.SYNOPSIS Invokes a PowerShell command .DESCRIPTION Invokes a PowerShell command with the option to elevate to an admin process to execute. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-PSCommand -Command 'dir C:\' Attempts to execute the given command in the current session .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-PSCommand -Command 'dir C:\' -ElevateIfNeeded Checks if current user has admin rights, if not will attempt to elevate and execute the command in a new session with admin rights .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-PSCommand -Command 'dir C:\' -ElevateIfNeeded -NoExit Checks if current user has admin rights, if not will attempt to elevate and execute the command in a new session with admin rights. After finishing the command the session will be kept open .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-PSCommand -Command 'dir C:\' -ElevateIfNeeded -NoProfile Checks if current user has admin rights, if not will attempt to elevate and execute the command in a new session with admin rights. The new session will not process the contents of the $Profile variable .NOTES If command is executed in the current context, it will be wrapped in a ScripBlock object and then executed This function is only available in Windows #> function Invoke-PSCommand { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] # Command to executed [string] $Command = "", [Parameter()] # Attempt to elevate to a session with admin rights if current one is not admin [switch] $ElevateIfNeeded = $false, [Parameter()] # Keep the session open when attempting to open a new one with admin rights [switch] $NoExit = $false, [Parameter()] # When launching a new session will not process $Profile [switch] $NoProfile = $false ) $isAdminProcess = Test-AdminRights if (-not $ElevateIfNeeded -or $isAdminProcess) { . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($Command)) return } # If we reach this line: # Process is not running as admin and used -ElevateIfNeeded # So we need to elevate Write-Warning "Attempting to elevate." $noExitCommand = "" if ($NoExit) { $noExitCommand = "-NoExit" } $noProfileCommand = "" if ($NoProfile) { $noProfileCommand = "-NoProfile" } $commandToRun = " $noProfileCommand $noExitCommand -c $Command" $powerShellProcess = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo -ArgumentList "PowerShell" $powerShellProcess.Arguments = $commandToRun $powerShellProcess.Verb = "runas" [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($powerShellProcess) if (-not $?) { Write-Warning "This script requires administrative privileges. Retry using administrative privileges." Write-Error $_ } } |