
 * Once you setup your pull server with registration, run the following set of tests on the pull server machine
 * to verify if the pullserver is setup properly and ready to go.

 * Prerequisites:
 * You need Pester module to run this test.
 * With PowerShell 5, use Install-Module Pester to install the module if it is not on pull server node.
 * With older PowerShell, install PackageManagement extensions first.

 * Run the test via Invoke-Pester ./PullServerSetupTests.ps1
 * This test assumes default values are used during deployment for the location of web.config and pull server URL.
 * If default values are not used during deployment , please update these values in the 'BeforeAll' block accordingly.

Describe PullServerInstallationTests{

         # UPDATE THE PULLSERVER URL, If it is different from the default value.
         $pullserverURL = "https://$(hostname):8080/PSDSCPullserver.svc"

         # UPDATE THE LOCATION OF WEB.CONFIG, if it is differnet from the default path.
         $script:defaultPullServerConfigFile = "$($env:SystemDrive)\inetpub\\psdscpullserver\web.config"

         $skip = $false
         if (-not (Test-Path $defaultPullServerConfigFile))
            $skip = $true
            Write-Error "No pullserver web.config found." -ErrorAction Stop
         $script:webConfigXml = [xml](cat $script:defaultPullServerConfigFile)

         # RegKey info.
         $regFileName = "RegistrationKeys.txt"
         $regKeyElement = $webConfigXml.SelectNodes("//appSettings/add[@key = 'RegistrationKeyPath']")
         $fullRegKeyPath = Join-Path $regKeyElement.value  $regFileName
         $regKeyContent = cat $fullRegKeyPath

         # Configuration repository info.
         $configurationPathElement  = $webConfigXml.SelectNodes("//appSettings/add[@key = 'ConfigurationPath']")
         $script:configurationRepository =  $configurationPathElement.value

    It "Verify RegistrationKeyFile exist" -skip:$skip{

        $regKey = $webConfigXml.SelectNodes("//appSettings/add[@key = 'RegistrationKeyPath']")
        if (Test-path (Join-Path $regKey.value $regFileName)){
            Write-Verbose "Registration key file found."
            throw "RegistrationKeyFile NOT found. Make sure registration key file is placed on the location specified on the web.config of the pullserver."

    # Verify module and configuration repository referenced on the web.config file exist.
    It "Verify configuration and module repository folders exist" -skip:$skip{
        $modulePathElement = $webConfigXml.SelectNodes("//appSettings/add[@key = 'ModulePath']")
        Test-Path ($modulePathElement.value) | Should Be $true "Module repository path referenced on web.config does not exist on the disk"
        Test-Path $script:configurationRepository | Should Be $true "Module repository path referenced on web.config does not exist on the disk"

    # Verify the server URL is up and running.
    # This is skipped since Invoke-WebRequest does not actually work with self signed certificates
    It "Verify server is up and running" -skip:$true{
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $pullserverURL -UseBasicParsing
        $response.StatusCode | Should Be 200 "Server response should be ok"

    # Verify pull works on the current evironement by pulling a (No-OP) configuration from the pullserver.
    It "Verify pull end to end works" -skip:$skip{
        # Sample test meta-configuration
        $configName = "PullServerSetUpTest"
        Configuration PullServerSetUpTestMetaConfig
                    RefreshMode = "PULL"             

                ConfigurationRepositoryWeb ConfigurationManager
                    ServerURL =  $pullserverURL
                    RegistrationKey = $regKeyContent     
                    ConfigurationNames = @($configName)


        PullServerSetUpTestMetaConfig -OutputPath .\PullServerSetUpTestMetaConfig
        Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -path .\PullServerSetUpTestMetaConfig -Verbose -force

        $name = Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager |% ConfigurationDownloadManagers|% ConfigurationNames
        $name | Should Be $configName

        # Sample test configuration
        Configuration NoOpConfig
            Import-DscResource –ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration'
            Node ($configName)
                Script script
                    GetScript = "@{}"
                    SetScript = "{}"            
                    TestScript =  ‘if ($false) { return $true } else {return $false}‘

        # Create a mof file copy it to
        NoOpConfig -OutputPath $configurationRepository -Verbose

        # Create checksum
        New-DscChecksum $configurationRepository -Verbose -Force

        # pull configuration from the server.
        Update-DscConfiguration -Wait -Verbose 

        $confignameSet = Get-DscConfiguration | % ConfigurationName
        $confignameSet | Should Be "NoOpConfig" "Configuration is not set properly"