
Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\..\CommonTestHelper.psm1" -Force

$script:testEnvironment = Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment `
    -DscResourceModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' `
    -DscResourceName 'MSFT_xRegistryResource' `
    -TestType 'Unit'

    InModuleScope 'MSFT_xRegistryResource' {
        Describe 'xRegistry Unit Tests' {
            BeforeAll {
                Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\MSFT_xRegistryResource.TestHelper.psm1" -Force

                $baseRegistryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\TestKey'
                $script:registryKeyPath = $baseRegistryKeyPath

                $script:doNotDeleteRegistryKey = $false
                $script:registryDriveOriginallyMounted = $true

                $loopTimeoutMinutes = 1

                $startLoopTime = Get-Date
                while ((Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath) -and $loopMinutes -lt $loopTimeoutMinutes)
                    $randomNumber = Get-Random
                    $script:registryKeyPath = $baseRegistryKeyPath + $randomNumber
                    $loopMinutes = ((Get-Date) - $startLoopTime).Minutes

                if (Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath)
                    $script:doNotDeleteRegistryKey = $true
                    throw "Timed out while attempting to set up a non-destructive registry key for testing. Last testing key attempted: $script:registryKeyPath"

                $script:registryDriveOriginallyMounted = Test-RegistryDriveMounted -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath

                if (-not $script:registryDriveOriginallyMounted)
                    Mount-RegistryDrive -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath

            BeforeEach {
                # Remove the test registry key if it already exists
                if (Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath)
                    Remove-RegistryKey -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath

            AfterAll {
                # Remove the test registry key if it already exists
                if ((Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath) -and -not $script:doNotDeleteRegistryKey)
                    Remove-RegistryKey -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath

                if ($script:registryDriveOriginallyMounted)
                    Dismount-RegistryDrive -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath

            Context 'Get-TargetResource' {
                It 'Should return Present when retrieving a blank value from an existing registry key' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName ''
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'

                It 'Should return Absent when retrieving a blank value from a registry key that does not exist' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environmental'
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName ''
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'

                It 'Should return Present when retrieving an existing value from an existing registry key' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'       
                    $registryValueName = 'Path'
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName $registryValueName
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'

                It 'Should return Absent when retrieving a nonexistant value from an existing registry key' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'        
                    $registryValueName = 'PsychoPath'
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName $registryValueName
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'

                $commonRegistryKeys = @( 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT', 'HKEY_USERS', 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG' )
                foreach ($commonRegistryKey in $commonRegistryKeys)
                    It "Should return Present when retrieving a blank value from $commonRegistryKey" {
                        $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource -Key $commonRegistryKey -ValueName ''
                        $getTargetResourceResult.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'

            Context 'Set-TargetResource' {
                It 'Should create a new registry key' {
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName ''

                    # Verify that the registry key has been created
                    $registryKeyExists = Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath
                    $registryKeyExists | Should Be $true

                It 'Should create a new registry key tree' {
                    $registryKeyTreePath = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:registryKeyPath -ChildPath 'A') -ChildPath 'B') -ChildPath 'C'

                    Set-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyTreePath -ValueName ''

                    # Verify that the registry key has been created
                    $registryKeyExists = Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $registryKeyTreePath
                    $registryKeyExists | Should Be $true

                It 'Should remove a registry key' {
                    # Create the test registry key
                    New-RegistryKey -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath

                    # Verify that the registry key exists before removal
                    $registryKeyExists = Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath
                    $registryKeyExists | Should Be $true

                    # Now remove the TestKey
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName '' -Ensure 'Absent'

                    # Verify that the registry key has been removed
                    $registryKeyExists = Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath
                    $registryKeyExists | Should Be $false

                It 'Should remove a registry key tree' {
                    $registryKeyTreePath = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:registryKeyPath -ChildPath 'A') -ChildPath 'B') -ChildPath 'C'

                    # Create the test registry key
                    New-RegistryKey -KeyPath $registryKeyTreePath

                    # Verify that the registry key tree exists before removal
                    $registryKeyExists = Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $registryKeyTreePath
                    $registryKeyExists | Should Be $true

                    # Remove the test registry key tree
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyTreePath -ValueName '' -Ensure 'Absent'

