$errorActionPreference = 'Stop' Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' # Import CommonTestHelper for Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment, Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment $script:testsFolderFilePath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $script:commonTestHelperFilePath = Join-Path -Path $testsFolderFilePath -ChildPath 'CommonTestHelper.psm1' Import-Module -Name $commonTestHelperFilePath $script:testEnvironment = Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment ` -DscResourceModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' ` -DscResourceName 'MSFT_xEnvironmentResource' ` -TestType 'Unit' try { InModuleScope 'MSFT_xEnvironmentResource' { # Mock objects $script:mockEnvironmentVarName = 'PATH' $script:mockEnvironmentVarInvalidName = 'Invalid' $script:mockEnvironmentVar = @{ PATH = 'mock path for testing' } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Get-TargetResource' { Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { if ($Name -eq $script:mockEnvironmentVarName) { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } else { return $null } } Mock -CommandName Get-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -MockWith { if ($Name -eq $script:mockEnvironmentVarName) { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } else { return $null } } Context 'Environment variable exists Both Targets' { $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName It 'Should retrieve the expanded environment variable object' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } It 'Should return a hashtable' { $getTargetResourceResult -is [Hashtable] | Should Be $true } It 'Should return the environment variable name' { $getTargetResourceResult.Name | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVarName } It 'Should return the environment variable Ensure state as Present' { $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Present' } It 'Should return the value of the environment variable' { $getTargetResourceResult.Value | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVar.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName } } Context 'Environment variable does not exist Both Targets' { $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarInvalidName It 'Should retrieve the expanded environment variable object' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } It 'Should return a hashtable' { $getTargetResourceResult -is [Hashtable] | Should Be $true } It 'Should return the environment variable name' { $getTargetResourceResult.Name | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVarInvalidName } It 'Should return the environment variable Ensure state as Absent' { $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent' } It 'Should return Value as null' { $getTargetResourceResult.Value | Should Be $null } } Context 'Process Environment variable exists' { $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Target @('Process') It 'Should retrieve the expanded environment variable object' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } It 'Should return a hashtable' { $getTargetResourceResult -is [Hashtable] | Should Be $true } It 'Should return the environment variable name' { $getTargetResourceResult.Name | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVarName } It 'Should return the environment variable Ensure state as Present' { $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Present' } It 'Should return the value of the environment variable' { $getTargetResourceResult.Value | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVar.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName } } Context 'Process Environment variable does not exist' { $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarInvalidName -Target @('Process') It 'Should retrieve the expanded environment variable object' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } It 'Should return a hashtable' { $getTargetResourceResult -is [Hashtable] | Should Be $true } It 'Should return the environment variable name' { $getTargetResourceResult.Name | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVarInvalidName } It 'Should return the environment variable Ensure state as Absent' { $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent' } It 'Should return Value as null' { $getTargetResourceResult.Value | Should Be $null } } Context 'Machine Environment variable exists' { $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Target @('Machine') It 'Should retrieve the expanded environment variable object' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } It 'Should return a hashtable' { $getTargetResourceResult -is [Hashtable] | Should Be $true } It 'Should return the environment variable name' { $getTargetResourceResult.Name | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVarName } It 'Should return the environment variable Ensure state as Present' { $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Present' } It 'Should return the value of the environment variable' { $getTargetResourceResult.Value | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVar.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName } } Context 'Machine Environment variable does not exist' { $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarInvalidName -Target @('Machine') It 'Should retrieve the expanded environment variable object' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } It 'Should return a hashtable' { $getTargetResourceResult -is [Hashtable] | Should Be $true } It 'Should return the environment variable name' { $getTargetResourceResult.Name | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVarInvalidName } It 'Should return the environment variable Ensure state as Absent' { $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent' } It 'Should return Value as null' { $getTargetResourceResult.Value | Should Be $null } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Set-TargetResource - Both Targets' { $newPathValue = 'new path value' Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Set-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newPathValue } Mock -CommandName Remove-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $false } Mock -CommandName Add-PathsToValue -MockWith { return $newPathValue } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Add new environment variable without Path and item properties not present' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have set the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Add new environment variable with Path and item properties present' { $newPathValue = 'new path value2' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have set the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Add new environment variable with no value specified' { It 'Should throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Path $true -Ensure 'Present' } | Should Throw ($script:localizedData.CannotSetValueToEmpty -f $script:mockEnvironmentVarName) } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Update environment variable but no Value specified' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable without Path and Value given is the value already set' { $newPathValue = 'new path value2' $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newPathValue It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable without Path and new Value passed in' { $newPathValue = 'new path value3' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable with Path and invalid Value (;) passed in' { $newPathValue = ';' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Not Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable with Path and invalid Value ( ) passed in' { $newPathValue = ' ' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Not Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } $newPathValue = 'new path value 4' $newFullPathValue = ($script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH +';' + $newPathValue) Mock -CommandName Set-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newFullPathValue } Context 'Update environment variable with new Path and valid Value passed in' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newFullPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $true } Context 'Update environment variable with Value that the environment variable is already set to' { $oldPathValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH $newPathValue = 'new path value 5' $newFullPathValue = ($script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH +';' + $newPathValue) It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $oldPathValue -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $oldPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Remove environment variable that is already removed' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Ensure 'Absent' } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Context 'Remove environment variable with no Value specified' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Ensure 'Absent' -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value specified and Path set to false' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'mockNewValue' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to semicolen (;) and Path set to true' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value ';' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to value not in path and Path set to true' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'nonExistentPath' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to full path value that the environment var is already set to' { $pathToRemove = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $pathToRemove ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return 'PathWithRemovedValues' } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to a path value that the environment variable contains' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $pathToRemove = 'path3' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $pathToRemove ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Set-TargetResource - Target set to Process' { $newPathValue = 'new path value' Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Set-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newPathValue } Mock -CommandName Remove-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $false } Mock -CommandName Add-PathsToValue -MockWith { return $newPathValue } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Add new environment variable without Path and item properties not present' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have set the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Add new environment variable with Path and item properties present' { $newPathValue = 'new path value2' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have set the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Add new environment variable with no value specified' { It 'Should throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Path $true -Ensure 'Present' -Target @('Process') } | Should Throw ($script:localizedData.CannotSetValueToEmpty -f $script:mockEnvironmentVarName) } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Update environment variable but no Value specified' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable without Path and Value given is the value already set' { $newPathValue = 'new path value2' $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newPathValue It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable without Path and new Value passed in' { $newPathValue = 'new path value3' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable with Path and invalid Value (;) passed in' { $newPathValue = ';' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Not Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable with Path and invalid Value ( ) passed in' { $newPathValue = ' ' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Not Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } $newPathValue = 'new path value 4' $newFullPathValue = ($script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH +';' + $newPathValue) Mock -CommandName Set-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newFullPathValue } Context 'Update environment variable with new Path and valid Value passed in' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newFullPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $true } Context 'Update environment variable with Value that the environment variable is already set to' { $oldPathValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH $newPathValue = 'new path value 5' $newFullPathValue = ($script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH +';' + $newPathValue) It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $oldPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $oldPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Remove environment variable that is already removed' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Ensure 'Absent' -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Remove environment variable with no Value specified' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Ensure 'Absent' -Path $true -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value specified and Path set to false' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'mockNewValue' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to semicolen (;) and Path set to true' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value ';' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to value not in path and Path set to true' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'nonExistentPath' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to full path value that the environment var is already set to' { $pathToRemove = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $pathToRemove ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return 'PathWithRemovedValues' } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to a path value that the environment variable contains' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $pathToRemove = 'path3' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $pathToRemove ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Set-TargetResource - Target set to Machine' { $newPathValue = 'new path value' Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Set-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newPathValue } Mock -CommandName Remove-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $false } Mock -CommandName Add-PathsToValue -MockWith { return $newPathValue } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Add new environment variable without Path and item properties not present' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have set the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Add new environment variable with Path and item properties present' { $newPathValue = 'new path value2' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have set the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Add new environment variable with no value specified' { It 'Should throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Path $true -Ensure 'Present' -Target @('Machine') } | Should Throw ($script:localizedData.CannotSetValueToEmpty -f $script:mockEnvironmentVarName) } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Update