
    Retrives a value from the local expiring cache
    Retrieves either the cached value, or call the invocation
    definition to get a new value, which after being cached is
    returned to the caller
PS> Get-ExpiringCacheItem -Key 'SomeKey'
Retrieves the cached item for the given key, if the cache is expired the cache
is updated with the new definition and returned to the caller

function Get-ExpiringCacheItem {
        # The key to access the cached item
        [string] $Key = ""

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    if (-not $script:expiringCacheObjects.Contains($Key)) {
        Write-Error "Item with key '$Key' was not found in the cache"

    $cachedItem = $script:expiringCacheObjects[$Key]
    $now  = Get-Date
    $refreshTime = $cachedItem.LastRefresh + $cachedItem.Expiration
    if ($refreshTime -lt $now) {
        # Need to refresh cache
        $cachedItem.Item = . $cachedItem.ItemDefinition
        $cachedItem.LastRefresh = $now
        $script:expiringCacheObjects[$Key] = $cachedItem
    # Return cached object
    Write-Output $cachedItem.Item