function Select-XpoElement { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([xpoITem])] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$Text, [System.IO.FileInfo]$xpoFile = (throw "The xpoFile parameters required."), [string]$FileHeader = (throw "The xpoFile parameters required.") ) process { $funcName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName Write-Verbose "$funcName`: $xpoFile" if ( $Text -match '^(?<Tag>\w+)[\s\S]+?\b(?<Type>\w+) #(?<Name>\w*)' ) { $Tag = $Matches['Tag'] $xpoType = $Matches['Type'] $Name = $Matches['Name'] $SubTag = if ( ($Tag -eq 'PRN') -and ($Text -match "$xpoType #$Name\s+(?<SubTag>\w+)") ) { $Matches['SubTag'] } elseif ( ($Tag -eq 'FTM') -and ($Text -match "$xpoType #$Name\s+Type: (?<SubTag>\d+)") ) { $Matches['SubTag'] } else { '' } Get-XpoType $Tag $SubTag | ForEach-Object { $type = $_ [xpoItem]@{ Name = $Name xpoType = $xpoType Type = $type Text = $Text SourceFile = $xpoFile FileHeader = $FileHeader } } } elseif ( $Text -match '^DOK[\s\S]+?(?<type>#KERNDOC:[\w\\]+)' ) { $xpoType = $Matches['type'] Write-Warning "$funcname`: Text with documentation (Element: DOK $xpoType...) have skipped in $xpoFile." } else { $TextForErr = $Text -split "`n", 4 $TextForErr = $TextForErr | ForEach-Object { '> ' + $_ } if( $TextForErr.Length -eq 4 ) { $TextForErr[4] = '> ...' } $TextForErr = $TextForErr -join "`n" Write-Warning "$funcname`: Text have skipped because It is not match with a xpo format in $xpoFile.`r`n$TextForErr" } } } |