
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xRDCertificateConfiguration")]
class MSFT_xRDCertificateConfiguration : OMI_BaseResource
        Description ("The role to apply this certificate configuration to."),
        ValueMap {"RDRedirector", "RDPublishing", "RDWebAccess", "RDGateway"},
        Values {"RDRedirector", "RDPublishing", "RDWebAccess", "RDGateway"}
    ] string Role;
        Description ("The connection broker that this certificate configuration is applied to.")
    ] string ConnectionBroker;
    [write, required,
        Description ("The certificate that should be used, should point to a PFX file on the filesystem.")
    ] string ImportPath;
        Description("Specifies the password used to decrypt the PFX file. The username is ignored."),
    ] string Credential;