                    # Verify that the registry key tree has been removed
                    $registryKeyExists = Test-RegistryKeyExists -KeyPath $registryKeyTreePath
                    $registryKeyExists | Should Be $false

                It 'Should create a new string registry key value' {
                    $valueName = 'TestValue'
                    $valueData = 'TestData'
                    $valueType = 'String'
                    # Create the new registry key value
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType

                    # Verify that the registry key value has been created with the correct data and type
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $true

                It 'Should create a new binary registry key value' {
                    $valueName = 'TestValue'
                    $valueData = 'aabbcc'
                    $valueType = 'Binary'

                    # Create the new registry key value
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType

                    # Verify that the registry key value has been created with the correct data and type
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $true

                It 'Should set the default value of a registry key' {
                    $valueName = ''
                    $valueData = 'DefaultValue'

                    # Create the new registry key value
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData

                    # Verify that the registry key value has been created with the correct data and type
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName '(default)' -ValueData $valueData -ValueType 'String'
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $true

                It 'Should remove a registry key value' {
                    $valueName = 'TestValue'
                    $valueData = 'TestData'
                    $valueType = 'String'

                    # Create the test registry value
                    New-RegistryValue -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType
                    # Verify that the registry key value exists before removal
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $true

                    # Remove the registry value
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -Ensure 'Absent'

                    # Verify that the registry key value has been removed
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $false

                It 'Should remove the default value for a registry key' {
                    $valueName = ''
                    $valueData = 'DefaultValue'
                    $valueType = 'String'

                    # Create the test registry value
                    New-RegistryValue -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName '(default)' -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType
                    # Verify that the registry key value exists before removal
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName '(default)'
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $true

                    # Remove the registry value
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -Ensure 'Absent'

                    # Verify that the registry key value has been removed
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName '(default)'
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $false

                It 'Should create a new key and value with path containing forward slashes' {
                    $registryKeyPathWithForwardSlashes = $script:registryKeyPath + '/Test/Key'
                    $valueName = 'Testing'
                    $valueData = 'TestValue'

                    # Create the new registry key value
                    Set-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPathWithForwardSlashes -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData

                    # Verify that the registry key value has been created with the correct data and type
                    $registryValueExists = Test-RegistryValueExists -KeyPath $registryKeyPathWithForwardSlashes -ValueName $valueName  -ValueData $valueData
                    $registryValueExists | Should Be $true
            Context 'Test-TargetResource' {
                It 'Should return true for an existing registry key' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName ''
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true

                It 'Should return false for a registry key that does not exist' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environmentally'
                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName ''
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false

                It 'Should return true for an existing registry value' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
                    $valueName = 'path'
                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true

                It 'Should return false for a registry value that does not exist' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' 
                    $valueName = 'NonExisting'
                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false

                It 'Should return true when Ensure is Absent and registry key does not exist' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environmentally'
                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName '' -Ensure 'Absent'
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true     

                It 'Should return false when Ensure is Absent and registry key exists' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName '' -Ensure 'Absent'
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false      

                It 'Should return false when Ensure is Absent and registry value exists with invalid data' {
                    $registryKeyPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
                    $valueName = 'path'
                    $valueData = 'FakePath'

                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -Ensure 'Absent'
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $false      

                It 'Should return true for a multi-string registry value' {
                    $valueName = 'TestValue'
                    $valueData = @('a', 'b', 'c')
                    $valueType = 'MultiString'

                    # Create the test registry value
                    New-RegistryValue -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType

                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true

                It 'Should return true for a binary registry value' {
                    $valueName = 'TestValue'
                    $valueData = 'abcd123'
                    $valueType = 'Binary'

                    # Create the test registry value
                    New-RegistryValue -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType

                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true

                It 'Should return true for an empty binary registry value' {
                    $valueName = 'TestValue'
                    $valueData = ''
                    $valueType = 'Binary'

                    # Create the test registry value
                    New-RegistryValue -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType

                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true

                It 'Should return true for binary registry value with zeroes' {
                    $valueName = 'TestValue'
                    $valueData = 'abcd0123'
                    $valueType = 'Binary'

                    # Create the test registry value
                    New-RegistryValue -KeyPath $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData -ValueType $valueType

                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource -Key $script:registryKeyPath -ValueName $valueName -ValueData $valueData
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should Be $true
    Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $script:testEnvironment