$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Global variables $Script:ModuleHome = $PSScriptRoot <# Expiring Cache Initialization #> $script:expiringCacheObjects = @{} $mainFolder = Join-Path -Path $Script:ModuleHome -ChildPath "Main" # Load Utilities and configuration first $preloadScripts = @( 'util.ps1', 'config.ps1' ) $preloadScripts | ForEach-Object { $preloadScript = Join-Path -Path $mainFolder -ChildPath $_ . $preloadScript } if (-not (Test-Path (GetConfig('Module.WorkPath')))) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (GetConfig('Module.WorkPath')) | Write-Verbose } # Load cmdlets if ((GetConfig('Module.IsWindows')) -eq $false) { $preloadScripts += GetConfig('Module.WindowsOnlyScripts') } # When integrated with PsConfigHive module allows to skip custom prompt if Config module is already loaded if ((GetConfig('Module.NoCustomPrompt')) -eq $true) { $preloadScripts += 'Set-Prompt.ps1' } # Load all functions Get-ChildItem -Filter '*.ps1' -Recurse -Path $mainFolder | Where-Object { $preloadScripts.Contains($_.Name) -eq $false } | ForEach-Object { . ($_.FullName) } # Check the latest version $traceVersionFile = GetConfig('Module.VersionTraceFile') $checkVersion = $false if (-not (Test-Path $traceVersionFile)) { $checkVersion = $true } else { $checkSpan = [TimeSpan] (GetConfig('Module.UpdateCheckSpan')) $versionCheck = [DateTime] (Import-Clixml -Path $traceVersionFile) if ($versionCheck.Add($checkSpan) -le (Get-Date)) { $checkVersion = $true } } $warnVersion = $false $latestVersion = $null if ($checkVersion) { $thisVersion = [Version] (GetConfig('Module.Version')) $versionUrl = GetConfig('Module.PackageVersionUrl') $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $versionUrl $package = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json $latestVersion = [Version] $package.version if ($latestVersion -gt $thisVersion) { $warnVersion = $true } else { (Get-Date) | Export-Clixml -Path $traceVersionFile } } # Print load message Print -Message 'xUtility v' -NoNewLine $mVersion = (GetConfig('Module.Version')).ToString().Split('.') $idx = 0 $mVersion | ForEach-Object { $digit = $_ Write-Host $digit -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green if ($idx -lt ($mVersion.Count - 1)) { Write-Host '.' -NoNewline } $idx++ } if ($warnVersion) { Write-Host '' $m = "Update to v{0} to get access to the latest features" -f $latestVersion Print -Message $m -Accent 'Yellow' } |