function Invoke-xSConfig { [cmdletbinding()] param() begin { If (-not (Get-Module SConfig -ListAvailable)) { Throw "'SConfig' Module is missing. xSconfig cannot be used without it." } else { Import-Module SConfig $Module = Get-Module SConfig } } process { & $Module { # Pull in private functions to SConfig Module Scope if (Test-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\Private\) { Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\Private\*-*.ps1 | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } } # IF function Get-MenuSelection2 { [CmdletBinding()]Param() Clear-Host $MenuTitle = $Strings.Title + " " + $Data["CurrentOS"] $Header = Get-Header $($MenuTitle) $MenuItems = Get-MenuItems $AdditionalItems = @" 16) Extras $($Strings.MenuOptions_Prompt) "@ $MenuItems = $MenuItems.Replace($Strings.MenuOptions_Prompt, $AdditionalItems) return Read-Host ($Header + $MenuItems) } # This script's "main" function function Invoke-SConfig2 { [CmdletBinding()]Param() $Data = Get-ScriptData do { switch (Get-MenuSelection2) { "1" { Set-DomainWorkGroup } "2" { Set-ComputerName } "3" { Add-LocalAdmin } "4" { Set-RemoteManagement } "5" { Set-UpdateSettings } "6" { Invoke-DownloadInstallUpdates } "7" { Set-RemoteDesktopSettings } "8" { Set-NetworkSettings } "9" { timedate.cpl } "10" { Set-TelemetrySettings } "11" { Invoke-WindowsActivation } "12" { Invoke-LogOff } "13" { Invoke-Restart } "14" { Invoke-ShutDown } "15" { Clear-Host; return } "16" { Invoke-ExtrasMenu } } } while ($true) } Invoke-SConfig2 } } } |