Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\xRemoteDesktopSessionHostCommon.psm1" if (!(Test-xRemoteDesktopSessionHostOsRequirement)) { Throw "The minimum OS requirement was not met."} Import-Module RemoteDesktop $localhost = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((hostname)).HostName ####################################################################### # The Get-TargetResource cmdlet. ####################################################################### function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ConnectionBroker, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("RDS-Connection-Broker", "RDS-Virtualization", "RDS-RD-Server", "RDS-Web-Access", "RDS-Gateway", "RDS-Licensing")] [string] $Role, [Parameter()] [string] $GatewayExternalFqdn # only for RDS-Gateway ) $result = $null if (-not $ConnectionBroker) { $ConnectionBroker = $localhost } write-verbose "Getting list of servers of type '$Role' from '$ConnectionBroker'..." #{ $servers = Get-RDServer -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker -Role $Role -ea SilentlyContinue #} if ($servers) { write-verbose "Found $($servers.Count) '$Role' servers in the deployment, now looking for server named '$Server'..." if ($Server -in $servers.Server) { write-verbose "The server '$Server' is in the RD deployment." $result = @{ "ConnectionBroker" = $ConnectionBroker "Server" = $Server "Role" = $Role "GatewayExternalFqdn" = $null } if ($Role -eq 'RDS-Gateway') { write-verbose "the role is '$Role', querying RDS Gateway configuration..." $config = Get-RDDeploymentGatewayConfiguration -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker if ($config) { write-verbose "RDS Gateway configuration retrieved successfully..." $result.GatewayExternalFqdn = $config.GatewayExternalFqdn Write-verbose ">> GatewayExternalFqdn: '$($result.GatewayExternalFqdn)'" } } } else { write-verbose "The server '$Server' is not in the deployment as '$Role' yet." } } else { write-verbose "No '$Role' servers found in the deployment on '$ConnectionBroker'." # or, possibly, Remote Desktop Deployment doesn't exist/Remote Desktop Management Service not running } $result } ######################################################################## # The Set-TargetResource cmdlet. ######################################################################## function ValidateCustomModeParameters { param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("RDS-Connection-Broker", "RDS-Virtualization", "RDS-RD-Server", "RDS-Web-Access", "RDS-Gateway", "RDS-Licensing")] [string] $Role, [Parameter()] [string] $GatewayExternalFqdn ) write-verbose "validating parameters..." $customParams = @{ "GatewayExternalFqdn" = $GatewayExternalFqdn } if ($Role -eq 'RDS-Gateway') { # ensure GatewayExternalFqdn was passed in, otherwise Add-RDServer will fail $nulls = $null $nulls = $customParams.getenumerator() | Where-Object { $null -eq $_.value } if ($null -ne $nulls) { $nulls | ForEach-Object { write-verbose ">> '$($_.Key)' parameter is empty" } write-warning "[PARAMETER VALIDATION FAILURE] i'm gonna throw, right now..." throw ("Requested server role 'RDS-Gateway', you must pass in the 'GatewayExternalFqdn' parameter.") } } else { # give warning about incorrect usage of the resource (do not fail) $parametersWithValues = $customParams.getenumerator() | Where-Object { $_.value } if ($parametersWithValues.count -gt 0) { $parametersWithValues | ForEach-Object { write-verbose ">> '$($_.Key)' was specified, the value is: '$($_.Value)'" } write-warning ("[WARNING]: Requested server role is '$Role', the following parameter can only be used with server role 'RDS-Gateway': " + "$($parametersWithValues.Key -join ', '). The parameter will be ignored in the call to Add-RDServer to avoid error!") } } } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ConnectionBroker, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("RDS-Connection-Broker", "RDS-Virtualization", "RDS-RD-Server", "RDS-Web-Access", "RDS-Gateway", "RDS-Licensing")] [string] $Role, [Parameter()] [string] $GatewayExternalFqdn # only for RDS-Gateway ) if (-not $ConnectionBroker) { $ConnectionBroker = $localhost } write-verbose "Adding server '$($Server.ToLower())' as $Role to the deployment on '$($ConnectionBroker.ToLower())'..." # validate parameters ValidateCustomModeParameters -Role $Role -GateewayExternalFqdn $GatewayExternalFqdn if ($Role -eq 'RDS-Gateway') { write-verbose ">> GatewayExternalFqdn: '$GatewayExternalFqdn'" } else { $PSBoundParameters.Remove("GatewayExternalFqdn") } write-verbose "calling Add-RDServer cmdlet..." #{ if ($Role -eq 'RDS-Licensing' -or $Role -eq 'RDS-Gateway') { # workaround bug #3299246 Add-RDServer @PSBoundParameters -erroraction silentlycontinue -errorvariable e if ($e.count -eq 0) { write-verbose "Add-RDServer completed without errors..." # continue } elseif ($e.count -eq 2 -and $e[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'CommandNotFoundException') { write-verbose "Add-RDServer: trapped 2 errors, that's ok, continuing..." # ignore & continue } else { write-error "Add-RDServer threw $($e.count) errors." } } else { Add-RDServer @PSBoundParameters } #} write-verbose "Add-RDServer done." } ####################################################################### # The Test-TargetResource cmdlet. ####################################################################### function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ConnectionBroker, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("RDS-Connection-Broker", "RDS-Virtualization", "RDS-RD-Server", "RDS-Web-Access", "RDS-Gateway", "RDS-Licensing")] [string] $Role, [Parameter()] [string] $GatewayExternalFqdn # only for RDS-Gateway ) $target = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters $result = $null -ne $target write-verbose "Test-TargetResource returning: $result" return $result } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |