#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support #program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty #of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, #without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for #a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of #the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall #Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or #delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, #without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, #loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use #of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft #has been advised of the possibility of such damages #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $StartPage, [String] $SecondaryStartPages ) $IEMainReg = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main' Write-Verbose "Detecting the start page of Internet Explorer." $StartPageReg = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg).'Start Page' Write-Verbose "Detecting the secondary start pages of Internet Explorer." $SecondaryStartPagesReg = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg).'Secondary Start Pages' $returnValue = @{ #Verify that the value exists, if it does not exist, the value of output is "NULL". StartPage = $(If($StartPageReg){$StartPageReg}Else{"NULL"}) SecondaryStartPages = $(If($SecondaryStartPagesReg){$SecondaryStartPagesReg}Else{"NULL"}) } If($SecondaryStartPages) { If($($StartPage -eq $StartPageReg) -and $($SecondaryStartPages -eq $SecondaryStartPagesReg)) { $returnValue.Ensure = "Present" } Else { $returnValue.Ensure = "Absent" } } Else { If($StartPage -eq $StartPageReg) { $returnValue.Ensure = "Present" } Else { $returnValue.Ensure = "Absent" } } $returnValue } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $StartPage, [String] $SecondaryStartPages, [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [String] $Ensure = 'Present' ) $IEMainReg = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main' Switch($Ensure) { #Set the home page of IE 'Present' { If($SecondaryStartPages) { If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Internet Explorer","Set the start page and secondary start page")) { Try { Write-Verbose "Setting the start page of Internet Explorer." Set-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg -Name "Start Page" -Value "$StartPage" -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Setting the secondary start page of Internete Explorer." Set-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg -Name "Secondary Start Pages" -Value "$SecondaryStartPages" -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $ErrorMsg = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose $ErrorMsg } } } Else { If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Internet Explorer","Set the start page")) { Try { Write-Verbose "Setting the start page of Internet Explorer." Set-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg -Name "Start Page" -Value "$StartPage" -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $ErrorMsg = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose $ErrorMsg } } } } #Remove the home page of IE 'Absent' { If($SecondaryStartPages) { If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Internet Explorer","Remove the start page and secondary start page")) { Try { Write-Verbose "Removing the start page of Internete Explorer." Set-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg -Name "Start Page" -Value "" -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Removing the secondary start page of Internete Explorer." Set-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg -Name "Secondary Start pages" -Value "" -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $ErrorMsg = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose $ErrorMsg } } } Else { If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Internet Explorer","Remove the start page")) { Try { Write-Verbose "Removing the start page of Internete Explorer." Set-ItemProperty -Path $IEMainReg -Name "Start Page" -Value "" -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $ErrorMsg = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose $ErrorMsg } } } } } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $StartPage, [String] $SecondaryStartPages, [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [String] $Ensure = 'Present' ) #Output the result of Get-TargetResource function. $Get = Get-TargetResource -StartPage $StartPage -SecondaryStartPages $SecondaryStartPages Switch($Ensure) { 'Present' { If($SecondaryStartPages) { If($StartPage -eq $Get.StartPage -and $SecondaryStartPages -eq $Get.SecondaryStartPages) { return $true } Else { return $false } } Else { If($StartPage -eq $Get.StartPage -and $SecondaryStartPages -eq $Get.SecondaryStartPages) { return $true } Else { return $false } } } 'Absent' { If($SecondaryStartPages) { If($Get.StartPage -eq "NULL" -and $Get.SecondaryStartPages -eq "NULL") { return $true } Else { return $false } } Else { If($Get.StartPage -eq "NULL") { return $true } Else { return $false } } } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |