DSC resource designed to create an instance of MySQL, using the supplied parameters as per resource schema. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2014 #> # NOTE: LocalizedData isn't used in this resource as there are no interactive/user visible strings $mySqlVersion = "5.6" $Debug = $true ################################################################################################################################ # Trace-Message (write verbose if Debug flag is on) ################################################################################################################################ Function Trace-Message { param([string] $Message) if($Debug) { Write-Verbose $Message } } #region MySql Helpers ################################################################################################################################ # Get-MySqlInstallerFolder (helper to get localtion of MySql installer folder on local machine) ################################################################################################################################ function Get-MySqlInstallerFolder { if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { return "$(${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})\MySQL\MySQL Installer" } else { return "$(${env:ProgramFiles})\MySQL\MySQL Installer" } } $mySqlInstallerConsole = Join-path (Get-MySqlInstallerFolder) -ChildPath "MySQLInstallerConsole.exe" ################################################################################################################################ # Get-MySqlInstalledComponents (helper to get SQL installed components) ################################################################################################################################ function Get-MySqlInstalledComponents { # we don't want to throw an exception here for the case where Ensure=Absent during Test/Get-DscConfiguration. Instead of failing # with an exception it should return false. Removing exception handling and throwing. if ((Test-Path -Path $mySqlInstallerConsole)) { $statusResults = &$mySqlInstallerConsole --nowait --type=server --action=Status $statusResults | % { # split each line on the status delimiter $statusPair = $_ -split ":" # if the line contains a status, check the status if($statusPair.count -gt 1) { # if the status is installed return the product name if($statusPair[1].Trim() -ieq "installed.") { Write-Output $statusPair[0].Trim() } } } } else { $null } } ################################################################################################################################ # Get-MySqlArchitectureName (helper to get SQL architecture string in expected format) ################################################################################################################################ function Get-MySqlArchitectureName { if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { return "winx64" } else { return "win32" } } ################################################################################################################################ # Get-MySqlProductName (helper to get product name of MySQL) ################################################################################################################################ function Get-MySqlProductName { return "mysql-server-$mySqlVersion-$(Get-MySqlArchitectureName)" } ################################################################################################################################ # Get-MySqlCatalogName (helper to get the MySQL catalog name) ################################################################################################################################ function Get-MySqlCatalogName { return "mysql-$mySqlVersion-$(Get-MySqlArchitectureName)" } #endregion #region *-TargetResource implementation ################################################################################################################################ # Get-TargetResource (params: ServiceName, Ensure, RootPassword) ################################################################################################################################ function Get-TargetResource { [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ServiceName, [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string] $Ensure = "Present", [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [pscredential] $RootPassword ) $Ensure = "Absent" $MySqlInstalled = $false # get installed products $products = @(Get-MySqlInstalledComponents) if ($products -ne $null) { foreach($product in $products) { Trace-Message "'$product' is currently installed" } Trace-Message "Checking to see if installed products contains '$((Get-MySqlProductName))'" if($products -contains (Get-MySqlProductName)) { $MySqlInstalled = $true } if($MySqlInstalled ) { Trace-Message "Present" $Ensure = "Present" } } return @{ Ensure = $Ensure ServiceName = $ServiceName } } ################################################################################################################################ # Test-TargetResource (params: ServiceName, Ensure, RootPassword) ################################################################################################################################ function Test-TargetResource { [OutputType([Boolean])] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ServiceName, [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string] $Ensure = "Present", [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [pscredential] $RootPassword ) Trace-Message "Ensure is $Ensure" $status = Get-TargetResource @psboundparameters if($status.Ensure -eq $Ensure) { return $true } else { return $false } } ################################################################################################################################ # Set-TargetResource (params: ServiceName, Ensure, RootPassword) ################################################################################################################################ function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ServiceName, [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")] [string] $Ensure = "Present", [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [pscredential] $RootPassword ) if((Test-TargetResource @psboundparameters)) { return } $status = Get-TargetResource @psboundparameters <# config parameters: servertype - Config type [developer|server|dedicated] Default developer. enabletcpip - Use TCP/IP. Possible values [true | false] Default true. port - Port MySQL Server will use for communication. Default 3306 openfirewall - Create a rule in the Windows firewall for the specified port. passwd - The default root password. Required. existingpasswd - Existing instances require the current password. servicename - The Service Name. Default MySQL56 sauser - A valid username. sapass - The password for sauser. autostart - Autmatically start the service at system startup? Default true. generallog - Enable General Log [true|false]. Default false generallogname - General Log path/filename. Default MGMT-9737-3172.log slowlog - Enable Slow Query Log [true|false] Default false slowlogname - Slow Query Log path/filename. Default MGMT-9737-3172-slow.log slowtime - Time threshold for slow query log in seconds. Default 10 binlog - Enable Bin Log [true|false] Default false binlogname - Bin Log path/filename base. Default MGMT-9737-3172-bin errorlogname - Error Log path/filename. Default. MGMT-9737-3172.err removedatadir - [true|false]. Default false. Only valid for remove action. timeout - Configuration timeout in seconds. The default is 180. #> # NOTE: BUGBUG: the reason we need to do this is as follows: # The first time a node gets configured with the sql instance, there is no trace of it # on the machine, which changes the way in which we construct the config parameter. If it is # the first time, the 'existingpasswd' argument cannot be given or it will fail. Once installed # the installation creates a datadir that does not get remove during uninstall. After that, every # time we try to install with the config, we have to provide the existingpasswd parameter, or installation/removal # will fail. This is an issue with the usage of removedatadir parameter, and this is the work-around $InstanceFlagpath = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\xMySQL\MySQLInstanceFlag.txt" Trace-Message "SQL instance flag path is $InstanceFlagpath" if (!(Test-Path -Path $InstanceFlagpath)) { # this is the first time this is installed the machine (if Ensure=Present) and we cannot specify the existing pwd or it will fail Trace-Message "Instance flag not found. Omitting existing password parameter" $config = "--config=$(Get-MySqlProductName):passwd=$($RootPassword.GetNetworkCredential().Password);servicename=$ServiceName;autostartservice=true;servertype=server" } else { # in this case, we found the instance flag marker so we know that we need to specify the existingpwd argument. Trace-Message "Instance flag was found. Using optional parameter existingpasswd" $config = "--config=$(Get-MySqlProductName):passwd=$($RootPassword.GetNetworkCredential().Password);servicename=$ServiceName;existingpasswd=$($RootPassword.GetNetworkCredential().Password);autostartservice=true;servertype=server" } Trace-Message "mySqlInstallerConsole is $mySqlInstallerConsole" if($Ensure -eq "Present") { if(-not $status.MySqlInstalled) { Trace-Message "Installing MySQL" &$mySqlInstallerConsole --nowait --action=Install "--catalog=$(Get-MySqlCatalogName)" "--product=$(Get-MySqlProductName)" $config # don't stamp the machine until after the installation has completed, successfully! Trace-Message "Creating instance flag" New-Item -ItemType File -Path $InstanceFlagpath -Force Trace-Message "Instance flag has been created" } } else { Trace-Message "Removing MySQL" &$mySqlInstallerConsole --nowait --type=server --action=Remove $config } } #endregion Export-ModuleMember -function Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, Test-TargetResource |