$script:DSCModuleName = 'xWebAdministration' $script:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xWebApplication' #region HEADER $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\')) } Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Tests\MockWebAdministrationWindowsFeature.psm1') $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $script:DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $script:DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion try { InModuleScope -ModuleName $script:DSCResourceName -ScriptBlock { $MockAuthenticationInfo = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{Anonymous=$true;Basic=$false;Digest=$false;Windows=$true} $MockParameters = @{ Website = 'MockSite' Name = 'MockApp' WebAppPool = 'MockPool' PhysicalPath = 'C:\MockSite\MockApp' SslFlags = 'Ssl' PreloadEnabled = $True ServiceAutoStartProvider = 'MockServiceAutoStartProvider' ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $True ApplicationType = 'MockApplicationType' AuthenticationInfo = $MockAuthenticationInfo } $MockItemXPath = ("/system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='{0}']/application[@path='/{1}']" -f $MockParameters.Website, $MockParameters.WebAppPool) $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ SectionPath = 'MockSectionPath' PSPath = 'MockPSPath' SslFlags = 'Ssl' Collection = @( [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'MockServiceAutoStartProvider' ;Type = 'MockApplicationType'} ) } ) Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Assert-Module" { Context 'WebAdminstration module is not installed' { Mock -ModuleName Helper -CommandName Get-Module -MockWith { return $null } It 'should throw an error' { { Assert-Module } | Should Throw } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Get-TargetResource" { $MockParameters = @{ Website = 'MockSite' Name = 'MockApp' WebAppPool = 'MockPool' PhysicalPath = 'C:\MockSite\MockApp' } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Anonymous') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Windows') } Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'Absent should return correctly' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } It 'should return Absent' { $Result = Get-TargetResource @MockParameters $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent' } } Context 'Present should return correctly' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $GetAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath SslFlags = $MockParameters.SslFlags PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled Count = 1 } } It 'should return Present' { $Result = Get-TargetResource @MockParameters $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Present' } } } Describe "how $script:DSCResourceName\Test-TargetResource responds to Ensure = 'Absent'" { Mock -CommandName Get-SslFlags -MockWith { return $GetSslFlags } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $GetAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'Web Application does not exist' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return $null } It 'should return True' { $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' @MockParameters $Result | Should Be $true } } Context 'Web Application exists' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{Count = 1} } It 'should return False' { $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' @MockParameters $Result | Should Be $false } } } Describe "how $script:DSCResourceName\Test-TargetResource responds to Ensure = 'Present'" { Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'Web Application does not exist' { $MockAuthenticationInfo = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{Anonymous=$true;Basic=$false;Digest=$false;Windows=$false} Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } It 'should return False' { $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters $Result | Should Be $false } } Context 'Web Application exists and is in the desired state' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Anonymous') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Basic') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Digest') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Windows') } It 'should return True' { $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters $Result | Should Be $true } } Context 'Web Application exists but has a different WebAppPool' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = 'MockPoolOther' PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } It 'should return False' { $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters $Result | Should Be $False } } Context 'Web Application exists but has a different PhysicalPath' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = 'C:\MockSite\MockAppOther' PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled Count = 1 } } It 'should return False' { $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters $Result | Should Be $False } } Context 'Check SslFlags is different' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath PreloadEnabled = 'false' ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled Count = 1 } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters It 'should return False' { $Result | Should Be $false } } Context 'Check AuthenticationInfo is different' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Anonymous') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Basic') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Digest') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Windows') } $MockAuthenticationInfo = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{Anonymous=$true;Basic=$false;Digest=$false;Windows=$true} $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters It 'should return False' { $Result | Should Be $false } } Context 'Check Preload is different' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath PreloadEnabled = 'false' ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled Count = 1 } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters It 'should return False' { $Result | Should Be $false } } Context 'Check ServiceAutoStartEnabled is different' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ServiceAutoStartEnabled = 'false' Count = 1 } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters It 'should return False' { $Result | Should Be $false } } Context 'Check ServiceAutoStartProvider is different' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq '/system.applicationHost/serviceAutoStartProviders'} -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = 'ServiceAutoStartProviderOther' ApplicationType = 'ApplicationTypeOther' Count = 1 } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters It 'should return False' { $Result | Should Be $false } } } Describe "how $script:DSCResourceName\Set-TargetResource responds to Ensure = 'Absent'" { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'Web Application exists' { Mock -CommandName Remove-WebApplication It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-WebApplication -Exactly 1 } } } Describe "how $script:DSCResourceName\Set-TargetResource responds to Ensure = 'Present'" { Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -MockWith {} Context 'Web Application does not exist' { $script:mockGetWebApplicationCalled = 0 $mockWebApplication = { $script:mockGetWebApplicationCalled++ if($script:mockGetWebApplicationCalled -eq 1) { return $null } else { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath Count = 1 } } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith $mockWebApplication Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq '/system.applicationHost/serviceAutoStartProviders'} -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Anonymous') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Basic') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Digest') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Windows') } Mock Test-SslFlags { return $null } Mock -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName New-WebApplication Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty Mock -CommandName Set-Authentication It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 2 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -Exactly 3 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-AuthenticationEnabled -Exactly 4 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-Authentication -Exactly 4 } } Context 'Web Application exists but has a different WebAppPool' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = 'MockPoolOther' PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Anonymous') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Basic') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Digest') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Windows') } Mock -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName New-WebApplication Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Scope It -Exactly 1 ` -ParameterFilter { ` ($Filter -eq "/system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='MockSite']/application[@path='/MockPool']") -And ` ($Name -eq 'applicationPool') -And ` ($Value -eq 'MockPool') ` } } } Context 'Web Application exists but has a different PhysicalPath' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = 'C:\MockSite\MockAppOther' ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Anonymous') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Basic') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Digest') } Mock Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Windows') } Mock -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName New-WebApplication Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 1 ` -ParameterFilter { ` ($Filter -eq "/system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='MockSite']/application[@path='/MockPool']/virtualDirectory[@path='/']") -And ` ($Name -eq 'physicalPath') -And ` ($Value -eq 'C:\MockSite\MockApp') ` } } } Context 'Web Application exists but has different AuthenticationInfo' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $true } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Anonymous') } Mock -CommandName Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Basic') } Mock -CommandName Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Digest') } Mock -CommandName Test-AuthenticationEnabled { return $false } ` -ParameterFilter { ($Type -eq 'Windows') } Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName Set-Authentication $MockAuthenticationInfo = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{Anonymous=$true;Basic=$false;Digest=$false;Windows=$true} It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-AuthenticationEnabled -Exactly 4 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-Authentication -Exactly 4 } } Context 'Web Application exists but has different SslFlags' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath PreloadEnabled = 'false' ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName New-WebApplication Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Web Application exists but has Preload not set' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath PreloadEnabled = 'false' ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName New-WebApplication Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Web Application exists but has ServiceAutoStartEnabled not set' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = 'false' ServiceAutoStartProvider = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartProvider ApplicationType = $MockParameters.ApplicationType Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -ParameterFilter {$filter -eq 'system.webserver/security/access'} -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName New-WebApplication Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Web Application