.Synopsis Unit test for xRunbookDirectory DSC Resource #> $Global:DSCModuleName = 'xRunbookDirectory' $Global:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xRunbookDirectory' #region HEADER if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path '.\DSCResource.Tests\')) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path '.\DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1')) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git') } else { & git @('-C',(Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\'),'pull') } Import-Module .\DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1 -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $Global:DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $Global:DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion # Begin Testing try { #region Pester Tests # The InModuleScope command allows you to perform white-box unit testing on the internal # (non-exported) code of a Script Module. InModuleScope $Global:DSCResourceName { #region Pester Test Initialization # Add functions to mock to InModuleScope scope function Get-SmaRunbookDefinition {} function Edit-SmaRunbook {} function Import-SmaRunbook {} function Remove-SmaRunbook {} function Publish-SmaRunbook {} #endregion #region Function Get-TargetResource Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Get-TargetResource" { It 'Does not return a match when runbooks do not match' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith {@{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { @{ Content = ''} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { '' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Fail' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} $return = Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' $return.Matches | should be $false } It 'Returns a match when runbooks match' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith {@{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { @{ Content = ''} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} $return = Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' $return.Matches | should be $true } It 'Returns a match despite new line differences' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith {@{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { @{ Content = ''} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { @('','Pass','') } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} $return = Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' $return.Matches | should be $true } It 'Returns true when runbook path contains nothing' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith {} $return = Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' $return.Matches | should be $true } It 'Validate published is used if specified' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith {@{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { @{ Content = ''} } -ParameterFilter {$Type -eq "Published"} -Verifiable Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It 'Validate published is not used if not specified' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { @{ Content = ''} } -ParameterFilter {$Type -eq "Draft"} -Verifiable Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Draft' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It 'Returns ensure equal to absent when no Runbooks are found' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @( @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'}, @{ FullName = 'test1'; BaseName = 'Test1'}) } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { Throw 'Failed to find runbook' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} $result = Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' $result.Ensure | should be 'Absent' } It 'Returns ensure equal to draft when draft runbooks are found' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @( @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'}, @{ FullName = 'test1'; BaseName = 'Test1'}) } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { @{ Content = ''} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} $result = Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Draft' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' $result.Ensure | should be 'Draft' } It 'Returns ensure equal to draft when published runbooks are found' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @( @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'}, @{ FullName = 'test1'; BaseName = 'Test1'}) } Mock -CommandName 'Get-SmaRunbookDefinition' -MockWith { @{ Content = ''} } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-Content' -MockWith { 'Pass' } -ParameterFilter {$path -eq 'test'} $result = Get-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' $result.Ensure | should be 'Published' } } #endregion #region Function Test-TargetResource Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Test-TargetResource" { It 'Returns true when Matches is true and ensure matches' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -MockWith { @{ Matches = $true; Ensure = 'Published'} } Test-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' | should be $True } It 'Returns false when Matches is true and ensure does not match' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -MockWith { @{ Matches = $true; Ensure = 'Draft'} } Test-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' | should be $false } It 'Returns false when Matches is false and ensure is published' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -MockWith { @{ Matches = $false; Ensure = 'Published'} } Test-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' | should be $false } It 'Returns false when Matches is false and ensure is Draft' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -MockWith { @{ Matches = $false; Ensure = 'Draft'} } Test-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Draft' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' | should be $false } It 'Returns true when Matches is false and ensure is absent' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-TargetResource' -MockWith { @{ Matches = $false; Ensure = 'Absent'} } Test-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Absent' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' | should be $true } } #endregion #region Function Set-TargetResource Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Set-TargetResource" { It 'Import/Edits each runbook 2 times' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @( @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'}, @{ FullName = 'test1'; BaseName = 'Test1'}) } Mock -CommandName 'Edit-SmaRunbook' -MockWith {} Set-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Draft' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Edit-SmaRunbook' -Exactly 4 -Scope It } It 'Imports runbooks when Edit-SmaRunbook fails' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @( @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'}, @{ FullName = 'test1'; BaseName = 'Test1'}) } Mock -CommandName 'Edit-SmaRunbook' -MockWith { throw "Edit-SmaRunbook Failed" } Mock -CommandName 'Import-SmaRunbook' -MockWith {} Set-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Draft' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Import-SmaRunbook' -Exactly 4 -Scope It } It 'Published runbooks when ensure is published' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @( @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'}, @{ FullName = 'test1'; BaseName = 'Test1'}) } Mock -CommandName 'Edit-SmaRunbook' -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName 'Publish-SmaRunbook' -MockWith {} Set-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Published' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Publish-SmaRunbook' -Exactly 2 -Scope It } It 'Removes runbooks when ensure is absent' { Mock -CommandName 'Get-Item' -MockWith { @( @{ FullName = 'test'; BaseName = 'Test'}, @{ FullName = 'test1'; BaseName = 'Test1'}) } Mock -CommandName 'Remove-SmaRunbook' -MockWith {} -Verifiable Set-TargetResource -RunbookPath 'path' -Ensure 'Absent' -WebServiceEndpoint 'endpoint' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName 'Remove-SmaRunbook' -Exactly 2 -Scope It } } #endregion } #endregion } finally { #region FOOTER Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |