
# Localized strings for MSFT_xWindowsFeature.psd1

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
SetTargetResourceInstallwhatIfMessage=Trying to install feature {0}
SetTargetResourceUnInstallwhatIfMessage=Trying to Uninstall feature {0}
FeatureNotFoundError=The requested feature {0} is not found on the target machine.
FeatureDiscoveryFailureError=Failure to get the requested feature {0} information from the target machine. Wildcard pattern is not supported in the feature name.
FeatureInstallationFailureError=Failure to successfully install the feature {0} .
FeatureUnInstallationFailureError=Failure to successfully Unintstall the feature {0} .
QueryFeature=Querying for feature {0} using Server Manager cmdlet Get-WindowsFeature.
InstallFeature=Trying to install feature {0} using Server Manager cmdlet Add-WindowsFeature.
UninstallFeature=Trying to Uninstall feature {0} using Server Manager cmdlet Remove-WindowsFeature.
RestartNeeded=The Target machine needs to be restarted.
GetTargetResourceStartVerboseMessage=Begin executing Get functionality on the {0} feature.
GetTargetResourceEndVerboseMessage=End executing Get functionality on the {0} feature.
SetTargetResourceStartVerboseMessage=Begin executing Set functionality on the {0} feature.
SetTargetResourceEndVerboseMessage=End executing Set functionality on the {0} feature.
TestTargetResourceStartVerboseMessage=Begin executing Test functionality on the {0} feature.
TestTargetResourceEndVerboseMessage=End executing Test functionality on the {0} feature.
ServerManagerModuleNotFoundDebugMessage=ServerManager module is not installed on the machine.
SkuNotSupported=Installing roles and features using PowerShell Desired State Configuration is supported only on Server SKU's. It is not supported on Client SKU.
SourcePropertyNotSupportedDebugMessage=Source property in MSFT_RoleResource is not supported on this operating system and it was ignored.
EnableServerManagerPSHCmdletsFeature=Windows Server 2008R2 Core operating system detected: ServerManager-PSH-Cmdlets feature has been enabled.
UninstallSuccess=Successfully uninstalled the feature {0}.
InstallSuccess=Successfully installed the feature {0}.