
$script:ProgressTracker = @{}

Function Write-xProgress
        Writes powershell progress output using Write-Progress based on a previous Initialize-xProgress identity
        Writes powershell progress output using Write-Progress based on a previous Initialize-xProgress identity
        Write-xProgress -Identity $xProgressID
        calls Write-Progress with previously defined activity and automatically generated counter, progress, and seconds remaining

        [guid]$Identity #GUID or GUID string provided from a previously run Initialize-xProgress

    $ProgressGUID = $Identity.guid #set the ProgressGUID to the string represenation of the Identity GUID
    if (-not $Script:ProgressTracker.containsKey($ProgressGUID))
        throw("No xProgress Instance found for identity $ProgressGUID")
    $counter = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).Counter++ #advance the counter
    $progressInterval = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).ProgressInterval #get the progressInterval for the modulus check

    if ($counter % $progressInterval -eq 0)
        #modulus check passed so w
        $activity = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).Activity
        $stopwatch = $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).Stopwatch
        $total = $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).total
        $elapsedSeconds = [math]::Ceiling($stopwatch.elapsed.TotalSeconds)
        $secondsPerItem = [math]::Ceiling($elapsedSeconds/$counter)
        $secondsRemaining = $($total - $counter) * $secondsPerItem
        $progressItem = $counter + $progressInterval
        $wpParams = @{
            Activity         = $activity
            Status           = "Processing $counter through $progressItem of $total"
            PercentComplete  = $counter/$total * 100
            SecondsRemaining = $secondsRemaining
        if ($Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).containsKey('Id'))
            $wpParams.Id = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).Id
        if ($Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).containsKey('ParentId'))
            $wpParams.Id = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).ParentId
        Write-Progress @wpParams

Function Initialize-xProgress
        Initializes an instance of xProgress for later display using Write-xProgess
        Initializes an instance of xProgress for later display using Write-xProgess.
        Automatically sets up counters, timers, and incremental progress tracking.
        Can show progress only at a selected interval to improve performance (write-progress is expensive).
        $xProgressID = Initialize-xProgress -ArrayToProcess $MyListOfItems -CalculatedProgressInterval 1Percent -Activity "Process MyListOfItems"
        Sets up xProgress to display progress for a looped operation on $MyListOfItems. When Write-xProgress is called will update progress at each one percent increment of processing and will use -activity as the activity for Write-Progress.
        $xProgressID = Initialize-xProgress -ArrayToProcess $MyListOfItems -ExplicitProgressInterval 5 -Activity "Process MyListOfItems"
        Sets up xProgress to display progress for a looped operation on $MyListOfItems. When Write-xProgress is called will update progress once for each 5 items of processing and will use -activity as the activity for Write-Progress.
        Will throw an error if MyListOfItems is less than 5 items.

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'CalculatedInterval')]
        [psobject[]]$ArrayToProcess #The array of items to be processed
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CalculatedInterval')]
        [string]$CalculatedProgressInterval = '1Percent' #Select a progress interval. Default is 1 Percent (1Percent).

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitInterval')]
        [int32]$ExplicitProgressInterval #specify an explicity item count at which to show progress.
        [string]$Activity #displayed in the progress bar Activity field (passed through to Write-Progress -Activity).
        [int32]$Id #set the Id for Write-Progress, if desired.
        [int32]$ParentId #set the ParentId for Write-Progress, if desired.

    $ProgressGuid = $(New-Guid).guid
    $total = $ArrayToProcess.Count
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $divisor = switch ($CalculatedProgressInterval)
            $Interval = [math]::Ceiling($total / $divisor)
            if ($ExplicitProgressInterval -gt $total)
                throw ("ExplicitProgressInterval $ExplicitProgressInterval is greater than the provided ArrayToProcess total count: $total")
                $Interval = $ExplicitProgressInterval

    $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid) = @{}
    $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).Activity = $Activity
    $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).ProgressInterval = $Interval
    $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).total = $total
    $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).counter = 0
    if ($Id) {$script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).Id = $Id}
    if ($ParentId) {$script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).ParentId = $ParentId}


Function Complete-xProgress
        Completes xProgress for a specific xProgress identity created by Initialize-xProgress
        Completes xProgress for a specific xProgress identity created by Initialize-xProgress.
        Removes the progress bar display in Powershell by calling Write-Progress with -Complete parameter.
        Removes the xProgress identity from xProgress module memory
        Complete-xProgress -Identity $xProgressId
        removes the progress bar from display and removes the xProgressId from xProgress module memory

        [guid]$Identity #the xProgress Identity to complete

    $ProgressGUID = $Identity.guid #set the ProgressGUID to the string represenation of the Identity GUID
    $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).Stopwatch.Stop() #stop the stopwatch
    $activity = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).Activity
    $stopwatch = $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).Stopwatch
    $elapsedSeconds = [math]::Ceiling($stopwatch.elapsed.TotalSeconds)
    $total = $script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGuid).total
    $wpParams = @{
        Activity         = $activity
        Status           = "Processed all $total iterations. Elapsed seconds: $elapsedSeconds"
        PercentComplete  = 100
        SecondsRemaining = 0
    if ($Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).containsKey('Id'))
        $wpParams.Id = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).Id
    if ($Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).containsKey('ParentId'))
        $wpParams.Id = $Script:ProgressTracker.$($ProgressGUID).ParentId
    #Remove progress bar
    Write-Progress @wpParams -Completed
    #Remove Progress Identity GUID