#Requires -Version 3.0 [CmdletBinding()] Param() #Set-StrictMode -Version Latest #################################################################################### ## Dynamic module loader - can be used without changes for any PowerShell module ## All function files must be in 'public' or 'private' child directories. #################################################################################### Write-Verbose "Loading production scripts from public and private module directories..." if ($PSScriptRoot) { $scriptPath = $PSScriptRoot } else { $scriptPath = Get-Location } if(!("Tags" -as [Type])){ Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum Tags{ Public ,Private ,Azure ,Template ,Alpha ,Beta } '@ } # Dot-source each private and public script file to load it (must not have '.Test*' in the name) $privatePath = (Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath 'private') $publicPath = (Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath 'public') if (Test-Path -Path $privatePath -PathType Container) { $privateScriptFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $privatePath -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse) | Where-Object { $_.name -NotLike '*.Test*.ps1' } $privateScriptFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ('Loading private function {0}' -f $_.basename) . $_.FullName } } if (Test-Path -Path $publicPath -PathType Container) { $publicScriptFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $publicPath -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse) | Where-Object { $_.name -NotLike '*.Test*.ps1' } $publicScriptFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose ('Loading public function {0}' -f $_.basename) . $_.FullName } } else { Write-Error "Damaged module: 'public' directory is missing from the script install directory '$scriptPath'" } # Export only public module functions foreach ($publicScriptFile in $publicScriptFiles) { Export-ModuleMember -Function $publicScriptFile.basename } |