
    Manages the SCSI controllers attached to a Hyper-V virtual machine.
    When removing a controller, all the disks still connected to the controller
    will be detached.
    ## Requirements
    * The Hyper-V Role has to be installed on the machine.
    * The Hyper-V PowerShell module has to be installed on the machine.
    Key - String
    Specifies the name of the virtual machine whose SCSI controller status is to be controlled
.PARAMETER ControllerNumber
    Key - UInt32
    Allowed values: 0, 1, 2, 3
    Specifies the number of the SCSI controller whose status is to be controlled. If not specified, it defaults to 0.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Specifies if the SCSI controller should exist or not. If not specified, it defaults to Present.
.PARAMETER RestartIfNeeded
    Write - Boolean
    Specifies if the VM should be restarted if needed for property changes. If not specified, it defaults to False.