Manage dotfiles maintained in a Git repository. Git Commands: Any Git command or alias can be used as a <command>. It will operate on yadm's repository and files in the work tree (usually $HOME). Commands: yadm init [-f] - Initialize an empty repository yadm clone <url> [-f] - Clone an existing repository yadm list [-a] - List tracked files yadm bootstrap - Execute $HOME/.config/yadm/bootstrap.ps1 Files: $bootstrapFile - Script run via: yadm bootstrap $gitDir - yadm's Git repository " Write-Host $help } function bootstrap { if (Test-Path -Path $bootstrapFile) { . $bootstrapFile } else { Write-Error "ERROR: Cannot execute bootstrap" Write-Error "$bootstrapFile is not an executable program." } } function init { if ($GlobalArgs[$args.Count-1] -eq '-f') { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $gitDir $GlobalArgs = $args[0..($args.Count-2)] } elseif (Test-Path -Path $gitDir -PathType Container) { Write-Error "ERROR: Git repo already exists." Write-Error "Use '-f' if you want to force it to be overwritten." exit } $command = "git --git-dir=$gitDir $GlobalArgs --bare" Invoke-Expression $command git --git-dir=$gitDir --work-tree=$workTree config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no } function clone { if ($GlobalArgs[$args.Count-1] -eq '-f') { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $gitDir $GlobalArgs = $args[0..($args.Count-2)] } elseif (Test-Path -Path $gitDir -PathType Container) { Write-Error "ERROR: Git repo already exists." Write-Error "Use '-f' if you want to force it to be overwritten." exit } $command = "git $GlobalArgs $gitDir --bare" Invoke-Expression $command git --git-dir=$gitDir --work-tree=$workTree reset --hard git --git-dir=$gitDir --work-tree=$workTree config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no } function list { if ($GlobalArgs[$args.Count-1] -eq '-a') { $command = "git --git-dir=$gitDir ls-files" Invoke-Expression $command } else { $command = "git --git-dir=$gitDir --work-tree=$workTree ls-files" Invoke-Expression $command } } function encrypt { $tempfile = New-TemporaryFile tar -cvzf $tempfile -T $encryptFile -C $HOME gpg -c --output $archiveFile $tempfile } function decrypt { $tempfile = New-TemporaryFile gpg -o $tempfile -d $archiveFile tar -xvzf $tempfile -C $HOME } function default { $command = "git --git-dir=$gitDir --work-tree=$workTree $GlobalArgs" Invoke-Expression $command } if ($GlobalArgs.Count -eq 0) { help } else { switch ($GlobalArgs[0]) { "help" { help } "bootstrap" { bootstrap } "init" { init } "clone" { clone } "list" { list } "encrypt" { encrypt } "decrypt" { decrypt } default { default } } } |