
Sets the time span between checks for newer PowerShell versions
Takes a time span for checking for newer PowerShell versions. Upon loading, a check for a newer PowerShell version will
be made if the time span between the last time checked and the current time is greater than the set time span
Set-PSVersionCheckpoint -Span '0:0:0'
Will check for a new version of PowerShell every time the module is loaded
Set-PSVersionCheckpoint -Span '-0:0:1'
Will disable checking for newer versions of PowerShell during module load
Set-PSVersionCheckpoint -Span '23:59:59'
Will check for a new version of PowerShell after one day
To check every time the module is loaded use:
[TimeSpan] '0:0:0'
To not check at all, set it to a negative time:
[TimeSpan] '-1:0:0'

function Set-PSVersionCheckpoint {
    [TimeSpan] $Span

  $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
  $checkFile = GetConfig('Module.PowerShell.CheckFile')
  $Span | Export-Clixml -Path $checkFile
  Print -Message "Set checkpoint span to $Span"
  # TODO: Write telemetry