function Get-XMLItem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$ConfigPath, [string]$XPath, [string]$Name, [string]$Value, [Boolean]$isAttribute, [Boolean]$isElementTextValue, [string]$Attribute1 = 'key', [string]$Attribute2 = 'value', [string]$XMLNS, [string]$NSPrefix = 'ns', [Boolean]$DoBackup, [Boolean]$EnforceNullXMLNS, $VerbosePreference ) if ($isAttribute -and $isElementTextValue) { Write-Verbose -Message "AmbiguousParameterSet! isAttribute and isElementTextValue cannot be used simultaneous." break } #read XML $xml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigPath -ErrorAction Stop) $root = $xml.get_DocumentElement() if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $XMLNS) { $NamespaceURI = $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI } else { $NamespaceURI = $XMLNS } #create XML namespacemanager from document $ns = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) $ns.AddNameSpace("$NSPrefix",$NamespaceURI) #add XMLNameSpaceManager to XPath $XPath = $XPath -replace "/(?!/)", "/$($NSPrefix):" } Write-Verbose -Message "XPath:$($Xpath)" Write-Verbose -Message "NamespaceURI:$($NamespaceURI)" if ($isAttribute) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).HasAttribute($Name)) { $Item = $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).GetAttribute($Name) } } else { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).HasAttribute($Name)) { $Item = $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).GetAttribute($Name) } } } elseif ($isElementTextValue) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { $Node = $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($NSPrefix):$($Name)",$ns) } else { $Node = $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "$($Name)") } if ($Node) { $Item = $Node.get_InnerText() } } else { if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Attribute2)) { Write-Verbose -Message "`$Attribute2 is not NullOrEmpty" if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { $Item = $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns).$Attribute2 } else{ $Item = $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']").$Attribute2 } } else { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { $Item = $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns).$Attribute2 } else{ $Item = $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']").$Attribute2 } } } return $Item } function Set-XMLItem { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$ConfigPath, [string]$XPath, [string]$Name, [string]$Value, [Boolean]$isAttribute, [Boolean]$isElementTextValue, [string]$Attribute1 = 'key', [string]$Attribute2 = 'value', [string]$XMLNS, [string]$NSPrefix = 'ns', [Boolean]$DoBackup, [Boolean]$EnforceNullXMLNS, $VerbosePreference ) if ($isAttribute -and $isElementTextValue) { Write-Verbose -Message "AmbiguousParameterSet! isAttribute and isElementTextValue cannot be used simultaneous." break } try { #read XML $xml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigPath -ErrorAction Stop) $root = $xml.get_DocumentElement() if ($DoBackup) { $CurrentDate = (Get-Date).tostring("MMddyyyy-HHmmssffffff") $Backup = $ConfigPath + "_$CurrentDate" + ".bak" try { #save XML $xml.Save($Backup) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ break } } if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $XMLNS) { $NamespaceURI = $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI } else { $NamespaceURI = $XMLNS } #create XML namespacemanager from document $ns = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) $ns.AddNameSpace("$NSPrefix",$NamespaceURI) #add XMLNameSpaceManager to XPath $XPath = $XPath -replace "/(?!/)", "/$($NSPrefix):" Write-Verbose -Message "XPath:$($Xpath)" Write-Verbose -Message "NamespaceURI:$($NamespaceURI)" } if ($isAttribute) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).HasAttribute($Name)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) found and will be set to $($Value)!" $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).SetAttribute($Name,$Value) } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) could not be found!" break } } else { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).HasAttribute($Name)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) found and will be set to $($Value)!" $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).SetAttribute($Name,$Value) } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) could not be found!" break } } } elseif ($isElementTextValue) { Write-Verbose "Element!" if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($null -ne $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($NSPrefix):$($Name)",$ns)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) found and will be set to $($Value)!" ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($NSPrefix):$($Name)",$ns)).set_InnerText($Value) } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) could not be found!" break } } else{ if ($null -ne $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "$($Name)")) { Write-Verbose -Message "Element found and will be set to $($Value)!" ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "$($Name)")).set_InnerText($Value) } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Element could not be found!" break } } } else{ if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($null -ne $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns)) { if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Attribute2)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) found, but `$Attribute2 is NullOrEmtpy!" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) found and will be set to $($Value)!" $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns).SetAttribute($Attribute2,$Value) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) could not be found!" break } } else{ if ($null -ne $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']")) { if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Attribute2)) { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) found, but `$Attribute2 is NullOrEmtpy!" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) found and will be set to $($Value)!" $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']").SetAttribute($Attribute2,$Value) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "$($Name) could not be found!" break } } } #save XML $xml.Save($ConfigPath) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } } function Add-XMLItem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$ConfigPath, [string]$XPath, [string]$Name, [string]$Value, [Boolean]$isAttribute, [Boolean]$isElementTextValue, [string]$Attribute1 = 'key', [string]$Attribute2 = 'value', [string]$XMLNS, [string]$NSPrefix = 'ns', [Boolean]$DoBackup, [Boolean]$EnforceNullXMLNS, $VerbosePreference ) if ($isAttribute -and $isElementTextValue) { Write-Verbose -Message "AmbiguousParameterSet! isAttribute and isElementTextValue cannot be used simultaneous." break } try { #read XML $xml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigPath -ErrorAction Stop) $root = $xml.get_DocumentElement() if ($DoBackup) { $CurrentDate = (get-date).tostring("MMddyyyy-HHmmssffffff") $Backup = $ConfigPath + "_$CurrentDate" + ".bak" try { #save XML $xml.Save($Backup) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ break } } if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $XMLNS) { $NamespaceURI = $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI } else { $NamespaceURI = $XMLNS } #create XML namespacemanager from document $ns = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) $ns.AddNameSpace("$NSPrefix",$NamespaceURI) #add XMLNameSpaceManager to XPath $XPath = $XPath -replace "/(?!/)", "/$($NSPrefix):" Write-Verbose -Message "XPath:$($Xpath)" Write-Verbose -Message "NamespaceURI:$($NamespaceURI)" } if ($isAttribute) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $null -eq $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns)) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).HasAttribute($Name)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Attribute already exist!" break } else { $root.SelectSingleNode($Xpath,$ns).SetAttribute($Name,$Value) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Nothing found!" } } else{ if (-not $null -eq $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath)) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).HasAttribute($Name)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Attribute already exist!" break } else { $root.SelectSingleNode($Xpath).SetAttribute($Name,$Value) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Nothing found!" } } } elseif ($isElementTextValue) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($null -ne ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($NSPrefix):$($Name)",$ns))) { Write-Verbose -Message "Element $($Name) already exist!" break } else { #create element $Element = $xml.CreateElement($Name,$NamespaceURI) #set value if ($null -ne $Value) { $Element.set_InnerText($Value) } #append element $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).AppendChild($Element) | Out-Null } } else { if ($null -ne ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($Name)"))) { Write-Verbose -Message "Element $($Name) already exist!" break } else { #create element $Element = $xml.CreateElement($Name) #set value if ($null -ne $Value) { $Element.set_InnerText($Value) } #append element $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).AppendChild($Element) | Out-Null } } } else { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Element already exist!" break } else { #get parent node if ($null -eq $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns)) { # Take one step back in XPath to add first element $Parent=$root.SelectSingleNode(($XPath.SubString(0, $XPath.LastIndexOf('/'))),$ns) } else { $Parent=$root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).get_ParentNode() } #create element $Element = $xml.CreateElement($($XPath.Split('/')[-1] -replace ("$($NSPrefix):","")),$NamespaceURI) if (-not $null -eq $Attribute1) { #create attributes $Attr1=$xml.CreateAttribute($Attribute1) #set attributes $Attr1.set_Value($Name) #add attributes to element $Element.SetAttributeNode($Attr1) | Out-Null } if (-not $null -eq $Attribute2) { #create attributes $Attr2=$xml.CreateAttribute($Attribute2) #set attributes $Attr2.set_Value($Value) #add attributes to element $Element.SetAttributeNode($Attr2) | Out-Null } #append element $Parent.AppendChild($Element) | Out-Null } } else{ if ($root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']")) { Write-Verbose -Message "Element already exist!" break } else { #get parent node if ($null -eq $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath)) { # Take one step back in XPath to add first element $Parent=$root.SelectSingleNode(($XPath.SubString(0, $XPath.LastIndexOf('/')))) } else { $Parent=$root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).get_ParentNode() } #create element $Element = $xml.CreateElement($($XPath.Split('/')[-1])) if (-not $null -eq $Attribute1) { #create attributes $Attr1=$xml.CreateAttribute($Attribute1) #set