[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xSCVMMManagementServerSetup")]
class MSFT_xSCVMMManagementServerSetup : OMI_BaseResource { [Key, Description("An enumerated value that describes if the DPM server is expected to be installed on the machine.\nPresent {default} \nAbsent \n"), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure; [Required, Description("UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.")] String SourcePath; [Write, Description("Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.")] String SourceFolder; [Required, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Credential to be used to perform the installation.")] String SetupCredential; [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Domain account for the VMM service.")] String vmmService; [Read, Description("Output username of the VMM service.")] String vmmServiceUsername; [Write, Description("Product key for licensed installations.")] String ProductKey; [Write, Description("Display name for the user.")] String UserName; [Write, Description("Display name for the organization.")] String CompanyName; [Write, Description("Installation path for the software.")] String ProgramFiles; [Write, Description("Is this a clustered Management Server?")] Boolean ClusterManagementServer; [Write, Description("Is this the first Management Server?")] Boolean FirstManagementServer; [Write, Description("0: Use an existing Microsoft SQL Server database. 1: Create a new SQL Server database.")] String CreateNewSqlDatabase; [Required, Description("Name of the server that is hosting SQL Server.")] String SqlMachineName; [Required, Description("Name of the new or existing instance of SQL Server.")] String SqlInstanceName; [Write, Description("Name of the new or existing SQL Server database.")] String SqlDatabaseName; [Write, Description("Port for communication with the VMM console.")] UInt16 IndigoTcpPort; [Write, Description("Port for communication with the Windows Preinstallation Environment agents.")] UInt16 IndigoHTTPSPort; [Write, Description("Port for communication with Windows Deployment Services.")] UInt16 IndigoNETTCPPort; [Write, Description("Port for communication with Windows PE agent for time synchronization.")] UInt16 IndigoHTTPPort; [Write, Description("Port for communication with agents on hosts and library servers.")] UInt16 WSManTcpPort; [Write, Description("Port for file transfers to agents on hosts and library servers.")] UInt16 BitsTcpPort; [Write, Description("0: Use an existing library share. 1: Create a new library share.")] String CreateNewLibraryShare; [Write, Description("Name of the file share to be used or created.")] String LibraryShareName; [Write, Description("Location of the existing file share or the new file share to be created.")] String LibrarySharePath; [Write, Description("Description of the share.")] String LibraryShareDescription; [Write, Description("Container for Distributed Key Management.")] String TopContainerName; [Write, Description("Clustered service name for a highly available VMM management server.")] String VmmServerName; [Write, Description("IP address for the clustered service name for a highly available VMM management server, if you are not using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).")] String VMMStaticIPAddress; [Write, Description("0: Remove the SQL Server database. 1: Do not remove the SQL Server database.")] UInt8 RetainSqlDatabase; [Write, Description("0: Do not force uninstallation if setup.exe cannot verify whether this node is the final node of the highly available installation. 1: Force the uninstallation.")] UInt8 ForceHAVMMUninstall; [Write, Description("0: Do not opt in to the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). 1: Opt in to CEIP.")] UInt8 SQMOptIn; [Write, Description("0: Do not opt in to Microsoft Update. 1: Opt in to Microsoft Update.")] UInt8 MUOptIn; }; |