$machineNames = 'ServerA', 'ServerB' configuration TestWaitForItem { param ( [string[]]$ComputerName ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName xDscHelper Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration node $ComputerName { <# Wait for a file to reach a specific length. In this case we are waiting for someone to copy the correct version of our sshd config #> xWaitForItem aFile { Path = 'C:\openssh\sshd.config' Type = 'File' Length = 12345 } Service openSsh { Name = 'sshd' State = 'Running' StartupType = 'Automatic' Path = 'C:\openssh\sshd.exe' DependsOn = '[xWaitForItem]aFile' } # Now we wait for e.g. a DFS replicated folder to fully replicate with a broader retry count/interval xWaitForItem aFolder { Path = 'C:\SomeDfsTarget' Type = 'Directory' MinimumChildItemCount = 300 RetryCount = 10 RetryInterval = 60 } SomeCompositeResource mySuperResource { SomeParam1 = 'Value1' DependsOn = '[xWaitForItem]aFolder' } } } TestWaitForItem -ComputerName $machineNames Start-DscConfiguration -Verbose -Wait -Force -Path .\TestWaitForItem |