attributes $Attr1.set_Value($Name) #add attributes to element $Element.SetAttributeNode($Attr1) | Out-Null } if (-not $null -eq $Attribute2) { #create attributes $Attr2=$xml.CreateAttribute($Attribute2) #set attributes $Attr2.set_Value($Value) #add attributes to element $Element.SetAttributeNode($Attr2) | Out-Null } #append element $Parent.AppendChild($Element) | Out-Null } } } #save XML $xml.Save($ConfigPath) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } } function Remove-XMLItem { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$ConfigPath, [string]$XPath, [string]$Name, [string]$Value, [Boolean]$isAttribute, [Boolean]$isElementTextValue, [string]$Attribute1 = 'key', [string]$Attribute2 = 'value', [string]$XMLNS, [string]$NSPrefix = 'ns', [Boolean]$DoBackup, [Boolean]$EnforceNullXMLNS, $VerbosePreference ) if ($isAttribute -and $isElementTextValue) { Write-Verbose -Message "AmbiguousParameterSet! isAttribute and isElementTextValue cannot be used simultaneous." break } try { #read XML $xml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigPath -ErrorAction Stop) $root = $xml.get_DocumentElement() if ($DoBackup) { $CurrentDate = (get-date).tostring("MMddyyyy-HHmmssffffff") $Backup = $ConfigPath + "_$CurrentDate" + ".bak" try { #save XML $xml.Save($Backup) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ break } } if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $XMLNS) { $NamespaceURI = $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI } else { $NamespaceURI = $XMLNS } #create XML namespacemanager from document $ns = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) $ns.AddNameSpace("$NSPrefix",$NamespaceURI) #add XMLNameSpaceManager to XPath $XPath = $XPath -replace "/(?!/)", "/$($NSPrefix):" Write-Verbose -Message "XPath:$($Xpath)" Write-Verbose -Message "NamespaceURI:$($NamespaceURI)" } if ($isAttribute) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $null -eq $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns)) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).HasAttribute($Name)) { $root.SelectSingleNode($Xpath,$ns).RemoveAttribute($Name) } else { Write-Verbose "Nothing found!" break } } else { Write-Verbose "Nothing found!" } } else{ if (-not $null -eq $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath)) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).HasAttribute($Name)) { $root.SelectSingleNode($Xpath).RemoveAttribute($Name) } else { Write-Verbose "Nothing found!" break } } else { Write-Verbose "Nothing found!" } } } elseif ($isElementTextValue) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { #get node $Node = $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($NSPrefix):$($Name)",$ns) } else{ #get node $Node = $root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($Name)") } #get parent node and remove node $Node.get_ParentNode().RemoveChild($Node) | Out-Null } else { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns)) { Write-Verbose "Nothing found!" break } else { #get node $Node = $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns) #get parent node and remove node $Node.get_ParentNode().RemoveChild($Node) | Out-Null } } else{ if (-not $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']")) { Write-Verbose "Nothing found!" break } else { #get node $Node = $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']") #get parent node and remove node $Node.get_ParentNode().RemoveChild($Node) | Out-Null } } } #save XML $xml.Save($ConfigPath) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message $_ } } function Test-XMLItemExist { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [string]$ConfigPath, [string]$XPath, [string]$Name, [string]$Value, [Boolean]$isAttribute, [Boolean]$isElementTextValue, [string]$Attribute1 = 'key', [string]$Attribute2 = 'value', [string]$XMLNS, [string]$NSPrefix = 'ns', [Boolean]$DoBackup, [Boolean]$EnforceNullXMLNS, $VerbosePreference ) if ($isAttribute -and $isElementTextValue) { Write-Verbose -Message "AmbiguousParameterSet! isAttribute and isElementTextValue cannot be used simultaneous." break } [boolean]$result = $false #read XML $xml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigPath -ErrorAction Stop) $root = $xml.get_DocumentElement() if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if (-not $XMLNS) { $NamespaceURI = $xml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI } else { $NamespaceURI = $XMLNS } #create XML namespacemanager from document $ns = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) $ns.AddNameSpace("$NSPrefix",$NamespaceURI) #add XMLNameSpaceManager to XPath $XPath = $XPath -replace "/(?!/)", "/$($NSPrefix):" Write-Verbose -Message "XPath:$($Xpath)" Write-Verbose -Message "NamespaceURI:$($NamespaceURI)" } if ($isAttribute) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath,$ns).HasAttribute($Name)) { $result = $true } } else{ if ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath).HasAttribute($Name)) { $result = $true } } } elseif ($isElementTextValue) { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($null -ne ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "/$($NSPrefix):$($Name)",$ns))) { $result = $true } } else{ if ($null -ne ($root.SelectSingleNode($XPath + "$($Name)"))) { $result = $true } } } else { if (-not $EnforceNullXMLNS) { if ($null -ne $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']",$ns)) { $result = $true } } else{ if ($null -ne $root.SelectSingleNode("$XPath[@$Attribute1=`'$Name`']")) { $result = $true } } } return $result } Export-ModuleMember -Function * |