
# These tests must be run with elevated access

$TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment `
    -DSCModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' `
    -DSCResourceName 'MSFT_xEnvironmentResource' `
    -TestType Unit

InModuleScope 'MSFT_xEnvironmentResource' {
    function Get-EnvironmentVariable
        param (
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        switch ($Target) 
                $regItem = get-item -Path "HKLM:\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"

                $regItem = get-item -Path "HKCU:\\Environment"


    Describe 'xEnvironment Unit Tests' {
                Retrieve an existing environment variable using Get-TargetResource
                - Query a well known machine-wide env variable and make sure it exists
                - Validate the retrieved value

        It 'GetEnvVarExisting' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "Username"        
            # TEST
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable $envVar is successfully retrieved
            $retrievedVar.Ensure | Should Be "Present"

            $matchVar = Get-EnvironmentVariable -Name $envVar -Target "Machine"
            $retrievedVarValue = $retrievedVar.Value

            # Verify the $retrievedVar environmnet variable value matches the value retrieved using [Environment] API
            $retrievedVarValue | Should Be $matchVar

            # CLEANUP

                Try to retrieve a non-existing environment variable using Get-TargetResource (Negative Test)
                - Query a non-existing env variable and make sure we receive Ensure=Absent

        It 'GetEnvVarNonExisting' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "BlahVar"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent
            # TEST
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable $envVar is not found
            $retrievedVar.Ensure | Should Be "Absent"       
            # CLEANUP

            Create a new environment variable with no Value specified

        It 'SetNewEnvVarNoValueSpecified' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "TestEnvVar"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent
            # TEST
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar
            # Now retrieve the created variable
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable $envVar is successfully created
            $retrievedVar.Ensure | Should Be "Present"       

            # Verify the create environmnet variable's value is set to default value [String]::Empty
            $retrievedVar.Value | Should Be $([String]::Empty)

            # CLEANUP
            # Remove the created test variable
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Create a new environment variable with Value specified

        It 'SetNewEnvVarValueSpecified' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "TestEnvVar"
            $val = "TestEnvVal"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent
            # TEST
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val
            # Now retrieve the created variable
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable $envVar is successfully created
            $retrievedVar.Ensure | Should Be "Present"       

            # Verify the create environmnet variable's value is set to default value [String]::Empty
            $retrievedVar.Value | Should Be $val

            # CLEANUP
            # Remove the created test variable
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Update existing environment variable with new Value

        It 'SetEnvVarUpdateValue' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "TestEnvVar"
            $val = "TestEnvVal"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val
            # TEST
            $newVal = "TestEnvNewVal"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $newVal
            # Now retrieve the created variable
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable $envVar is successfully updated
            $retrievedVar.Value | Should Not Be $val
            $retrievedVar.Value | Should Be $newVal

            # CLEANUP
            # Remove the created test variable
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Remove an environment variable (Ensure=Absent)

        It 'SetEnvVarAbsent' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "TestEnvVar"
            $val = "TestEnvVal"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val
            # TEST
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent
            # Now try to retrieve the created variable
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable no more exists
            $retrievedVar.Ensure | Should Be "Absent"

            # CLEANUP

            Update a path environment variable

        It 'SetEnvPathVarUpdate' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "TestEnvVar"
            $val = "A;B;C"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val -Path $true
            # TEST
            $addPathVal = "D"   
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $addPathVal -Path $true
            $expectedFinalVal = $val + ";" + $addPathVal
            # Now try to retrieve the created variable
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable no more exists
            $retrievedVar.Value | Should Be $expectedFinalVal

            # CLEANUP
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Remove a sub-path from a path environment variable

        It 'SetEnvPathVarUpdateAbsent' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "TestEnvVar"
            $val = "A;B;C"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val -Path $true
            # TEST
            $removePathVal = "C"   
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $removePathVal -Path $true -Ensure Absent
            $expectedFinalVal = "A;B"
            # Now try to retrieve the created variable
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable no more exists
            $retrievedVar.Value | Should Be $expectedFinalVal

            # CLEANUP
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Remove a path environment variable by removing all its sub-path

        It 'SetEnvPathVarRemove' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "TestEnvVar"
            $val = "A;B;C"
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val -Path $true
            # TEST
            $removePathVal = "C;B;A"   
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $removePathVal -Path $true -Ensure Absent
            # Now try to retrieve the created variable
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable no more exists
            $retrievedVar.Ensure | Should Be "Absent"

            # CLEANUP
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Test that a created environment variable is present

        It 'TestEnvVarPresentNoValue' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "BlahVar"                       
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # TEST
            # Test the created environmnet variable
            Test-TargetResource -Name $envVar | Should Be $true

            # CLEANUP
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Test that an environment environment with a specific value exists

        It 'TestEnvVarPresentWithValue' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "BlahVar"   
            $val = "BlahVal"                    
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val

            # TEST
            # Verify the environmnet variable exists
            Test-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val | Should Be $true

            # CLEANUP
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Test that an environment environment is absent

        It 'TestEnvVarAbsent' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "BlahVar"               
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            # TEST
            # Verify the environmnet variable exists
            Test-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent | Should Be $true

            # CLEANUP
             Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Test that a path exists in a path environment variable

        It 'TestEnvVarPathPresent' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "PathVar"                     
            $val = "A;B;C"  
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val -Path $true

            # TEST
            $subpath = "B"
            # Test a sub-path exists in environment variable
            Test-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $subpath -Path $true | Should Be $true

            # CLEANUP
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Test that a matching but shuffled path exists in a path environment variable

        It 'TestEnvVarCaseInsensitiveShuffledPathPresent' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "PathVar"                     
            $val = "A;B;C"  
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val -Path $true

            # TEST
            $subpath = "B;a;c"
            Test-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $subpath -Path $true | Should Be $true

            # CLEANUP
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

        .SYNOPSIS: Test that a path does not exist in a path environment variable

        It 'TestEnvVarPathAbsent' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "PathVar"                     
            $val = "A;B;C"  
            Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $val -Path $true

            # TEST
            $subpath = "D;E"
            Test-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Value $subpath -Path $true -Ensure Absent | Should Be $true

            # CLEANUP
             Set-TargetResource -Name $envVar -Ensure Absent

            Retrieve an existing environment variable using Get-TargetResource
                - Use a machine-wide predefined env variable 'windir'
                - Validate the retrieved value

        It 'GetExpandedStringVar' {
            # SETUP
            $envVar = "windir"
            # TEST
            $retrievedVar = Get-TargetResource -Name $envVar

            # Verify the environmnet variable $envVar is successfully retrieved
            $retrievedVar.Ensure | Should Be "Present"

            $matchVar = "%SystemRoot%"
            $retrievedVarValue = $retrievedVar.Value

            # Verify the $retrievedVar environmnet variable value matches the value retrieved using [Environment] API
            $retrievedVarValue | Should Be $matchVar

            # CLEANUP