
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xSQLServerSetup")]
class MSFT_xSQLServerSetup : OMI_BaseResource
    [Write, Description("The action to be performed. Default value is 'Install'."), ValueMap{"Install","InstallFailoverCluster","AddNode","PrepareFailoverCluster","CompleteFailoverCluster"}, Values{"Install","InstallFailoverCluster","AddNode","PrepareFailoverCluster","CompleteFailoverCluster"}] String Action;
    [Write, Description("The path to the root of the source files for installation. I.e and UNC path to a shared resource. Environment variables can be used in the path.")] String SourcePath;
    [Required, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Credential to be used to perform the installation.")] String SetupCredential;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Credentials used to access the path set in the parameter 'SourcePath'.")] String SourceCredential;
    [Write, Description("Suppresses reboot.")] Boolean SuppressReboot;
    [Write, Description("Forces reboot.")] Boolean ForceReboot;
    [Write, Description("SQL features to be installed.")] String Features;
    [Key, Description("Name of the SQL instance to be installed.")] String InstanceName;
    [Write, Description("SQL instance ID, if different from InstanceName.")] String InstanceID;
    [Write, Description("Product key for licensed installations.")] String ProductKey;
    [Write, Description("Enabled updates during installation.")] String UpdateEnabled;
    [Write, Description("Path to the source of updates to be applied during installation.")] String UpdateSource;
    [Write, Description("Enable customer experience reporting.")] String SQMReporting;
    [Write, Description("Enable error reporting.")] String ErrorReporting;
    [Write, Description("Installation path for shared SQL files.")] String InstallSharedDir;
    [Write, Description("Installation path for x86 shared SQL files.")] String InstallSharedWOWDir;
    [Write, Description("Installation path for SQL instance files.")] String InstanceDir;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Service account for the SQL service.")] String SQLSvcAccount;
    [Read, Description("Output username for the SQL service.")] String SQLSvcAccountUsername;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Service account for the SQL Agent service.")] String AgtSvcAccount;
    [Read, Description("Output username for the SQL Agent service.")] String AgtSvcAccountUsername;
    [Write, Description("Collation for SQL.")] String SQLCollation;
    [Write, Description("Array of accounts to be made SQL administrators.")] String SQLSysAdminAccounts[];
    [Write, Description("Security mode to apply to the SQL Server instance.")] String SecurityMode;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("SA password, if SecurityMode is set to 'SQL'.")] String SAPwd;
    [Write, Description("Root path for SQL database files.")] String InstallSQLDataDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for SQL database files.")] String SQLUserDBDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for SQL log files.")] String SQLUserDBLogDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for SQL TempDB files.")] String SQLTempDBDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for SQL TempDB log files.")] String SQLTempDBLogDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for SQL backup files.")] String SQLBackupDir;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Service account for the Full Text service.")] String FTSvcAccount;
    [Read, Description("Output username for the Full Text service.")] String FTSvcAccountUsername;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Service account for Reporting Services service.")] String RSSvcAccount;
    [Read, Description("Output username for the Reporting Services service.")] String RSSvcAccountUsername;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Service account for Analysis Services service.")] String ASSvcAccount;
    [Read, Description("Output username for the Analysis Services service.")] String ASSvcAccountUsername;
    [Write, Description("Collation for Analysis Services.")] String ASCollation;
    [Write, Description("Array of accounts to be made Analysis Services admins.")] String ASSysAdminAccounts[];
    [Write, Description("Path for Analysis Services data files.")] String ASDataDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for Analysis Services log files.")] String ASLogDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for Analysis Services backup files.")] String ASBackupDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for Analysis Services temp files.")] String ASTempDir;
    [Write, Description("Path for Analysis Services config.")] String ASConfigDir;
    [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Service account for Integration Services service.")] String ISSvcAccount;
    [Read, Description("Output username for the Integration Services service.")] String ISSvcAccountUsername;
    [Write, Description("Specifies the startup mode for SQL Server Browser service."), ValueMap{"Automatic", "Disabled", "Manual"}, Values{"Automatic", "Disabled", "Manual"}] String BrowserSvcStartupType;
    [Write, Description("The name of the resource group to create for the clustered SQL Server instance.")] String FailoverClusterGroupName;
    [Write, Description("Array of IP Addresses to be assigned to the clustered SQL Server instance.")] String FailoverClusterIPAddress[];
    [Write, Description("Host name to be assigend to the clustered SQL Server instance.")] String FailoverClusterNetworkName;