exists but has different ServiceAutoStartProvider' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ SectionPath = 'MockSectionPath' PSPath = 'MockPSPath' SslFlags = 'Ssl' Collection = @( [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'OtherMockServiceAutoStartProvider' ;Type = 'OtherMockApplicationType'} ) } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebApplication -MockWith { return @{ ApplicationPool = $MockParameters.WebAppPool PhysicalPath = $MockParameters.PhysicalPath ItemXPath = $MockItemXPath PreloadEnabled = $MockParameters.PreloadEnabled ServiceAutoStartEnabled = $MockParameters.ServiceAutoStartEnabled ServiceAutoStartProvider = 'OtherServiceAutoStartProvider' ApplicationType = 'OtherApplicationType' Count = 1 } } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return $MockAuthenticationInfo } Mock -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName New-WebApplication Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfiguration Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty It 'should call expected mocks' { $Result = Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' @MockParameters Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebApplication -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -Exactly 1 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Add-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Confirm-UniqueServiceAutoStartProviders" { $MockParameters = @{ Name = 'MockServiceAutoStartProvider' Type = 'MockApplicationType' } Context 'Expected behavior' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ SectionPath = 'MockSectionPath' PSPath = 'MockPSPath' Collection = @( [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'MockServiceAutoStartProvider' ;Type = 'MockApplicationType'} ) } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {return $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should not throw an error' { {Confirm-UniqueServiceAutoStartProviders -ServiceAutoStartProvider $MockParameters.Name -ApplicationType 'MockApplicationType'} | Should Not Throw } It 'should call Get-WebConfiguration once' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Conflicting Global Property' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ SectionPath = 'MockSectionPath' PSPath = 'MockPSPath' Collection = @( [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'MockServiceAutoStartProvider' ;Type = 'MockApplicationType'} ) } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {return $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should return Throw' { $ErrorId = 'ServiceAutoStartProviderFailure' $ErrorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation $ErrorMessage = $LocalizedData.ErrorWebApplicationTestAutoStartProviderFailure, 'ScriptHalted' $Exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $ErrorMessage $ErrorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord -ArgumentList $Exception, $ErrorId, $ErrorCategory, $null {Confirm-UniqueServiceAutoStartProviders -ServiceAutoStartProvider $MockParameters.Name -ApplicationType 'MockApplicationType2'} | Should Throw $ErrorRecord } } Context 'ServiceAutoStartProvider does not exist' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Name = '' Type = '' } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {return $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should return False' { Confirm-UniqueServiceAutoStartProviders -ServiceAutoStartProvider $MockParameters.Name -ApplicationType 'MockApplicationType' | Should Be $false } } Context 'ServiceAutoStartProvider does exist' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ SectionPath = 'MockSectionPath' PSPath = 'MockPSPath' Collection = @( [PSCustomObject]@{Name = 'MockServiceAutoStartProvider' ;Type = 'MockApplicationType'} ) } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {return $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should return True' { Confirm-UniqueServiceAutoStartProviders -ServiceAutoStartProvider $MockParameters.Name -ApplicationType 'MockApplicationType' | Should Be $true } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Get-AuthenticationInfo" { Context 'Expected behavior' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { return 'False'} It 'should not throw an error' { { Get-AuthenticationInfo -site $MockParameters.Website -name $MockParameters.Name } | Should Not Throw } It 'should call Get-WebConfigurationProperty four times' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 4 } } Context 'AuthenticationInfo is false' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Value = 'False' } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should all be false' { $result = Get-AuthenticationInfo -site $MockParameters.Website -name $MockParameters.Name $result.Anonymous | Should be False $result.Digest | Should be False $result.Basic | Should be False $result.Windows | Should be False } It 'should call Get-WebConfigurationProperty four times' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 4 } } Context 'AuthenticationInfo is true' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Value = 'True' } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should all be true' { $result = Get-AuthenticationInfo -site $MockParameters.Website -name $MockParameters.Name $result.Anonymous | Should be True $result.Digest | Should be True $result.Basic | Should be True $result.Windows | Should be True } It 'should call Get-WebConfigurationProperty four times' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 4 } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Get-DefaultAuthenticationInfo" { Context 'Expected behavior' { It 'should not throw an error' { { Get-DefaultAuthenticationInfo }| Should Not Throw } } Context 'Get-DefaultAuthenticationInfo should produce a false CimInstance' { It 'should all be false' { $result = Get-DefaultAuthenticationInfo $result.Anonymous | Should be False $result.Digest | Should be False $result.Basic | Should be False $result.Windows | Should be False } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Get-SslFlags" { Context 'Expected behavior' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should not throw an error' { { Get-SslFlags -Location (${MockParameters}.Website + '\' + ${MockParameters}.Name) }| Should Not Throw } It 'should call Get-WebConfiguration once' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 } } Context 'SslFlags do not exist' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {return ''} It 'should return nothing' { Get-SslFlags -Location (${MockParameters}.Website + '\' + ${MockParameters}.Name) | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } Context 'SslFlags do exist' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith {$GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should return SslFlags' { Get-SslFlags -Location (${MockParameters}.Website + '\' + ${MockParameters}.Name) | Should Be 'Ssl' } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Set-Authentication" { Context 'Expected behavior' { Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty It 'should not throw an error' { { Set-Authentication -Site $MockParameters.Website -Name $MockParameters.Name -Type Basic -Enabled $true }| Should Not Throw } It 'should call Set-WebConfigurationProperty once' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 1 } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Set-AuthenticationInfo" { Context 'Expected behavior' { Mock -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty $AuthenticationInfo = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{Anonymous='true';Basic='false';Digest='false';Windows='false'} It 'should not throw an error' { { Set-AuthenticationInfo -Site $MockParameters.Website -Name $MockParameters.Name -AuthenticationInfo $AuthenticationInfo }| Should Not Throw } It 'should call should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 4 } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Test-AuthenticationEnabled" { Context 'Expected behavior' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Value = 'False' } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith {$GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should not throw an error' { { Test-AuthenticationEnabled -Site $MockParameters.Website -Name $MockParameters.Name -Type 'Basic'}| Should Not Throw } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 1 } } Context 'AuthenticationInfo is false' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Value = 'False' } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should return false' { Test-AuthenticationEnabled -site $MockParameters.Website -name $MockParameters.Name -Type 'Basic' | Should be False } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 1 } } Context 'AuthenticationInfo is true' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Value = 'True' } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should all be true' { Test-AuthenticationEnabled -site $MockParameters.Website -name $MockParameters.Name -Type 'Basic' | Should be True } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 1 } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Test-AuthenticationInfo" { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith {$GetWebConfigurationOutput} $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Value = 'False' } ) $AuthenticationInfo = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{Anonymous='false';Basic='true';Digest='false';Windows='false'} Context 'Expected behavior' { It 'should not throw an error' { { Test-AuthenticationInfo -Site $MockParameters.Website -Name $MockParameters.Name -AuthenticationInfo $AuthenticationInfo }| Should Not Throw } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 2 } } Context 'Return False when AuthenticationInfo is not correct' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should return false' { Test-AuthenticationInfo -site $MockParameters.Website -name $MockParameters.Name -AuthenticationInfo $AuthenticationInfo | Should be False } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 2 } } Context 'Return True when AuthenticationInfo is correct' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ Value = 'True' } ) $AuthenticationInfo = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation ` -ClientOnly ` -Property @{Anonymous='true';Basic='true';Digest='true';Windows='true'} Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -MockWith { $GetWebConfigurationOutput} It 'should return true' { Test-AuthenticationInfo -site $MockParameters.Website -name $MockParameters.Name -AuthenticationInfo $AuthenticationInfo | Should be True } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfigurationProperty -Exactly 4 } } } Describe "$script:DSCResourceName\Test-SslFlags" { Context 'Expected behavior' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } It 'should not throw an error' { { Test-SslFlags -Location ${MockParameters.Website}/${MockParameters.Name} -SslFlags $MockParameters.SslFlags }| Should Not Throw } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Return False when SslFlags are not correct' { $GetWebConfigurationOutput = @( @{ SslFlags = '' } ) Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } It 'should return false' { Test-SslFlags -Location ${MockParameters.Website}/${MockParameters.Name} -SslFlags $MockParameters.SslFlags | Should be False } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Return True when SslFlags are correct' { Mock -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -MockWith { return $GetWebConfigurationOutput } It 'should return true' { Test-SslFlags -Location ${MockParameters.Website}/${MockParameters.Name} -SslFlags $MockParameters.SslFlags | Should be True } It 'should call expected mocks' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-WebConfiguration -Exactly 1 } } } } } finally { #region FOOTER Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |