Please note that some of these tests depend on each other. They must be run in the order given - if one test fails, subsequent tests may also fail. #> $errorActionPreference = 'Stop' Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) ` -ChildPath 'CommonTestHelper.psm1') ` -Force if (Test-SkipContinuousIntegrationTask -Type 'Integration') { return } $script:testEnvironment = Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment ` -DscResourceModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' ` -DscResourceName 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess' ` -TestType 'Integration' try { Describe 'xWindowsProcess Integration Tests without Credential' { $testProcessPath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) ` -ChildPath 'WindowsProcessTestProcess.exe' $logFilePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) ` -ChildPath 'processTestLog.txt' $configFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot ` -ChildPath 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess.config.ps1' Context 'Should stop any current instances of the testProcess running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_Setup' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should compile without throwing' { { if (Test-Path -Path $logFilePath) { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath } .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It 'Should not create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Should start a new testProcess instance as running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StartProcess' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should not have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' $currentConfig.ProcessCount | Should -Be 1 } It 'Should create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Should not start a second new testProcess instance when one is already running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StartSecondProcess' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } It 'Should not throw when removing the log file' { { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' $currentConfig.ProcessCount | Should -Be 1 } It 'Should not create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Should stop the testProcess instance from running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StopProcesses' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should not have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It 'Should not create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Should return correct amount of processes running when more than 1 are running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StartMultipleProcesses' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should not have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should start another process running' { Start-Process -FilePath $testProcessPath -ArgumentList @($logFilePath) } It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' $currentConfig.ProcessCount | Should -Be 2 } It 'Should create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Should stop all of the testProcess instances from running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StopAllProcesses' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } It 'Should not throw when removing the log file' { { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It 'Should not create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } } } Describe 'xWindowsProcess Integration Tests with Credential' { $ConfigData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = '*' PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true } @{ NodeName = 'localhost' } ) } $testCredential = Get-TestAdministratorAccountCredential $testProcessPath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) ` -ChildPath 'WindowsProcessTestProcess.exe' $logFilePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) ` -ChildPath 'processTestLog.txt' $configFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot ` -ChildPath 'MSFT_xWindowsProcessWithCredential.config.ps1' Context 'Should stop any current instances of the testProcess running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_SetupWithCredential' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should compile without throwing' { { if (Test-Path -Path $logFilePath) { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath } .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Credential $testCredential ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath ` -ConfigurationData $ConfigData Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It 'Should not create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Should start a new testProcess instance as running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StartProcessWithCredential' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should not have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Credential $testCredential ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath ` -ConfigurationData $ConfigData Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' $currentConfig.ProcessCount | Should -Be 1 } It 'Should create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Should not start a second new testProcess instance when one is already running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StartSecondProcessWithCredential' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } It 'Should not throw when removing the log file' { { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Credential $testCredential ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath ` -ConfigurationData $ConfigData Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' $currentConfig.ProcessCount | Should -Be 1 } It 'Should not create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Should stop the testProcess instance from running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StopProcessesWithCredential' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should not have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Credential $testCredential ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath ` -ConfigurationData $ConfigData Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } It 'Should not create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Should return correct amount of processes running when more than 1 are running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StartMultipleProcessesWithCredential' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName # Make sure test admin account has permissions on log folder Add-PathPermission ` -Path (Split-Path -Path $logFilePath) ` -IdentityReference $testCredential.UserName It 'Should not have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $false } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -Credential $testCredential ` -OutputPath $configurationPath ` -ConfigurationData $ConfigData Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Start another instance of the same process using the same credentials. It 'Should start another process running' { Start-Process ` -FilePath $testProcessPath ` -ArgumentList @($logFilePath) ` -Credential $testCredential } It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' $currentConfig.ProcessCount | Should -Be 2 } It 'Should create a logfile' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Should stop all of the testProcess instances from running' { $configurationName = 'MSFT_xWindowsProcess_StopAllProcessesWithCredential' $configurationPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $configurationName It 'Should have a logfile already present' { $pathResult = Test-Path $logFilePath $pathResult | Should -Be $true } It 'Should not throw when removing the log file' { { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should compile without throwing' { { if (Test-Path -Path $logFilePath) { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath } .$configFile -ConfigurationName $configurationName & $configurationName -Path $testProcessPath ` -Arguments $logFilePath ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Credential $testCredential ` -ErrorAction 'Stop' ` -OutputPath $configurationPath ` -ConfigurationData $ConfigData Start-DscConfiguration -Path $configurationPath -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } # Wait a moment for the process to stop/start $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should return the correct configuration' { $currentConfig = Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction 'Stop' $currentConfig.Path | Should -Be $testProcessPath $currentConfig.Arguments | Should -Be $logFilePath $currentConfig.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } } } } finally { Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $script:testEnvironment } |