environment variable but no Value specified' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable without Path and Value given is the value already set' { $newPathValue = 'new path value2' $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newPathValue It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable without Path and new Value passed in' { $newPathValue = 'new path value3' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable with Path and invalid Value (;) passed in' { $newPathValue = ';' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Not Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Update environment variable with Path and invalid Value ( ) passed in' { $newPathValue = ' ' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Not Be $newPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } $newPathValue = 'new path value 4' $newFullPathValue = ($script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH +';' + $newPathValue) Mock -CommandName Set-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = $newFullPathValue } Context 'Update environment variable with new Path and valid Value passed in' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $newPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $newFullPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $true } Context 'Update environment variable with Value that the environment variable is already set to' { $oldPathValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH $newPathValue = 'new path value 5' $newFullPathValue = ($script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH +';' + $newPathValue) It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value $oldPathValue -Path $true -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should not have updated the mock variable value' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH | Should Be $oldPathValue } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Add-PathsToValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Remove environment variable that is already removed' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Ensure 'Absent' -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with no Value specified' { Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Mock -CommandName Remove-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith {} It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Ensure 'Absent' -Path $true -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value specified and Path set to false' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'mockNewValue' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to semicolen (;) and Path set to true' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value ';' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to value not in path and Path set to true' { It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'nonExistentPath' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to not remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to full path value that the environment var is already set to' { $pathToRemove = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $pathToRemove ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to remove the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Remove-PathsFromValue -MockWith { return 'PathWithRemovedValues' } Context 'Remove environment variable with Value set to a path value that the environment variable contains' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $pathToRemove = 'path3' It 'Should not throw an exception' { { Set-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $pathToRemove ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') } | Should Not Throw } It 'Should have called the correct mocks to set the environment variable' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-PathsFromValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Remove-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Set-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Test-TargetResource - Both Targets' { Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $true } Context 'Ensure set to Present and environment variable not found' { It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Present and value not specified' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present and Path set to false with incorrect value' { $expectedValue = 'wrongExpectedValue' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $false $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present and Path set to false with correct value' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $false $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true and Value contains all paths set in environment variable' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and Value is set in environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $expectedValue = 'path3;path2' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context } } $expectedValue = 'path3;path4;path5' Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $expectedValue } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { if ($ExistingPaths -eq $expectedValue) { return $true } else { return $false } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and not all paths in Value are set in machine' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } $expectedProperties = @{ PATH = $expectedValue } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $expectedProperties } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and not all paths in Value are set in process' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and environment variable not found' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and value not specified' { It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and Path set to false with non-existent value' { $expectedValue = 'nonExistentExpectedValue' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and Path set to false with existent value' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } $expectedValue = 'path5;path6;path7' $expectedProperties = @{ PATH = $expectedValue } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $expectedProperties } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { if ($ExistingPaths -eq $expectedValue) { return $true } else { return $false } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and Value is set in machine environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $expectedValue } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and Value is set in process environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $expectedValue = 'path5;path6;path7' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and none of the paths in Value are set in environment variable' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'nonExistentValue' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 2 -Scope Context } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Test-TargetResource - Target set to Process' { Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $true } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Ensure set to Present and environment variable not found' { It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Present and value not specified' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Present and Path set to false with incorrect value' { $expectedValue = 'wrongExpectedValue' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present and Path set to false with correct value' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true and Value contains all paths set in environment variable' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and Value is set in environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $expectedValue = 'path3;path2' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } $expectedValue = 'path3;path4;path5' Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $expectedValue } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { if ($ExistingPaths -eq $expectedValue) { return $true } else { return $false } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and not all paths in Value are set in machine' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and not all paths in Value are set in process' { It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and environment variable not found' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and value not specified' { It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and Path set to false with non-existent value' { $expectedValue = 'nonExistentExpectedValue' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and Path set to false with existent value' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } $expectedValue = 'path5;path6;path7' Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { if ($ExistingPaths -eq $expectedValue) { return $true } else { return $false } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and Value is set in machine environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $expectedValue } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and Value is set in process environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $expectedValue = 'path5;path6;path7' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $false } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and none of the paths in Value are set in environment variable' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'nonExistentValue' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Process') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Test-TargetResource - Target set to Machine' { Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $null } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $true } Context 'Ensure set to Present and environment variable not found' { It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Present and value not specified' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present and Path set to false with incorrect value' { $expectedValue = 'wrongExpectedValue' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present and Path set to false with correct value' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true and Value contains all paths set in environment variable' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and Value is set in environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $expectedValue = 'path3;path2' Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } $expectedValue = 'path3;path4;path5' Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $expectedValue } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { if ($ExistingPaths -eq $expectedValue) { return $true } else { return $false } } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and not all paths in Value are set in machine' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } $expectedProperties = @{ PATH = $expectedValue } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $expectedProperties } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH } Context 'Ensure set to Present, Path set to true, and not all paths in Value are set in process' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Present' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $null } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and environment variable not found' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and value not specified' { It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and Path set to false with non-existent value' { $expectedValue = 'nonExistentExpectedValue' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent and Path set to false with existent value' { $expectedValue = $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $false ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } $expectedValue = 'path5;path6;path7' $expectedProperties = @{ PATH = $expectedValue } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $expectedProperties } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { if ($ExistingPaths -eq $expectedValue) { return $true } else { return $false } } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and Value is set in machine environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return false' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } Mock -CommandName Get-EnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $expectedValue } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and Value is set in process environment variable' { $script:mockEnvironmentVar.PATH = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' $expectedValue = 'path5;path6;path7' It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value $expectedValue ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } Mock -CommandName Test-PathsInValue -MockWith { return $false } Context 'Ensure set to Absent, Path set to true, and none of the paths in Value are set in environment variable' { It 'Should return true' { $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Value 'nonExistentValue' ` -Ensure 'Absent' ` -Path $true ` -Target @('Machine') $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should have called the correct mocks' { Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Get-EnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Test-PathsInValue -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Get-EnvironmentVariable' { $desiredValue = 'desiredValue' Mock -CommandName Get-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -MockWith { return $desiredValue } Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { if ($Name -eq $script:mockEnvironmentVarName) { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar } else { return $null } } Context 'Get Process variable' { It 'Should return the correct value' { $getEnvironmentVariableResult = Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'VariableName' ` -Target 'Process' $getEnvironmentVariableResult | Should Be $desiredValue } } Context 'Get Machine variable' { It 'Should return the correct value' { $getEnvironmentVariableResult = Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName ` -Target 'Machine' $getEnvironmentVariableResult | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVar.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName } It 'Should return the null when Name does not exist' { $getEnvironmentVariableResult = Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'nonExistentName' ` -Target 'Machine' $getEnvironmentVariableResult | Should Be $null } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Add-PathsToValue' { Context 'Path is updated' { It 'Should return the updated path value with the new path' { $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult = Add-PathsToValue -CurrentValue 'path1;path2;path4' ` -NewValue 'path3' $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult | Should Be 'path1;path2;path4;path3' } It 'Should return the updated path value with all of the new paths' { $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult = Add-PathsToValue -CurrentValue 'path1;path2;path4' ` -NewValue 'path3;path4;path5;path6;path1' $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult | Should Be 'path1;path2;path4;path3;path5;path6' } } Context 'Path is not updated' { $currentValue = 'path1;path2;path3;path4' It 'Should return the original value if one path is passed in and it is already in the current value' { $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult = Add-PathsToValue -CurrentValue $currentValue ` -NewValue 'path3' $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult | Should Be $currentValue } It 'Should return $currentValue if multiple paths are passed in that are already contained in current value' { $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult = Add-PathsToValue -CurrentValue $currentValue ` -NewValue 'path3;path4;path2' $getPathValueWithAddedPathsResult | Should Be $currentValue } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Remove-PathsFromValue' { Context 'Path is updated' { It 'Should return the updated path value with the specified path removed' { $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult = Remove-PathsFromValue -CurrentValue 'path1;path2;path4' ` -PathsToRemove 'path2' $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult | Should Be 'path1;path4' } It 'Should return the updated path value with all of the specified paths removed if they were present' { $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult = Remove-PathsFromValue -CurrentValue 'path1;path2;path4' ` -PathsToRemove 'path3;path4;path5;path6;path1' $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult | Should Be 'path2' } It 'Should return an empty string if all paths are removed' { $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult = Remove-PathsFromValue -CurrentValue 'path1;path2;path4' ` -PathsToRemove 'path2;path1;path4' $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult | Should Be '' } } Context 'Path is not updated' { It 'Should return the original path if no paths were removed' { $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult = Remove-PathsFromValue -CurrentValue 'path1;path2;path3;path4' ` -PathsToRemove 'path5;path6;path0' $getPathValueWithRemovedPathsResult | Should Be 'path1;path2;path3;path4' } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Set-EnvironmentVariable' { Mock -CommandName Set-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Remove-ItemProperty -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Get-ItemProperty -MockWith { if ($Name -eq $script:mockEnvironmentVarName) { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName } else { return $null } } Context 'Set Process variable' { It 'Should call the correct mocks' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Target @('Process') Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It 'Should call the correct mocks' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value '' -Target @('Process') Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -Exactly 0 -Scope It } It 'Should call the correct mocks' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value 'mockValue' -Target @('Process') Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -Exactly 1 -Scope It } } Context 'Set Machine variable' { It 'Should throw exception when name is too long' { { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine. ` really really really long name that will not be accepted by the machine.' ` -Target @('Machine') } | Should Throw $script:localizedData.ArgumentTooLong } It 'Should throw exception when environment variable cannot be found to remove' { $invalidName = 'invalidName' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $invalidName -Target @('Machine') } | Should Throw ($script:localizedData.RemoveNonExistentVarError -f $invalidName) } It 'Should throw exception when environment variable cannot be found to set' { $invalidName = 'invalidName' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $invalidName -Value 'testValue' -Target @('Machine') } | Should Throw ($script:localizedData.GetItemPropertyFailure -f $invalidName, $script:envVarRegPathMachine) } It 'Should set the environment variable if a value is passed in' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Value 'mockValue' -Target @('Machine') Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -Exactly 1 -Scope It Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-ItemProperty -Exactly 0 -Scope It } It 'Should remove the environment variable if no value is passed in' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName -Target @('Machine') Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-ItemProperty -Exactly 0 -Scope It Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-ItemProperty -Exactly 1 -Scope It } } $errorRecord = 'mock error record' Mock -CommandName Set-ProcessEnvironmentVariable -MockWith { Throw $errorRecord } Context 'Error occurred while setting the variable' { It 'Should throw exception' { $name = 'mockVariableName' $value = 'mockValue' { Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name $name -Value $value -Target @('Process') } | Should Throw $errorRecord } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Test-PathsInValue' { $existingPaths = 'path1;path2;path3;path5;path6' Context "'Any' criteria specified" { It 'Should return true when path is contained in path list' { $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult = Test-PathsInValue -ExistingPaths $existingPaths ` -QueryPaths 'path3' ` -FindCriteria 'Any' $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should return true when one of many paths is contained in path list' { $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult = Test-PathsInValue -ExistingPaths $existingPaths ` -QueryPaths 'path0;path7;path3;path8'` -FindCriteria 'Any' $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should return false when no path is contained in path list' { $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult = Test-PathsInValue -ExistingPaths $existingPaths ` -QueryPaths 'path0;path7;path8;path9' ` -FindCriteria 'Any' $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult | Should Be $false } } Context "'All' criteria specified" { It 'Should return true when path is contained in path list' { $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult = Test-PathsInValue -ExistingPaths $existingPaths ` -QueryPaths 'path3' ` -FindCriteria 'All' $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult | Should Be $true } It 'Should return false when path is not contained in path list' { $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult = Test-PathsInValue -ExistingPaths $existingPaths ` -QueryPaths 'path4' ` -FindCriteria 'All' $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult | Should Be $false } It 'Should return false when one of many paths is not contained in path list' { $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult = Test-PathsInValue -ExistingPaths $existingPaths ` -QueryPaths 'path1;path2;path3;path4' ` -FindCriteria 'All' $testPathInPathListWithCriteriaResult | Should Be $false } } } Describe 'xEnvironmentResource\Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding' { Mock -CommandName Get-KeyValue -MockWith { return $script:mockEnvironmentVar.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName } It 'Should return the correct value when the environment variable exists' { $getItemPropertyExpandedResult = Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Name $script:mockEnvironmentVarName $getItemPropertyExpandedResult.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName | Should Be $script:mockEnvironmentVar.$script:mockEnvironmentVarName Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-KeyValue -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It 'Should return $null when the environment variable does not exist' { $getItemPropertyExpandedResult = Get-EnvironmentVariableWithoutExpanding -Name 'non-existentEnvironmentVariableName' $getItemPropertyExpandedResult | Should Be $null Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-KeyValue -Exactly 0 -Scope It } } } } finally { Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $script:testEnvironment } |