
Import-Module "$($PsScriptRoot)\..\..\DSCResources\FirefoxPreferenceHelper.psm1"

InModuleScope FirefoxPreferenceHelper {
    Describe 'Test-FirefoxPreconfiguration' {
        [System.Object[]] $firefoxcfg = @(
            '// FireFox preference file'
            'lockPref("security.default_personal_cert", "Ask Every Time");'

        $mockInstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"

        Mock -CommandName Get-Content -MockWith {$firefoxcfg}
        Context 'When all preconfigs are incorrect' {
            Mock -CommandName Test-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$false}
            Mock -CommandName Test-ConfigStartWithComment -MockWith {$false}

            $result = Test-FirefoxPreconfiguration -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory
            It 'Should return all preconfig requirements' {
                $result.Count | Should -Be 3
                $result | Should -Contain 'filename'
                $result | Should -Contain 'obscurevalue'
                $result | Should -Contain 'comment'
        Context 'When autoconfig and obscurevalue is incorrect but comment is correct'{
            Mock -CommandName Test-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$false}
            Mock -CommandName Test-ConfigStartWithComment -MockWith {$true}

            $result = Test-FirefoxPreconfiguration -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory
            It 'Should return obscurevalue preconfig requirements' {
                $result.Count | Should -Be 2
                $result | Should -Contain 'filename'
                $result | Should -Contain 'obscurevalue'
        Context 'When comment is incorrect but other preconfigurations are correct' {
            Mock -CommandName Test-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$true}
            Mock -CommandName Test-ConfigStartWithComment -MockWith {$false}

            $result = Test-FirefoxPreconfiguration -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory
            It 'Should return comment preconfig requirements' {
                $result.Count | Should -Be 1
                $result | Should -Be 'comment'
    Describe 'Test-ConfigStartWithComment' {
        $mockInstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"
        $mockPassingContent = '\\Test'
        $mockFailingContent = 'Test'
        Context 'When Mozilla.cfg starts with a comment' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-Content -MockWith {$mockPassingContent}
            It 'Should return true' {
                $result = Test-ConfigStartWithComment -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory
                $result | Should -Be $true
        Context 'When Mozilla.cfg starts without a comment' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-Content -MockWith {$mockFailingContent}
            It 'Should return false' {
                $result = Test-ConfigStartWithComment -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory
                $result | Should -Be $false
    Describe 'Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration' {

        $mockInstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"
        $autoConfigPath = "$mockInstallDirectory\defaults\pref\autoconfig.js"
        $firefoxCfgPath = "$mockInstallDirectory\Mozilla.cfg"

        Mock -CommandName New-Item
        Mock -CommandName Get-Content
        Mock -CommandName Out-File
        Mock -CommandName Set-FirefoxPreference

        Context 'When filename is incorrectly configured and file exists'{
            Mock -CommandName Test-Path -MockWith {$true}

            It 'Should not throw'{
                {Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'filename' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory} | Should -Not -Throw
            It 'Should run only required commands' {
                Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'filename' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory

                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-Path -Times 1 -ExclusiveFilter {$Path -eq $autoConfigPath} -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-Item -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Out-File -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-FirefoxPreference -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It
        Context 'When filename is incorrectly configured and file does not exist'{
            Mock -CommandName Test-Path -MockWith {$false}

            It 'Should not throw'{
                {Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'filename' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory} | Should -Not -Throw
            It 'Should run only required commands' {
                Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'filename' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory

                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-Path -Times 1 -ExclusiveFilter {$Path -eq $autoConfigPath} -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-Item -Times 1 -ExclusiveFilter {$Path -eq $autoConfigPath} -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Out-File -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-FirefoxPreference -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It
        Context 'When obscurevalue is incorrectly configured and file exists'{
            Mock -CommandName Test-Path -MockWith {$true}

            It 'Should not throw'{
                {Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'obscurevalue' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory} | Should -Not -Throw
            It 'Should run only required commands' {
                Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'obscurevalue' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory

                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-Path -Times 1 -ExclusiveFilter {$Path -eq $autoConfigPath} -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-Item -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Out-File -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-FirefoxPreference -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It
        Context 'When obscurevalue is incorrectly configured and file does not exist'{
            Mock -CommandName Test-Path -MockWith {$false}

            It 'Should Not throw'{
                {Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'obscurevalue' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory} | Should -Not -Throw
            It 'Should run only required commands' {
                Set-FirefoxPreconfiguration -Preconfiguration 'obscurevalue' -InstallDirectory $mockInstallDirectory

                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Test-Path -Times 1 -ExclusiveFilter {$Path -eq $autoConfigPath} -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-Item -Times 1 -ExclusiveFilter {$Path -eq $autoConfigPath} -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Content -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Out-File -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-FirefoxPreference -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It
    Describe 'Get-FirefoxPreference' {
        $firefoxPreference = @{
            PreferenceType   = 'lockPref'
            PreferenceName   = 'security.default_personal_cert'
            PreferenceValue  = 'Ask Every Time'
            InstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"

        [System.Object[]] $firefoxcfg = @(
            '// FireFox preference file'
            'lockPref("security.default_personal_cert", "Ask Every Time");'

        Mock -CommandName Split-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$firefoxPreference}
        Mock -CommandName Get-Content -MockWith {$firefoxcfg}

        Context 'When no "Preference" is defined' {
            It 'Should return the correct object'{
                $result = Get-FirefoxPreference -InstallDirectory $firefoxPreference.InstallDirectory -File 'Mozilla'
                $result.PreferenceType | Should -Be 'lockPref'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Be 'security.default_personal_cert'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Be 'Ask Every Time'
        Context 'When "Preference" is defined' {
            It 'Should return the correct object'{
                $result = Get-FirefoxPreference -PreferenceName $firefoxPreference.PreferenceName -InstallDirectory $firefoxPreference.InstallDirectory -File 'Mozilla'
                $result.PreferenceType | Should -Be 'lockPref'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Be 'security.default_personal_cert'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Be 'Ask Every Time'
    Describe 'Split-FirefoxPreference' {
        Context 'When there is one Preference Value'{
            $result = Split-FirefoxPreference -Preference 'lockPref("security.default_personal_cert", "Ask Every Time"'

            It 'Should return a correctly split object'{
                $result.PreferenceType | Should -Be 'lockPref'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Be 'security.default_personal_cert'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Be 'Ask Every Time'
        Context 'When there are multiple Preference Values'{
            $result = Split-FirefoxPreference -Preference 'lockPref("plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types", "PDF,FDF,XFDF,LSL,LSO,LSS"'

            It 'Should return a correctly split object'{
                $result.PreferenceType | Should -Be 'lockPref'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Be 'plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Be 'PDF,FDF,XFDF,LSL,LSO,LSS'
    Describe 'Test-FirefoxPreference' {
        $firefoxPreference = @{
            PreferenceType   = 'lockPref'
            PreferenceName   = 'security.default_personal_cert'
            PreferenceValue  = 'Ask Every Time'
            InstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"

        $mockPreferenceTypeDifference = @{
            PreferenceType  = 'Pref'
            PreferenceName  = 'security.default_personal_cert'
            PreferenceValue = 'Ask Every Time'

        $mockValueDifference = @{
            PreferenceType  = 'lockPref'
            PreferenceName  = 'security.default_personal_cert'
            PreferenceValue = 'Do not ask'

        Context 'When Firefox preference does not exist.' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$null}

            It 'Should return False' {
                $result = Test-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'
                $result | Should -Be $false
        Context 'When Firefox exists and preference matches.' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$firefoxPreference}

            It 'Should return True' {
                $result = Test-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'
                $result | Should -Be $true
        Context 'When Firefox exists and PreferenceType does not match.' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$mockPreferenceTypeDifference}

            It 'Should return False' {
                $result = Test-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'
                $result | Should -Be $false
        Context 'When Firefox exists and PreferenceValue does not match.' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$mockValueDifference}

            It 'Should return False' {
                $result = Test-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'
                $result | Should -Be $false
    Describe 'Set-FirefoxConfiguration' {
        $firefoxPreference = @{
            PreferenceType   = 'lockPref'
            PreferenceName   = 'security.default_personal_cert'
            PreferenceValue  = 'Ask Every Time'
            InstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"

        $firefoxPreference2 = @{
            PreferenceType  = 'lockPref'
            PreferenceName  = 'network.protocol-handler.external.shell'
            PreferenceValue = 'false'
            InstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"

        $firefoxPath = "$($firefoxPreference.InstallDirectory)\Mozilla.cfg"
        $autoconfigPath = "$($firefoxPreference.InstallDirectory)\defaults\pref\autoconfig.js"
        $mergedConfiguration = @(

        Context 'When configuring Mozilla.cfg with no prior configuration' {
            New-Item -Path $firefoxPath -ItemType File -Force
            Mock -CommandName Merge-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$firefoxPreference}
            Mock -CommandName Format-FireFoxPreference -MockWith {'"Ask Every Time"'}

            Set-FireFoxPreference @firefoxPreference
            $content = Get-Content -Path $firefoxPath

            It 'Should start with a comment' {
                {(Select-Object -InputObject $content -First 1) -match '^\\\\'} | Should -Be $true
            It 'Should only contain 2 lines' {
                $content.Count | Should -Be 2
            It 'Should contain defined preference' {
                $content | Should -Contain 'lockPref("security.default_personal_cert", "Ask Every Time");'

        Context 'When configuring Mozilla.cfg with prior configuration' {
            $mergedConfiguration = @($firefoxPreference,$firefoxPreference2)

            New-Item -Path $firefoxPath -ItemType File -Force
            Mock -CommandName Format-FireFoxPreference -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq 'Ask Every Time'} -MockWith {'"Ask Every Time"'}
            Mock -CommandName Format-FireFoxPreference -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq 'false'} -MockWith {'false'}
            Mock -CommandName Merge-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$mergedConfiguration}

            Set-FireFoxPreference @firefoxPreference2
            $content = Get-Content -Path $firefoxPath

            It 'Should start with a comment' {
                {(Select-Object -InputObject $content -First 1) -match '^\\\\'} | Should -Be $true
            It 'Should only contain 3 lines' {
                $content.Count | Should -Be 3
            It 'Should contain defined preference' {
                $content | Should -Contain 'lockPref("network.protocol-handler.external.shell", false);'
                $content | Should -Contain 'lockPref("security.default_personal_cert", "Ask Every Time");'
        Context 'When configuring autoconfig.js' {
            $autoconfigPreference = @{
                PreferenceType   = 'lockPref'
                PreferenceName   = 'general.config.filename'
                PreferenceValue  = 'Mozilla.cfg'
                InstallDirectory = $firefoxPreference.InstallDirectory

            $autoconfigPreference2 = @{
                PreferenceType   = 'lockPref'
                PreferenceName   = 'general.config.obscure_value'
                PreferenceValue  = '0'
                InstallDirectory = $firefoxPreference.InstallDirectory

            New-Item -Path $autoconfigPath -ItemType File -Force
            Mock -CommandName Merge-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {@($autoconfigPreference, $autoconfigPreference2)}
            Mock -CommandName Format-FireFoxPreference -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq 'Mozilla.cfg'} -MockWith {'"Mozilla.cfg"'}
            Mock -CommandName Format-FireFoxPreference -ParameterFilter {$Value -eq '0'} -MockWith {'0'}

            Set-FireFoxPreference @autoconfigPreference -File 'Autoconfig'
            $content = Get-Content -Path $autoconfigPath

            It 'Should not start with a comment' {
                {(Select-Object -InputObject $content -First 1) -notmatch '^\\\\'} | Should -Be $true
            It 'Should contain 2 lines' {
                $content.Count | Should -Be 2
            It 'Should contain defined preference' {
                $content | Should -Contain 'lockPref("general.config.filename", "Mozilla.cfg");'
                $content | Should -Contain 'lockPref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);'
    Describe 'Format-FireFoxPreference' {
        Context 'When a string boolean is input' {
            $result = Format-FireFoxPreference -Value 'True'
            It 'Should return True'{
                $result | Should -Be 'True'
        Context 'When an integer is input' {
            $result = Format-FireFoxPreference -Value '42'
            It 'Should return $true'{
                $result | Should -Be '42'
        Context 'When a string is input' {
            $result = Format-FireFoxPreference -Value 'Meaning of Life'
            It 'Should return string input wrapped in double quotes'{
                $result | Should -Be '"Meaning of Life"'
    Describe 'Merge-FirefoxPreference' {
        $firefoxPreference = @{
            PreferenceType   = 'lockPref'
            PreferenceName   = 'security.default_personal_cert'
            PreferenceValue  = 'Ask Every Time'
            InstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"

        $firefoxPreference2 = @{
            PreferenceType  = 'lockPref'
            PreferenceName  = 'network.protocol-handler.external.shell'
            PreferenceValue = 'false'
            InstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"

        Context 'When there is no current configuration' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$null}
            It 'Should not throw' {
                {Merge-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'} | Should -Not -Throw
            It 'Should return the supplied configuration' {
                $result = Merge-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'

                $result.PreferenceType | Should -Be 'lockPref'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Be 'security.default_personal_cert'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Be 'Ask Every Time'
        Context 'When current configuration exists and matches supplied configuration' {
            Mock -CommandName Get-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$firefoxPreference}
            $result = Merge-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'
            It 'Should not throw' {
                {Merge-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference -File 'Mozilla'} | Should -Not -Throw
            It 'Should return the supplied configuration' {
                $result.PreferenceType | Should -Be 'lockPref'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Be 'security.default_personal_cert'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Be 'Ask Every Time'
            It 'Should not have duplicates' {
                $result.PreferenceType.Count | Should -Be 1
                $result.PreferenceName.Count | Should -Be 1
                $result.PreferenceValue.Count | Should -Be 1
        Context 'When current configuration exists and does not match supplied configuration' {
            $firefoxPreference = @{
                PreferenceType   = 'lockPref'
                PreferenceName   = 'security.default_personal_cert'
                PreferenceValue  = 'Ask Every Time'
                InstallDirectory = "$TestDrive\Mozilla Firefox"
            Mock -CommandName Get-FirefoxPreference -MockWith {$firefoxPreference}
            $result = Merge-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference2 -File 'Mozilla'
            It 'Should not throw' {
                {Merge-FirefoxPreference @firefoxPreference2 -File 'Mozilla'} | Should -Not -Throw
            It 'Should have multiple values' {
                $result.PreferenceType.Count | Should -Be 2
                $result.PreferenceName.Count | Should -Be 2
                $result.PreferenceValue.Count | Should -Be 2
            It 'Should have correct configuration' {
                $result.PreferenceType | Should -Contain 'lockPref'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Contain 'security.default_personal_cert'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Contain 'Ask Every Time'
                $result.PreferenceName | Should -Contain 'network.protocol-handler.external.shell'
                $result.PreferenceValue | Should -Contain 'false'