
# Localized resources for helper module xWebAdministration.Common.

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    EvaluatePropertyState = Evaluating the state of the property '{0}'. (WACOMMON0001)
    PropertyInDesiredState = The parameter '{0}' is in desired state. (WACOMMON0002)
    PropertyNotInDesiredState = The parameter '{0}' is not in desired state. (WACOMMON0003)
    ArrayDoesNotMatch = One or more values in an array does not match the desired state. Details of the changes are below. (WACOMMON0004)
    ArrayValueThatDoesNotMatch = {0} - {1} (WACOMMON0005)
    PropertyValueOfTypeDoesNotMatch = {0} value does not match. Current value is '{1}', but expected the value '{2}'. (WACOMMON0006)
    UnableToCompareType = Unable to compare the type {0} as it is not handled by the Test-DscPropertyState cmdlet. (WACOMMON0007)
    ModuleNotFoundError = Please ensure that the PowerShell module for role '{0}' is installed. (WACOMMON0008)
    StartProcess = Started the process with id {0} using the path '{1}', and with a timeout value of {2} seconds. (WACOMMON0009)
    CertificatePathError = Certificate Path '{0}' is not valid. (WACOMMON0010)
    SearchingForCertificateUsingFilters = Looking for certificate in Store '{0}' using filter '{1}'. (WACOMMON0011)